Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1662: Forget the past (thanks to the book friends)

After that, his head fell weakly into Sun Hao’s hand.

Sun Hao shouted: "Woer, Woer..."

The newly-married mother of Qihe gently walked up and took the arm of Sun Hao and said softly: "Fei Jun, my sister has already left..."

Sun Hao looked at the mother in a stunned look and asked: "Where is gone? Going like Su Yue? Who is Su Yue?"

The little man was gently holding Sun Hao’s thick arm and said softly: “Su Yue’s sister is the predecessor Xiao Man...”

Among Sun Hao’s eyes, there is only sorrow and no sorrow.

Looking up at the sky, I muttered in my mouth: "I suddenly felt very upset..."

Among the eyes, the red light shimmered, and Sun Hao shouted loudly: "Border animal husbandry, side animal husbandry, come over..."

The border priest who was playing in the tribe came and heard it. He jumped up and stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder. He looked down and found that he had no sound. He could not help but screamed out: “Dead. And died another..."

Sun Hao snorted and asked: "What is death? What happened to Woer?"

Bianmu’s eyeball turned: “It’s about sleeping.”

Sun Hao said: "Oh, let her sleep for a while."

The side of the animal husbandry eyes whispered and turned: "Boss, we went out to distract, but maybe she woke up."

Sun Hao: "Don't go, Woer said that I will forget her, I think it may be, I want to wait for her to wake up here."

Bianmu is a bit dumbfounded and looks at the two pretty mothers.

The two very mothers were carefully selected by Yuhe, and they were much more reliable than the unreliable side.

The pretty mother said softly: "My sister has already slept, and the husband does not bother her. Let's finish the fit ceremony first, and then come back to see my sister."

Sun Hao hesitated.

The little savage mother whispered: "Yeah, you must go first, here I am guarding."

Sun Hao hesitated to leave.

Bianmu squinted at Xiaomanmu.

The little savage mother asked with a little worry: "Is there no problem for Master Fu?"

Bianmu shook his head: "Nothing, he has no brains, can't remember things, after a while, naturally it's good..."

The little mother said, "Oh," and then asked: "In the future, will the Master of the Emperor be the same as now, and have no impression of me?"

Look at the sky: "Probably maybe or maybe remember a little bit."

Within the tall palace, after violently venting, Sun Hao held a pretty mother and whispered, "Who are you?"

The pretty mother gently embraced the strong Sun Hao, and her face was full of happiness. The old mother finally went. She will be the closest person to the Holy King in the future. She said softly: "French, I am a seedling, remember. ""

Sun Hao: "When Xiaohe wakes up!"


I don't know how long it has been.

Sun Hao, holding a new mother, asked: "Who are you?"

The face of the mother is filled with happiness: "The Holy King, a little moon."

Sun Hao: "Oh, why didn't Xiaohe still wake up?"


I don't know how long it has been.

Sun Hao, holding a new mother, asked: "Who are you?"

The face of the mother is filled with happiness: "The holy king, it is raining."

Sun Hao: "Oh, why didn't Xiaohe still wake up?"


I don't know how long it has been.

When Sun Hao asked again: "Why did Xiaohe still not wake up?", the mother was full of curiosity and asked: "Wang Wang, who is Xiaohe?"

Sun Hao stayed.

After half a ring, Sun Hao muttered to himself: "Yes, who is Xiaohe? Who is Xiaohe?"

Standing up, coming out of the stone house, standing on the holy mountain, Sun Hao shouted: "Bianmu, you give me out."

Bianmu didn't know where to start, jumped over Sun Hao's shoulder, and Wang Wang cried: "Boss, how? We are going to kill and distract."

In the eyes of Sun Hao, he was stunned and asked in a loud voice: "Who is Xiaohe? I can't think of it, but I know, this is very important. You tell me, who is Xiaohe?"

Bianmu’s eyes slid a few laps and Wang Wang cried: “Xiaohe, a little girl who picks mushrooms, come and come, boss, I sing a song with you, the lyrics mean that he is like this, picking mushrooms. Little girl, carrying a big bamboo basket..."

Sun Hao: "Oh, Xiaohe turned out to be a little girl who picked mushrooms..."

