Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1641: Become escaping

The thunder cone rushed in.

The thunder cone passed over, and Sun Hao’s avatar was on the back of the Taikoo beast. A large piece of flesh and blood was evaporated, and the dark golden unparalleled ridge was quickly revealed.

When the thunder cone drilled to the big ridge, the incense sword was with powerful thunder, with the five attributes of Sun Hao, and the strong rushed over, slamming on the thunder cone and thorns I have to shake a few times.

The thunder cone has entered the body of Sun Hao, and the big ridge in front has not yet broken through. The incense sword is an attack that broke out in Sun Hao. The sword body also has powerful thunder, several conditions superimposed, thunder cone Finally, I was irritated by Shen Xiangjian, chasing Shen Xiangjian, and rushing forward along Sun Hao’s unparalleled ridge.

The thunder cone and the agarwood sword passed over, and the flesh pieces on the back of the Taikoo beast rushed.

Anyway, it is to destroy the body of the looters. The thunder cones are simply behind the agarwood swords, and they are chasing after them.

The speed of running is getting faster and faster. At the end, it turns into two light and shadows in tandem, and quickly rushes forward along the broad back of the Taikoo beast.

With a bang, Shen Xiangjian rushed into the thunder pool, and the thunder cones did not hesitate, but also plunged into the thunder pool.

The range of the thunder pool is extremely wide, and the agarwood sword begins to circle inside.

The thunder cone feels that he is still in the body of the thief, but the familiar thunder and electric energy around him, and a little bit makes himself unable to bear the poisonous hand.

Instinctively, the thunder cone did not think so much, and he would not let go of the incense sword.

Shen Xiangjian is in the thunder pool, and keeps circling, a sword and a cone, so that it keeps on the thunder pool for a moment.

Above the thunder pool, gradually filled with thunderstorms, the Archaic Thunder instinct Leichi secret drive, began to subtly transform the thunder cone into it.

Outside, among the thunderclouds, Sun Hao screamed in the sky and stayed for a long time.

A series of big battles, a series of thunders, finally ended completely, and they have since widened the sky.

The thunder cone disappeared, and the looters were safe and sound. The thundercloud outside determined that Sun Hao successfully completed the robbery. Ganlu began to descend. Sun Hao’s roaring sound quickly absorbed the income after the 12th robbery.

The whole body was quickly recovered in the thundercloud.

As a result of the repair, with the completion of the robbery, once again a huge improvement.

Sun Hao’s heart is full of joy to complete the robbery.

Thundercloud gradually dispersed, and after the immortality of the silver city, the sun gradually appeared.

Sun Hao’s body was shocked, and a flying flutter in the air. As the flying and fluttering action, the body gradually became smaller, and finally completely became the body and stopped in the air.

Touching his head, his head is still wrapped around the purple gold hero.

I thought about it, when I was thinking about the hero scarf.

In the sky, it seems that there are cold eyes, but this time, without waiting for Sun Hao to feel too much, it has disappeared quickly.

At this moment, the sky slowly appeared a cracked mouth, a sense of horror from the heart, quickly rushed into my heart.

Sun Hao’s heart is stunned, but he’s still not finished. He’s confined to the unparalleled ridge. It’s estimated that he’s really offended the heavens. Huge, difficult tests and obstacles come one after another.

After the twelfth robbery, what will he face? Sun Hao is actually mentally prepared.

Nowadays, the change is reborn, and Sun Hao also reacts quickly. The powerful Thunderbolt is launched, and Thundercloud, which has not completely dispersed around, frantically rushes into the air.

And Sun Hao’s body, like a cannonball, fell quickly down.

When it was not completely landed, Sun Hao’s body had faded and finally became a transparent ghost.

Ghost speeds quickly, infiltrated into the ground, and the bandits started, and Sun Hao quickly fled to the distance.

This moment's escape plan, in the brains of Sun Hao's mind, for a long time, a series of actions in one go, not a moment, waiting for the sky to thunder, Sanhao has escaped far away.

With a bang, the thunderclouds in the sky scattered.

A palm is like a fan, and the thundercloud is fanned out. A flying monk with two pairs of wings is stepping out from the thundercloud.

Looking down, the flying people's monks couldn't help but shrink.

