Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1760: Grand Master's career (3)

After knowing the drug, Sun Hao passed. Burning novels?`

Because it is more than 85 percent, it is actually a master's ability to know medicine. The doorway can be bigger, not only need to know the elixir, but also have a very accurate effect on the pharmacodynamics of elixir. Clear understanding.

Gefuyu is hard to reach more than 90% of his own, that is because he is sympathetic to the medicinal properties of many elixir, and it is not the same.

A barbarian, actually on the answer to the drug, got a high score beyond himself, and Gefuyu expressed his conviction. It’s no wonder that I’ve been digging into my mind. The first level has set so many traps that I can’t stop him. It’s too great for him.

Taking a deep breath, Ge Fuyu looked at Sun Hao and said with aloud: "Pharmaceutical pharmacy, no medicine, congratulations, 勥 勥 hill, your strength, enough to pass the drug, good drug identification Knowledge will be the most solid foundation of your pharmacy. I hope that you will always keep this in mind in future cultivation."

Sun Hao pressed his hand on his chest and said, "Thank you, Master, Hill remembered."

Gefu Yu smiled and said to several examiners: "I am at this level, the hill has passed, you continue, if the hill can not pass the test, my spiritual medicine hall warmly welcomes him to join."

Gefuyu was seated and began to watch.

The plate must be slowly raised, look at Sun Hao, and say aloud: "Pharmaceutical agents, no drugs, no drugs, to learn pharmacy, the modulation of various solvents, is also the most important basic knowledge, a master of medicine, if He will not be equipped with a good basic solubilizer, so he is not qualified to become a master of pharmacy anyway..."

The disk must start to evaluate Sun Hao.

The results of Sun Hao’s knowledge of the medicines were once again spread throughout the Kelman Mountains. The good guys did not know what the 92% meant, but then, a professional pharmacist stood up and explained: “85% In the field of medicine, I can reach the level of a small master, and 95% is the level of a master. I didn’t expect that the level of medicine in the hills has reached the level of the master. I am grateful..."

A lot of good things in the Kelman Mountain, the monk suddenly felt incredible, and the man of the hill, actually quietly, trained a pair of eyes to identify the elixir!

Soon, the largest dragon in the Kelman Mountain, the auction house publicizes the public. After the master's assessment, Longxing will solemnly invite Qiu Xiaoshan as “the chief appraisal of the Bank's elixir.”

Appraisers, especially elixir appraisers, need more than 70% to be able to enter the big auction house, and more than 80% of the masters are quite expensive. If you can get a 92% guru level appraisal Teacher, that is definitely a toon in the dragon line.

Of course, if the hills really become a master of pharmacy, I am afraid that the dragon will have to pay a huge price to invite the hill to join.

I don’t know if you can have a better performance in the next master’s assessment.

The disc must be much more straightforward than Gefu Yu, and did not deliberately set a trap for Sun Hao to go, but his assessment is real and not simple.

He took out the scrolls first and examined the theoretical knowledge of Sun Hao's configuration of dissolved agents.

Sun Hao took the pen to do it.

After seeing the question type, the heart must be respectful to the disk. The master is quite rigorous. He is also very respectful to Sun Hao who came to the test. Moreover, the knowledge on the scroll has vague meaning. While Sun Hao is answering the questions, he can also learn a lot of dissolved agent configuration skills that he has studied and summarized.

For example, the title type, Sun Hao opened his eyes and deeply understood what is called "skills have expertise."

On the reels of the disc, there are five major types of questions. In fact, it is the five types of knowledge that need to be mastered in teaching Sun Hao.

The first major problem type, the proportion ratio problem, focus on the proportion and composition of the various ratios of the five basic solvants of Pharmacy.

This type of question gives Sun Hao a sense of outline and leadership. Truly, the basic knowledge of the dissolved agent that Sun Hao learned is indeed quite a lot. However, all the knowledge is wrapped up in a mess. Did not seriously combed.