Slowly turned and walked inside the stone house. On the side of the animal husbandry, I couldn’t bear it. I sighed and leaped down. I ran a few steps and my body was stiff. I found myself being shackled by Sun Hao. Among the big hands.

After fishing for the pastoralism, he put it in front of his own eyes. Sun Hao said loudly: "No, Bianmu, who is Xiaohe? You are definitely lying to me. If you don't tell the truth, I don't mind playing you directly." ”

The side of the animal husbandry, the face showed bitterness, and said in his mouth: "Boss, I will tell you, you can't remember, after a while, you will not forget, you should be the little girl who picks mushrooms. Is it the same?"

Sun Hao’s body is straight and straight: “Why can’t I remember? I seem to remember that this is unforgettable.”

Bianmu Wang screamed: "You are the holy king, the sacred king, your life, brilliant, and the mothers are just the passengers in your life, they can't keep up with your steps, can't have you like that. A long life, what do you want to do so much? Like me, how good is it, how many scorpions have you changed?"

Sun Hao has a tight hand.

Bianmu was pinched and only spit out his tongue: "Boss, have something to say, have something to say, don't move."

Sun Haojun said: "I just want to know who Xiaohe is? I also want to know how I can remember Xiaohe."

Bianmu said with a little helplessness: "Do you really want to know why? I said, I guess you will be very upset."

Sun Hao let go of the animal husbandry, carrying a shield and a hammer, and said calmly: "Let's say, I also feel that I have something wrong."

Bianmu stood on Sun Hao's shoulder, under the finger, Wang Wang shouted: "It's not right, boss, don't you find out, are you very different from them?"

Sun Hao looked down, after a half-sound: "They have one more head than me, but shouldn't my body be like this? Shouldn't I be a headless holy king?"

Bianmu left and right to look around, lowering the voice, whispered: "Actually, the boss, you originally had a head, but it was smashed, cut off, you can't remember things, very simple, because you have no brain, Do you know? You have no brain..."

Sun Hao stood on the top of the holy mountain and muttered to himself: "There is no brain, no brain, the head is cut off, the head is cut off...but my head, where is it now?"

Bianmu said: "There is really only God knows, or has been kicked, or is being kicked by the ball, or has been used as a scoop..."

Before the animal husbandry has not finished, Sun Hao instinctively perceives that the animal husbandry is not right, and the eyeballs glimpse: "Absolutely not."

Bianmu put his head and shrugged his shoulders: "Well, or hiding in a place where birds don't pull, but my dog ​​can't smell a little bit of it. It's estimated that it's not too good~ www.wuxiaspot .com~ That's too far away, let's go..."

That's what it is, but Bianmu feels that he can't smell the slightest breath, and ten have already been kicked.

When I heard the words of Bianmu, Sun Hao’s feelings were completely different. At this moment, he suddenly had a very clear feeling that his head was still there, and it was still far away. If you want to get back to normal, you have to find your own head.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Sun Hao could not help but lift the shield in his hand, the hammer in his hand, opened the belly button, and roared loudly.

Head, I want to head.

I don't forget Xiaohe, I want to head!

Strong, rising from the heart of Sun Hao, roaring, shaking nine.

The warriors of the Hehe tribe plunged to the ground devoutly, and kept praying. The King of the Kings was missing the first generation of the mother. Every once in a while, the King of the King would be like this, like a wounded beast, roaring.

However, this time the roar, the time is longer, the sound is greater.

On the far west of Langein Island, Sun Hao seems to have made a long dream. In a gentle dream, I heard Xiao Qing’s gentle songs, Bai Gong’s dream, and the beginning of the virtual operation, the seven kills and the heart, in the head. Start practicing.

The source of the source barrel, the nectar of the pear tree, always moisturizes the head of Sun Hao, so that the head is always vivid, and the skin is more and more crystal clear.

I don't know how long it has been. On this day, the head seems to have heard the distant call.

In the fairy pear flower, the eyes were opened, and two gods light came out from both eyes.

Gently, the head opened his mouth and said: "Xiaoqing, thank you for your care, but I should go, Xiaoqing, you can rest assured that one day, your hill brother reported this **** sea vengeance, after opening the scented air tower, Will always take you with you..."

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