Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1609: Break out

Standing on the peerless sword, Sun Hao said faintly: "As long as Sun Hao is not jealous, in the future, if you are naughty, be careful that I will come back to you."

Naked threat!

The peerless fierce sword faced the threat of Sun Hao, and did not dare to move. Without a bit of fierceness, he slammed the hilt.

Although the fierce sword is fierce and violent, but instinctively, it clearly perceives it, and it is enough to completely defeat itself by stepping on its own monk, the kind of powerful sword bone that was born in the body.

In front of someone, you don’t dare to play in front of a monk with a swordless sword.

Unparalleled and unparalleled, unique is unparalleled.

The fierce sword feels the deepest.

I don’t dare to be naughty. As for the future, I will talk about it again.

Left three swords to guard the three chains, Sun Hao this step on the world's fierce sword, fell on the last one, that is, on the iron chain of the sword on the sword, flying fast, along the chain The front slides past.

Until Sun Hao's figure gradually went away, disappeared into the induction, the savage sword of the peerless sword, the fierce hair, the sword inside the glory of the martial arts, surrounded by the blade suddenly has a silent feeling.

The peerless fierce sword played for a while and vented a depressing temper, which slowly subsided, but from the beginning to the end, the peerless fierce sword did not dare to aim its own momentum on the four chains, for fear of giving the gods another Lead back.

Sun Hao is now very worried about the status quo of Ling Tianjian, and naturally will not continue to delay in the sword.

Along the chain, Sun Hao's speed of action is extremely fast, and the entire body faintly sees only a faint shadow, slid forward rapidly.

After about two days, Sun Hao is no longer dark, and a light-like body like a small sun illuminates the surrounding space. Sun Hao sees that four chains are extending from different directions toward the small sun. .

Without hesitation, Sun Hao rushed into the light along the chain.

There is a sharp sword in the light, which fills the whole space.

Sun Hao came in, these swords did not launch an attack, but it seems that the little dolls who met their loved ones generally jumped up joyfully.

Sun Hao’s face was filled with a faint smile, bathed in a gentle sword, and stepped on the chain in the light to move on.

Soon after, Sun Hao saw the real illuminator.

A huge flying sword with a ray of light floats in front.

Is this the peerless sword of Ling Tianjian?

The size is more like the Lingshi Jianfeng than the peerless sword. This sword is also upright, and the sword is more elegant and spiritual than the cumbersome and savage sword.

When Sun Hao arrives, the Excalibur gently shakes the blade and sways, like a welcome to Sun Hao. Sun Hao looked at the Excalibur, his eyes could not help but a slight glimpse, the state of the Excalibur was obviously wrong.

The part of the blade that stands up is as if it has been cut off by ordinary people. The four chains that extend from the peerless sword are intertwined at the broken blade and turned into new ones. The weak sword keeps the entire sword in the shape of the sword.

Sun Hao rushed into the light of the sword and was not attacked by the Excalibur. The root cause of Sun Hao’s three swords is currently trying to maintain the sword of the sword and become part of the Excalibur.

And Sun Hao may have been recognized by the Excalibur.

Otherwise, the swords in the light may not be so good.

The sword that symbolizes the Ling Tianjian faction has been cut off by a blade of life. Sun Hao immediately affirmed that Ling Tianjian’s faction must have a major event.

The heart was filled with anxiety and anxiety. Sun Hao said to the Excalibur a little, and said with aloud: "Ling Tian's descendants, the grandsons and grandsons, Shen Xiang, now the unparalleled sword bone has been formed, want to return to Ling Tian, ​​please also release the Excalibur"

The normal method of going out, it should be that Sun Hao waited for a while after he arrived at the Excalibur.

Ling Tianjian will come over and open a sword every 100 years. If Sun Hao completes the sword bone training, he can take the opportunity.

However, now Ling Tianjian did not know what was going on. Ling Tianjian did not know if he could come to open the sword. He did not know that Sun Hao could only find a way out.

Although the Excalibur has no sword spirit, it is spiritual.

When Sun Hao’s words were just finished, the sword’s sword body shook slightly. With his shaking, there was a small vortex in the sky above the pointed edge of the sword’s sword, and the speed turned more and more. Fast, turned into a small light door.

