Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: Escape the disaster (2)

Consciously perceive yourself and absorb the potential memory of Sun Yat, Sun Hao's belly gently shakes up, and the belly button looks like a smile.

Black history!

The true black history, the unreliable side of the animal husbandry, actually makes you ignorant of the distraction, so absurd.

Although history is incomparably dark, but Sun Hao also knows that if it is not this black history, his own refining body cultivation is impossible to break through so fast, his yang is too strong, and it is really not necessarily able to achieve yin and yang, to achieve a fit The extent of the war of the period.

The combination of yin and yang can be used like this.

Sun Hao seriously perceives that with the help of yin and yang, the refining of his own body has made great progress in these years. Achieved the mid-phase of distraction.

This kind of achievement is still the result of the overflow of the five-element swordsmanship in the absence of cultivation exercises.

According to the cultivation method of Lingtianjian School, at this time, Sun Hao’s five-element swordsman should arrive at the time when the five elements are returned to gold. That is to say, the ultimate pursuit of sword repair and metal swords should be generated during the distraction period.

However, Sun Hao has not had time to return to the Five Elements. Jian Yuan has been driven by the body of foreign bodies and the combination of yin and yang, and has made a big step in the first half of the distraction.

This is another thing that Sun Hao didn't think of.

After the distraction, Shouyuan can be very long. It is calculated in 10,000 years. It is only a small class in the early and middle stages of distraction. However, if you change to other monks, you may have thousands of years. Only then can we complete the cultivation.

Although Sun Hao does not know how long he has slept for a long time, it should not be a long time. From the memory of distraction, it will be analyzed for two or three thousand years.

Thinking of two or three thousand words, Sun Hao suddenly stayed again.

Unconsciously, has it been so long?

Unconsciously, I feel that two or three thousand years is just now?

Different heights, different angles of view, and different levels of cultivation, the world view is completely different.

Have you been robbed once and slept once, is it two or three thousand years old?

It seems that it is just a slap in the face, and I don’t know. After so long, what will happen to the Terran and Lingtian Swordsmen?

Standing on the top of the holy mountain, Sun Hao looked around and saw a strong barbarian tribe.

I also saw that my two nephews, tall and handsome, were admiring and waiting for themselves.

I also saw that Bianmu is in the harem of his house and enjoys the warm service of the beautiful dogs. Sun Hao wonders, and why did he not kill the dog when he went to the ultimate dog?

Sun Hao wants to kill the dog and destroy the black history that he once had a disgrace. However, this thought is just a matter of thinking. Although the animal husbandry is not reliable, he has always been steadfast in his own burial. Also as a long-awaited eyes, this companionship, this friendship can be done without a fake, Sun Hao remembers, the most trusted in addition to Woer is the side animal husbandry.

Forget it, let him go, but in the future, you need to beat and beat, so that this guy can not shake his old bottom.

In addition to a little swaying, there is not much shortcoming in the side of the animal husbandry. I hope that this guy will not be obscured by the time, forcing himself to teach it, and think about the **** scene of his own men, women and children, and Sun Hao’s heart is not helpless. The horrible cold is the fault of the side

The changes in various foreign bodies in Sun Hao are also very large. In those years, especially in the years of the ancient cemetery, Sun Hao instinctively searched for various resources that helped the foreign body in the body, and found too much too. More, time is too long, and the distraction can't be seen at the time, can't hear, it is Sun Hao now, and I don't know what I have harvested.

However, after Sun Hao was able to feel the input of resources from his own body, he also made great progress. The most obvious one was the self-absorption of the true yuan. The speed and effectiveness of independent cultivation have been greatly improved. It is also one of the fundamental reasons why the five attributes of their own swords are in the middle of distraction.

A little thought, Sun Hao understands that his distraction can only act instinctively. The foreign body in the body often faces the predicament of collapse. He has to try his best to grow up, try his best to protect himself, and to stimulate their rapid development and rapid growth. Now this grows and thrives.

