Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1671: Garbage knight

Nine refineries return to the fairy 1671, the first sixty-one chapter of the garbage knight - 567 Chinese sky off the pie, really falling in the sky.

Inside the pub, all the warriors looked at Sun Hao with envy, and I did not expect that this kid would be a witch if he was a witch. So, became a guardian knight contract that the barbarian hero can get?

Sun Hao brows slightly wrinkled.

Sun Hao went to Zhongxu, the main purpose is actually to borrow the road. For Sun Hao, what is lacking is a road. What kind of contract is not very important, even if the status is low, there is nothing. However, Sun Hao’s ideal choice is that kind of It is easier to cancel the contract, and you can quickly integrate into the contract of the virtual.

The contract of the guardian knight is strictly not what Sun Hao likes.

In particular, Xiaolan’s head is obviously a little less gluten. After he goes to Zhongxu, do you really want to protect Xiaolan?

Will it be tied to Xiaolan?

Sun Hao’s heart is hesitant, which is not his ideal choice.

Sun Hao hesitated this meeting, Xiao Lan's eyes, it seems to have a tear, he said: "Xiao Lan is not easy to choose a knight, Hill you actually still do not agree?"

Sun Hao knows that it is not a child to go to the middle of the family. If he goes up with Xiaolan, it is better to go to the top ten and pick a contract and go.

In the heart of a horizontal, the heart is like iron, when Sun Hao is trying to reject Xiaolan, suddenly, inside the sorcerer who knows the high seas, the distraction seems to be talking to himself, and said a few words in a row: "Be kind to take you Go to the imaginary person, be kind to those who take you to the imaginary, remember, remember..."

Sun Hao stayed for a while, and suddenly remembered that the distraction had once received a strong support for the existence of the extreme, that is, with the help of this existence, his body was finally completed the cultivation of the ridiculous punishment.

And the means of existence is really powerful, and everything can't be remembered. Even the distraction that can't be remembered by Hehe, actually throws this sentence out at this critical moment.

Undoubtedly, the mysterious existence of the strongest day really wants to remind yourself that it is this occasion, reminding yourself to be kind to Xiaolan.

What kind of existence can predict the moment and tell yourself in advance?

This kind of power, I am afraid that it has already come out of the category of Zhongxu.

Sun Hao took a deep breath and smiled and said: "How come? How can the hill be unwilling? I was just scared by this sudden surprise, and I didn't respond to it..."

After that, Sun Hao squatted on the ground with one knee and extended his right hand. He said in his mouth: "I am a sergeant, a hill, and I am willing to become the guardian knight of Gellan. If necessary, I would like to protect Xiaolan for a lifetime. ”

Xiao Lanmei opened his eyes and smiled.

Bianmu said: "The boss is the wrong line?"

Xiaolan’s blue mysterious ball was gently thrown, and a ray of light was released. He shot at Sun Hao and accurately entered Sun Hao’s Yintang. Sun Hao’s forehead seemed to have a purple horizontal stripes, and the light flashed. The soldiers could not see it carefully. Purple and faint disappeared.

Gellan patted the slap and said: "Well, get it, what my brother said, signing a guardian knight may take a long time, I didn't expect it to be so simple, well, hill, from now on, you are small Lan's guardian knight, giggling, but, hill..."

Gerland handed a finger to the side: "You are too inferior to mount, it is actually a ugly dog."

Bianmu Wang yelled: "You broke, your family broke."

Gerland: "Dog, you are so esoteric, I don't understand."

Bianmu looked at Sun Hao silently.

Sun Hao smiled and sat in front of his stone table, picked up a barrel of wine, tore off a piece of meat, handed it to Gerland, and came back again, smiling, lifting the barrel, loudly Said: "Brothers, Xiaolan, come, become a guardian knight for me, drink..."

In the end, the pub of the 莽 热 热 热 , , , , , 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆 酒馆

Gerland saw the atmosphere inside the pub, and he couldn’t help but be happy. He raised his bucket with his hands and his face was red and crisp, and he cried: "Drink, drink..."

