Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1649: Hold back undead (2)

The body has not fully entered, and the Guardian of the City of Heaven has heard a loud voice: "Jodan, this time you are lucky, and the heavens borrowed power, so that you can easily enter the virtual, but you should not scare me to the virtual family. Next time, you can't come in so easily, go well, don't send..."

Joe Dan screamed at the murder. Isn't this the intention to add chaos to the vain flying people? I couldn’t think too much, the gap in the sky healed, and Jordan’s body disappeared, and the battlefield was restored to calm.

The white-haired monk turned to the sky and said: "I have to go back. The guardian said it is good. This is just a strong outside, and the virtual flying manland is bold to grab. It is all agarwood. Don't be polite, action. be quick……"

As the sky whispered, "What happened to the predecessor, Aquilaria?"

The white-haired monk shook his head: "I don't know. If I can know the state of agarwood, Jodan has already found him. However, I know that Aquilaria now, even if it is alive, has only a glimmer of life. Can it be? After crossing this difficult time, I really said that he can only barely die at the moment."

As the day asks: "Predecessors, do we need to do something for Aquilaria?"

The white-haired monk shook his head: "Nothing needs to be done. The agarwood catastrophe has just passed, let him slowly recover. If he can survive this catastrophe, then no one can stop his rise in the future. You need it now. What I do is to use the agarwood as the internal driving force to lead my people to develop rapidly. If the agarwood is not dead, the human race will be in the air. In my human race, there will be a spurt of arrogance. Maybe after a few years, we will Really able to conquer the trapeze and report today's great hatred."

As Tian said, "The disciple understands."

The white-haired monk also broke through the space and disappeared.

The wild tide above the virtual battlefield has gone through two years, but it has passed, but then, the next virtual battlefield and even the land of Kyushu are turbulent.

The strength of the flying people is greatly reduced. This is the decline of a top ten race. This is a huge fat.

The wolves began to rush to eat, the most courageous, the fastest, but the Terran, anyway, has been offended, basically no room for relaxation, then simply succumb, the Terran is in the virtual battlefield and the land of Kyushu At the same time, boldly shot the flying people, grab the site and fight for profits.

The Flying People are waiting to give the Terran a head-on blow. The Chongtian and Long-eared coalition forces have been killed together, and the core area of ​​the Flying People’s race has risen.

Not only can't take care of the Terran, but also because of the inferior strength, can not stand the joint attack of the two strong, the core area of ​​the Flying People lost.

The war has been going on for more than a decade, and the battle has gradually stabilized.

The entire territory of the Flying People, there is no one, a large number of core rich land is divided by the Tian and the Long Ears, while the peripheral areas, the Terran has become the biggest beneficiary.

In the past ten years, the Sun Quan, the grandson of the Terran, still has no news, as if it has completely disappeared from the bottom, or it has really fallen on the lake.

However, at this time, the influence of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still there. Although many ethnic groups are profitable, they do not dare to hand the paws to the Terran. In addition, the Terran and the Chongzu and Changers have made good contributions. The general race did not dare to arbitrarily scream, and one to two went, the Terran stabilized the robbed site and began to develop rapidly.

Ten years later, on the earth, year after year, flowers are blooming, year after year, and the day is coming.

Ten years later, gradually, many things are human beings. Gradually, the focus of many people’s attention is beginning to shift.

Earth creation, as if there is a miracle of life, especially for some strange races, ten years may be a gorgeous time to change.

Among the underworld, there is a miraculous race called "Nymphs". Before they were adults, they were stupid and in poor form. Most of them were buried in the underground, but they are about to become adults. Then, it will break out of the ground and transform itself.

Once transformed, it turned gorgeous.

Some nymphs will give birth to a beautiful butterfly family, and some can become a family of birds that fluttering in the wings, and others can directly become a flying family.

Under the imaginary people know the beauty and diversity of the nymphs, but few people know that the nymphs are less bitter and bitter when they are not adult, and fewer people will know that the adulthood of the nymphs is the lower race. The most difficult process among them.

They need to eat or drink, do not move, endure the wind and rain, endure the lightning and thunder, and if they are careless, they will fail in the process of transformation, silently disappearing into the virtual space. in.

It is another spring.

On the island of Langley, the pear blossoms are open again.

The flowers are flying in the sky, whitewashed the hills, and whitened the surface of the lake.

The Terran resident monks on Langley Island have become accustomed to the annual pear blossoms, and do not feel that there is any abnormality.

Many monks even came to Langley Island to enjoy pear blossoms even at this time of the year.

According to legend, the pear tree is planted by Shenxiang adults. It represents the love of Shenxiang adults and Yinpeng. It is also the spiritual symbol of Langein Island. The Terran monks are incomparable to the incense and adults. If not necessary, it is not Will be free to disturb the pear tree, appreciate the pear flower, but also far from the side.

This spring, pear blossoms are open again.

This spring, the open pear flower is vastly different from the past, and the flowering period is particularly long.

The white pear flower dyed the hills white and innocent, as if a fairy was flying on the hills.

The white pear flower seems to have a layer of mysterious power, covering up a lot of breath, the Langley Island monks are used to it, due to the magic of the incense.

However, the monk of the Langley Island did not know that, like the fairy white pear flower, her embrace, from this year, every day from the beginning of the moon, will quietly hold a seemingly dry head , quietly absorbed the Japanese Jing Yuehua.

The eyes are closed and there is no breath, as if they have dried up and died.

But when the pear flower is gently fed into the nectar, the human head will open its mouth slightly and gently inhale the nectar into the mouth.

The white fairy pear flower, like a girl, gently held her head, sang a soft song with the sound of the wind, gently calming the head in her arms.

No one noticed that there was a surviving head in the sea of ​​fairy pear trees.

Sun Hao’s head is in the embrace of the fairy pear tree, as if he was back to Xiaoqing’s side, serene and quiet, slowly, resisting immortality, and recovering himself a little bit.

God knows completely shut down Only the silky spirit maintains the operation of the skull, the sea is completely silent, a few stars representing the soul, and only the agarwood sword is still shining with a touch of golden light.

For a long time.

The pear nectar enters the sea and slams into the sea.

Floating in the sea, the source bucket that seems to be motionless seems to be stimulated by nectar, and also slams a drop of the original liquid.

The original liquid entered the sea of ​​knowledge, and Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea recovered a little.

On the sea, the sound of the agarwood sword slammed and the light flashed.

In the sea of ​​flowers, Sun Hao’s eyes slammed into the distance and looked at the distance in the distance. In an instant, the gods converge, as if they had exhausted their own spirits, and their eyes closed tightly.

The sky is flooding, like infinitely gentle, gently stroking Sun Hao’s face.

Langein Island, as it is, seems to have not changed.

Pear blossoms are still open again and again.

Every year, the white pear flower, the flowering period will be particularly long, whitening the hills, whitening the lake.

No one knows, among the white pears, holding them, surrounded by a head that is about to dry up, no one knows, just in this white pear flower, Sun Hao is like Duz lungfish, hard to resist Or, as if the "nymphs" who have not yet broken through the larval state, are crouching, waiting for their new birth.

Separated from the body.

As soon as the breath is over, the cause and effect are gone. In the past ten years, whether it can be reborn from the endless hardships, Sun Hao still needs to resist the immortality and toughly strive to live.

As Duz's lungfish wait for the collapse of the house, waiting for the coming of heavy rain, Sun Hao must also wait tenaciously.

Waiting, not waiting to die, waiting for the new students. (To be continued.)

... (Battlefield Literature)

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