A little unbelievable, hesitated a moment, looked around carefully, the flying man monk said in amazement: "How is it possible? Who is the ultimate defeat of the immortal silver city?"

Shan Feihong went to Zhongxu and reported that the immortal Yincheng was attacked. Mil drowned the single flying rainbow and went down. He did not report in detail to the flying people.

When he was pursued by Sun Hao, he launched a **** secret technique and asked his father for help.

It’s not dead. When I met Sun Hao’s twelfth catastrophe, even his father was completely isolated from his ability to perceive, unable to find a direction, and could not break the space in this direction. He could only be anxious.

Now, I was able to come over. After breaking through the space, his father was shocked to discover that the immortal silver city was completely defeated, and his son’s **** sensory disappeared completely.

Moreover, his son has not been able to use blood to guide him to who the enemy is.

Above the immortal silver city, the four winged flying people shook their wings, the air, the air in the virtual battlefield, a huge human head appeared.

As Sun Hao’s magical law of the year, this huge human head is almost over the entire virtual battlefield.

Open air and sigh, the human mouth opens his mouth, and the sound is heard in Kyushu: "This big flying man, Joe Dan, who can tell me what happened to the flying people, immortal silver city, what is going on?"

Peerless power.

Under the imaginary imaginary, it is very likely that the peerless eccentricity appeared on the battlefield, and all the monks suddenly breathed and silently watched the development of the situation.

Soon, in the land of Kyushu, a safari guardian flew into the air and walked around in a ceremonial manner: "I have seen Joe Dan, this is the case..."

Although the body of Jordan is in the sky above the immortal silver city, the face of the giant giant can clearly hear the story of the flying people.

The more you listen, the more ugly the look above the giant face.

Although the sacred place is like this, destroying the holy land is equivalent to destroying the foundation of the flying people.

The immortal silver city under the imaginary is not particularly important for Zhongxu, but it is also one of the foundations of the development of the flying people.

They were all destroyed by a human monk.

The imaginary flying human warriors who fell into the hands of this human race monk actually have hundreds of millions of people, but they are really intolerable.

As for his own baby son, the under-defense guard did not explain the situation, but Qiao Dan understood that he was afraid that his baby son would be fierce and less, and with the immortality of Yincheng, he was buried in this emptiness.

Yang Tiansheng roared, and the giant's face shouted loudly: "A good human race, actually destroying my holy land, destroying my silver city, and harming my scorpion. Today, the immortal people will not give up."

A giant palm appeared in the side of the giant face out of thin air, and lifted it up high and took it to the Terran Twilight City.

Above the high sky, it seems that countless stars are lit up at this moment. The giant palm just appeared in the air, and the stars are on the same force. The giant palm is dragged into the starry sky and disappears.

At the same time, an aerial giant city appeared on the lower battlefield, like a huge green turf floating above the virtual battlefield.

Above the giant city, someone said aloud: "Joe Dan, there is a virtual rule under the imaginary, you are a complex period of power, you must not come under the chaos, quickly close, otherwise, the virtual list will be directly to you Shooting..."

A huge face a little bit Yangtou laughed: "Luo Da, don't think that you have a virtual list in hand to stop me, today this hatred does not report, Laozi is not good to give up, and, With such a large cause and effect, the Terran cannot escape...."

In the city of Tianxu, the voice came again: "Causality is the back of a person, the power of heaven, and it is also a person who squats. Even your appearance is also a cause and effect of heaven and earth, and it does not work with the human race. If you continue to shoot against the human race, it will inevitably cause The battle between the top, the bottom, and the bottom of the three people, such a relationship, you can afford it?"

Joe Dan laughed: "When the war is going on, what about it? I am afraid that you will not be?"

That's what he said, but he really didn't plan to cause the war of the Terran. After he finished, he didn't wait for Luo Da to speak, and he said aloud: "However, the culprit actually passed through such a peerless robbery, but also outside the heavens. It’s my first priority to get rid of this little ant. OK, you are busy with yours, I will catch him out...”

Tianxu City gradually disappeared, and above the sky, peace was restored.

Jodan’s body was empty, like the third eye, standing on the forehead of the giant, his eyebrows, and his mouth shouted: “Injury my billions of names, hatefulness like the sea, still want to escape? The eyes of enmity, open to me... ..." (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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