Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1590: Pick treasure

After visiting the Tianshan Special Xianshan, Sun Hao once formed a particularly long list of resource requirements. Inside the list, there are no fewer than one thousand kinds of resources.

For a time, Sun Hao thought that he had not been collecting tasks on the list for decades.

However, after Sun Hao really began to collect, Sun Hao was pleased to find that with the increase of various resources for refining and refining, the demand list that he listed was gradually reduced.

The root cause is that many resources are not indispensable. They are just resources that can help. When foreign objects progress to a certain extent, some resources are no longer necessary.

For example, Mu Dan in Sun Hao’s body, after Sun Hao refines a large number of Muquan and Yinyue fruit wines, when Sun Hao once again shuttles the high mountains of Chongtiancheng, the posture of Mudan becomes higher, and most of the wood resources are no longer available. Little interest.

The same is true for the condensate tower.

After Sun Hao invested in 30 spiritual veins and invested in resources such as Muquan, blood wine and so on, the appetite of the condensed empty tower has also changed a lot. The ordinary resources have been invisible.

Two or three years later, Sun Hao clearly perceives that the various accumulations in his own body have been basically completed, and the experience of the Chongtiancheng war has been basically digested. Sun Hao is the time to start the next step, that is, Sun Hao’s peerless sword bone last. In one step, the cultivation of the sword bone was reworked.

I went to the auction house for a few laps and completely handed over the auction proceeds.

Accompanied by the enthusiastic Hechlar, Sun Hao used the accumulated spirit of his hands to acquire several resources in need among the auction houses.

Chongtiancheng, the task of the virtual battlefield is only the last step.

Called Bubwini, gathered for a little, and under his leadership, Sun Hao entered the treasure house of Chongtiancheng to pick treasures.

Sun Hao only put the trip to the treasure house of Chongtiancheng at the end. The fundamental reason is to avoid the resources that the outside world can find to occupy their own choice.

After several years of hard work, the useful resources of the Chongtian City Special Xianshan Trading Market have been collected by Sun Hao. Sun Hao has also ran many ethnic cities and collected many special resources.

This time I entered the treasure house of Chongtiancheng, but it was said that it was quite adequately prepared.

The treasure house of the Chongtian is also very distinctive, and it is directly a fairy mountain with a glory.

The entire Xianshan is divided into a very unique area, with a large array to create a variety of different environments, to store a variety of treasures.

As the imaginary top ten races, the Chongtian people are rich in accumulation, far from being comparable to the Terran.

As soon as Sun Haopu entered, he drove a few large foreign bodies in the body, and suddenly found that almost all directions, there were strong feelings, and the foreign bodies in the body had a very strong desire, but this is far more than three.

There are a lot of things in demand, which is also expected by Sun Hao. Moreover, this is one of the reasons why Sun Hao is ready to come to the treasure house of the heavens. It is necessary to condense the empty tower or the foreign bodies in the body. A passive triggering response capability.

In particular, it is necessary to repair the empty tower, but it does not provide a specific repair recipe. Sun Hao does not know what kind of resources he needs to find.

Undoubtedly, after removing the resources that can be collected on the special Xianshan, Sun Hao’s resources in the treasure house of Chongtiancheng can become the second list of Sun Hao’s demand resources.

That is, in the future, Sun Hao can consciously strengthen the collection of resources on these lists. In contrast, it is much more efficient and faster than passive triggering.

With this purpose, Sun Hao began to look for himself in the treasure house of Chongtiancheng. Every time he went, he found something he had sensed. According to the relevant memory in his mind, he identified the variety of resources and listed it. Among them.

Among the huge treasure houses of Xianshan, Sun Hao has been looking for a dozen days, and the list inside his mind lists more than forty kinds of cherished resources.

Twenty of them are resources that are sensed by various types of condensate towers.

The other twenty kinds are attributed spirits that are beneficial to their own advancement, which are perceived by five attribute foreign bodies.

Some resources, as well as cross-sensing.

For example, a piece of unremarkable treasure in the treasure house, like a burnt-like lightning strike wood, must be condensed empty tower, small flames and wood Dan Qiqi have revealed a strong desire.