The Excalibur constantly shakes the blade, and the light door is getting brighter and brighter, but after the light reaches a certain level, the light door begins to sway and is a bit unstable.

The Excalibur shook his body unwillingly, the light door stabilized, but the brightness did not seem to meet the demand.

At the same time, Sun Hao clearly perceives that the Excalibur is not strong enough now, and the Guangmen can only do so, and this level of light is not very suitable for rushing out.

The Excalibur also sent a faint uneasiness, as well as the kind of information that hoped that Sun Hao and others would re-enter after their strength.

Look at the light door, and then look at the dim blade of the Excalibur, Sun Hao understands, the Excalibur is created, the strength is greatly damaged, even if you want to send yourself away, but also lack of strength.

However, the direction of the front door should no doubt be outside the sword.

Slightly speaking to Shenjian, Sun Hao said: "Agarwood swears today, and asks the sword to recover as soon as possible, and keeps me swaying for thousands of years."

After that, Sun Hao rose to the sky, holding the incense sword, and rushed into the light door.

Sharp and boundless, with nowhere in front, with an unparalleled sword bone, Sun Hao’s bang on the light door.

The light swayed for a while, and the place where the agarwood sword was placed was like a mirror being crushed and dropped into a place. There was a huge hollow. Sun Hao did not hesitate to plung into the hollow and disappeared.

The sword's body trembled a few times and slowly recovered.

The entire underground swordsman calmed down.

The space in front of Sun Hao is swaying, and the agarwood sword is light and the person has already broken out.

With a bang, Sun Hao held the incense sword and appeared between the two mounds. He quickly looked around and saw that Sun Hao had already appeared at the entrance to the sword.

Looking up, above the top of the head, it is still the huge base of Ling Tian Jianfeng, as if it was not the same before the entry.

After entering the sword for hundreds of years, the people of the world are stunned.

You're done and you're going to reproduce the day.

Breaking out.

There is a joy in the heart after a hundred years of hard work, and there is also the confidence and wish to focus on the world and then on the journey.

Sun Hao’s heart was swaying, and he could not help but stand under the Lingtian Jianfeng.

The shouting is like a sharp sword, piercing the sky of Ling Tianjian.

The tsunami is like a declaration of the return of the unparalleled king, causing the Ling Tianjian faction to move.

In the hands of all Ling Tianjian disciples, on the back, even Dan Tian, ​​the flying swords contained in the soul of the soul almost invariably, bursting out in the direction of Sun Hao, it seems to welcome Sun Hao back It also seems to be welcoming the unparalleled sword bones to Lingtian.

Even more so that Ling Tianjian sent monks was surprised.

All Lingtian Jianfeng, whether damaged or not, at this moment, all of them are inclined to the Lingtian Jianfeng, slowly tilting, as if they saw the emperor's courtiers.

In the long whistle, Sun Hao’s body rises.

On the top of the Lingtian Swords, the voice of Ling Tianjian’s ancestors came: “Agarwood, did you practice the sword?”

Sun Hao: "The disciple is fortunate not to be insulted, the unparalleled has been practiced, and the disciples have broken out."

Ling Tianjian's voice is full of feelings and said: "Value, more effort is worth, unparalleled in the world, Ling Tian Zhongxing is looking, Shen Xiang, you come up quickly"

Sun Hao flew up and flew up to Ling Tianjian.

However, flying to the air and looking around, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but sink.

Around the thousands of Jianshan, flying a variety of flying swords, very neat, like the soldiers who greeted the review, welcome Sun Hao's return.

Every sword, at this moment, bursts of swords, bursting into the face of Sun Hao.

What makes Sun Hao's heart uneasy is the shape of Lingfeng's various sword peaks.

When Sun Haogang entered Lingtian, Wan Jian was standing, and each Jianfeng sword was raging.

But now, Sun Hao looks at it, the entire Lingtianjian faction, but all the bigger, stronger peaks seem to have been cut off by a large number of people.

All the powerful points of Lingtian, Xianfeng, at this moment, have become a residual sword.

Remnant sword Ling Tian.

Sun Hao’s heart sank.

what reason? Who is it? It’s no wonder that Ling Tianjian’s hand is so embarrassing. It’s no wonder that the swordsman’s chain is broken, and the Lingtianjian faction has already suffered a disaster. To be continued.

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