At this time, Sun Hao finally understood that Gellan was not an underage barbarian, but an adult witchcraft monk, but the cultivation was not high, that is, the level of the gods, and the period of the robbery did not arrive.

This information has been given out in the guardian knight contract.

While drinking, Sun Hao also understood the basic situation of the guardian knight.

To be precise, the guardian knight is a kind of strong and powerful race. In order to provide protection for the younger monks, for the sake of the success of the younger monks, a kind of contract with the same power and a certain law force.

The target object of the contract is really a powerful hero.

It can be said that in order to win the virtual hero, the conditions for the guardian knight contract are quite loose. There is no disadvantage in this contract except that the time required to guard is longer, or the goal to be achieved is higher.

For example, Sun Hao and Gerland's contract, Sun Hao has two ways, can complete the contract to obtain the freedom in the virtual.

One is to protect the eternal years. This time is very long for Sun Hao, who has already been distracted. The requirements are not low.

The other is to improve the strength of Gerland to the distraction period, which will not be easy. In particular, the spirit of Gellan seems to be incomplete, and the road to cultivation is not likely to be smooth.

If there is a reminder that the mysterious power deliberately left behind, Sun Hao is really not suitable to become the guardian knight of Xiaolan.

However, even if it became the guardian knight of Xiaolan, so far, Sun Hao still did not see the reason why he had to guard Gerland. Perhaps, in the future, he should find the answer with his own improvement. .

Sun Hao doesn't think that a monk who can see the future will be bored with himself and say nothing about it.

I can't see it now, it's just that my strength has not arrived.

Xiaolan Gao is happy, drinking wine with Sun Hao, and is very satisfied with the guardian knight he has chosen.

In the squatting pub, there are barbaric warriors who have the privilege of becoming the guardian knight, and they are beginning to spread in the emptiness.

In less than a moment, many places have known the cause and effect of the incident. The result is that the selection of the ancient city in the future, just a small barbarian on the street, will get the most enthusiastic and sincere service of the barbarian warriors, God knows whether it will Is the little witch not?

After about an hour, Sun Hao was talking.

Within the pub, there was a ripple of sorrow, and a mysterious glimmer appeared. The singer, who was unveiled in the past, appeared in the pub.

The wrists were shaken, the mysterious ball disappeared in the hands, and German frowned and looked at it: " How did you run down privately?"

Gerland chuckled: "Brother, you are signing, I am idle, I am looking for a knight, come, hill, this is my brother, Sigman, brother, this is the guard I just signed. Knight, Sun... 勥 Hill."

While talking, Gerland couldn't help but sway his head, feeling a bit inexplicable. How can there be two names for the hill?

Sun Hao smiled slightly, stood up straight, looked at German, and said loudly: "Hey Hill has seen the Lord."

Gelman reluctantly squeezed a smile on Sun Hao. It was a gift, and he looked around and said aloud: "Let's go, Laner, let's go up."

Behind the German brothers and sisters, follow the spacious passage and walk through the core area of ​​the ancient city that Sun Hao has not yet visited.

In front, Galman lowered his voice and asked: "Laner, how did you choose the guardian knight, did you tell me about it? I will help you choose this..."

Gerland said naturally: "When I came, the old man told me that the choice of the knight mainly depends on two points, one looks at the height, the second looks at the character, brother, you don't know, the hill is the highest and highest warrior, and It’s good for me. It’s the only barbarian warrior who gave me the drink and gave me meat...”

Gelman handcuffed his forehead and glanced at Sun Hao. He said, "I have to get rid of this junk warrior. I have to find a way to give the old girl another contract and hire a guard."

The strength of the old girl's spirit is not strong. Under normal circumstances, if a warrior is to be contracted into a guardian knight, the time is short. I didn't expect this warrior garbage to reach such a level. It was easy to complete the contract, and after completion, The contract can't be changed, and it can only be done.

The sister got a junk knight, and I don’t know how the old man would look good. (To be continued.) 8

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