People often say that there is a blessing in the end, and that Sun Hao has been ravaged by the sky, sleeping for thousands of years, ignorant, and practicing for thousands of years, the result of brave and intensive is the comprehensive development of the body.

Seriously observing himself, Sun Hao also found a crying and laughing, the body's yang deposition is quite heavy, even if he is so absurd for many years, actually has not been completely neutralized, the result is likely to be even if he turned back to the body It is estimated that the size is not the same as before.

However, this is also good, the body shape has changed greatly, and a slight change in the following appearance may not really recognize oneself. At that time, you may be able to fish in troubled waters and find a way to go to the virtual.

The greatness of Joe Dan made Sun Hao a bit shocked. After a few thousand years, this guy actually remembered himself. If it was not the strange effect of the soul of the punishment, he might indeed be thrown out on the spot.

Sun Hao has a very clear perception, even if he is now, may not be far from Jordan's opponent.

Even if his progress is very great, but the real repair is too big a gap, once confronted with Jordan, he may not even have the opportunity to escape.

Forbearance, that is a must.

The robbery has really ended with Joe’s retreat.

But with the grievances of Joe Dan, it has just begun.

Sun Hao stood on the high sacred mountain and looked up into the distance. He said quietly in his heart: "One day, I will kill Zhongxu. Under the heavens, before the Wanzu, I will report the revenge of the head, Joe Dan, you. Wait, I will go up."

After standing for three days and three nights on the holy mountain, Sun Hao returned to normal and began to sit in the town of the Hehe tribe as a headless holy king.

All performances are no different from the past.

Like the two scorpions, just go out on time, cruise the barbarian ministries, and hold the ridiculous barbarian ceremony.

The yang in the body is too strong, and it really needs to be neutralized. Anyway, this has already happened, and this has become the custom of the tribes of the Hehe tribe. If you don’t go, maybe the tribes are not used to it.

Compared with the human race women, the barbarian girls are undoubtedly much more extensive, both in form and personality, and they must be extensive, and almost every adult woman has a strong expectation for the Holy King.

Adults are quite young, and they have maintained a high respect for the Holy King since childhood.

Sun Hao once saw a ridiculous thing, a barbarian cave, a newlywed couple, after completing a simple wedding, before the same room, the first thing about the male barbarian was actually respectful, standing Straight and straight, raised a big hand on the special part of the pretty woman lying on the bed, screaming: "Grate to the place where the Holy King fought"

Sun Hao said that he served.

Under the control of Sun Hao's intention, time passed for a hundred years, and the yang in Sun Hao's body was driven by Sun Hao's self-consciousness.

The incident of Sun Hao’s three-headed six-armed magical law gradually disappeared from the mouth of the warriors of the Hehe tribe.

At this time Hao slowly, quietly, began his next move, began to seek and explore more information.

Although the development of the Department of Hehe is very fast, but the foundation is not very good, especially, the barbarian is mad, the text is very few, there is no habit of making notes, or the barbarians are too arrogant, there is not much historical information, many things It is word of mouth, Sun Hao really needs to slowly figure out his position, slowly find his way out to the wild land, and find the way to the virtual.

The existence of Joe Dan made Sun Hao full of vigilance.

If possible, Sun Hao does not intend to take the way of the Terran to the imaginary, then, maybe it will be found by Joe Dan, the clues of his existence, since he has already appeared in the barbarian cave, and has a very reasonable identity and status, then I will go to Zhongxu as I will as a holy king.

The barbarian is a special tribe. In the vain, the status of the barbarian is very high. It is one of the top ten races. However, the barbarian does not build a city in the virtual battlefield. Their tribes are directly established in the vast wilderness. In the middle, it is rare in the imaginary, the race that can survive in the wilderness, in fact, the barbarian is actually in the first line against the wild beast. To be continued.


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