The first question type of the disk, let Sun Hao know that the basic solvating agent of pharmacy can actually be divided into five basic types, and then on this basis, various ratios are derived to match.

The problem is coming out, and the basics inside are more professional.

Although Sun Hao’s knowledge is messy, but the foundation is in this question type, it’s hard to beat Sun Hao, holding the pen and Sun Hao brushing the pen, and the first question type is completely answered.

Next, the second big question type, let Sun Hao see one bright, the second big question type, solvent attribute question.

The properties of the dish must be divided into three types, the negative attribute, the positive attribute and the neutral.

Among the types of questions, the main attributes of the three properties of the dissolving agent for various elixir are examined, as well as the influence of the degree of yin and yang of the attribute on the medicinal properties of the elixir.

These knowledge, Sun Hao mixed a lot of learning, but really want to say, Sun Hao does not pay special attention to the basic solvent, learning, but not very systematic, not to mention the system.

Now, in this kind of assessment, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the solvolysis of the medicinal solution required for the disk has become a powerful basic application of yin and yang. This method has been learned and mastered, and there is no doubt that it is The level of pharmacy has also increased a lot.

Ge Fuyu, the disk must, so that Sun Hao is full of respect for the pharmacists, it is really the best, but he is a small hero.

After sinking his heart, Sun Hao began to answer the second question type according to his understanding of yin and yang combination, combined with his own solvency knowledge.

At this time, Sun Hao found a very interesting thing, the reel examination required for the disk, there is no time limit, giving Sun Hao enough time to think, and more like a chanting.

Sun Hao has cultivated yin and yang for a long time, especially in the ancient cemetery. The body is naturally cultivated. I don’t know how many years. After I have seized the tombstone, I have cultivated it like a fish and water, understanding the yin and yang. It is nothing to say.

When I didn't think about it in this direction, I didn't feel surprised. Nowadays, the method of yin and yang is integrated into the pharmacy. Sun Hao actually has a feeling of openness and openness.

For example, Sun Hao’s deep impression of “Wang Shui” is the water of the nature of the yang. As long as the weight is sufficient, it can instantly dissolve a beast.

Sun Hao, while learning and answering questions, spent half an hour, and finally answered the second question type completely. When Sun Hao exhaled a breath and respectfully began to answer the third question type, the disk I must be eager to show off the blue ball in my hand and start to see the answer to Sun Hao’s second question.

Several masters looked at his ball with his head tilted to his I don’t know what Sun Hao is struggling with the third question. The disk has to be set up without a trap, but it is still The owner who is not vegetarian, his roadblocker is the second largest type of problem. In his opinion, most of the disciples who dare to apply for the master of pharmacy will be given the second most problematic type of their own. .

However, I did not expect that this man of the hills actually gave up his second question type. He wanted to see, is the answer to the hills right? Still answering questions indiscriminately.

Looking at the answer to the answer to the hill, the face of the disk has changed from amazement to a dignity, and from dignity to shock. If this thing is not his unique skill, he will definitely think that the hill must have studied somewhere. .

Yanshan’s understanding of the yin and yang properties of the pharmacy is not under his disk, and there are even some places that have unique and unique insights. At first glance, it’s a mistake, but seriously thinking, but he I have to say that the answering method of Xiaoshan is more scientific and comprehensive than my own.

Originally thought that he could give Sun Hao a horse in the second answer. Now it seems that Sun Hao gave him a big surprise.

This disciple's understanding of the dissolution of yin and yang is simply a genius, and the disc must have begun to shine.

Sun Hao’s heart, at this time, is also very admirable for the disk, which is a very professional and extremely thoughtful pharmacist. From these questions, Sun Hao feels that he has benefited a lot.

The third question type is the temperature influence question, and it is also a special topic that Sun Hao did not seriously summarize.

The fourth question type...

The fifth question type, with the addition of questions in the middle.

Soon, Sun Hao answered five questions and looked respectfully and handed in his own answer. (To be continued.)

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