For example, a rusty iron-like mineral material, the condensate tower and the waste gold lung have reacted.

Sun Hao showed his role in the inheritance of the city of Chongtiancheng. At the time, more than forty kinds of treasures were used. Most of Sun Hao recognized them. According to their rareness, they listed a sequence table and basically finalized what they needed to pick. aims.

The first is the strange lightning strike wood, which must be chosen.

Lightning strikes wood is not an inherent resource of the imaginary, but a special resource formed under special weather conditions, especially the lightning strike wood in front of it. Although Sun Hao did not fully recognize its origin, it has some eyebrows. Possibly, this is first of all a piece of phoenix wood, with a strong phoenix nirvana on the wood, and then the wood is struck by lightning, forming a strange lightning strike.

This kind of resource needs to be formed by chance. It is likely to be a unique existence. After this village, there is no such store. Sun Hao first took him down.

The first treasure, Feng Xilei hit the wood to the hand, after returning, Sun Hao still has to worry about the brain, this wood should be assigned to whom, the desire to condense the empty tower, small flames and Mudan can not be weak, Carefully weigh the pros and cons.

There are also two selection opportunities.

Other treasures are relatively normal, not something that can be generated under certain conditions, but they are also very rare.

Sun Hao has already arranged the order. If you follow the normal thinking, it is to choose according to the value of the value and the difficulty level.

However, after Sun Hao thought about it, he did not pick the second baby for a while, but re-entered the treasure house.

Sun Hao's list of resources is a resource that has greatly helped his cultivation.

However, how many resources are there within the treasure house of Chongtiancheng? A large amount of resources are not detected by Sun Hao’s foreign bodies and the condensate towers, or resources that are not sensitive.

The discovery of Fengqi Leibangmu reminded Sun Hao that perhaps there are many resources in the treasure house that Sun Hao did not find, and that the resources are unique. This resource may not be useful to Sun Hao now, but there may be one The resources will be able to redeem the resources that Sun Hao needs.

The second treasure that Sun Hao decided to choose was the kind of baby that he could not use for the time being, but his real value was high.

That is to say, instead of relying on the inductive ability of foreign bodies in your body, you can choose a treasure with your eyesight and knowledge.

The Chongtian City Treasury is a huge fairy mountain. If you want to find a baby from it, no one will deliberately give pointers. It is easy to dazzle.

According to the size of his own inductive ability, Sun Hao has come up with some basic rules for judging treasures. For example, after the treasures with higher value will be placed in the approximate parts of each area, the speed of finding treasures has accelerated a lot. Soon, Sun Hao has locked in some special targets in different areas.

At least three of these goals are singular treasures that require a special condition to generate a grade with lightning strikes.

One of them is a wooden barrel containing some old wines of unknown origin. Above the amber liquor, the rich wine is fragrant and not scattered, which seems to form a magnificent small world in the barrel. Mountains and water.

The biggest magic of this wine is that before Sun Hao found it, there was no reaction between the five foreign bodies in the body and the condensate tower.

However, when Sun Hao discovered and smelled the wine, the five major foreign bodies in the body produced a desire, that is to say, the enveloped wine mist actually has the powerful ability to isolate Sun Hao’s five foreign bodies, then is it not? Said that the liquor under the wine mist may be the real underworld?

In Sun Zhong’s memory, I could not find a record similar to liquor, which is probably a special case.

After thinking for a while, Sun Hao decided that the second baby would choose this barrel of wine.

Determined to choose a baby, Sun Hao no longer hesitates, other suspected items, the value may be high, but Sun Hao did not have the opportunity to choose, simply do not think too much, not much to see, Sun Haofei quickly pick their own Three treasures, go to the guards of the treasure house to deliver.

The third treasure chosen by Sun Hao is naturally the one with the highest value among the list listed by him. A small piece of unremarkable clods, under the virtual bones, the condensed air tower induction is the strongest, the body There is an explosive demand for how to move, and it is not hesitant to take it.

Under the virtual soil, it is likely to play a vital role in the world evolution of the condensate tower. Sun Hao’s body is also a kind of existence related to the sulphide, and it is necessary to condense the empty tower. This kind of spiritual soil is naturally not to be missed. (To be continued.)

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