Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: Strength recovery (thanks to Wuhan Blue)

Practice has proved that among the four women, the most courageous is not like the 嬅蔻 貌 貌 貌 貌 嬅蔻 嬅蔻 嬅蔻 嬅蔻 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The cold Ji Ruxue is the toughest and most courageous monk among the four women. She has become the model of the other three women, and has done what the other three women can't do or dare not do.

Her first, like Sun Hao, began to practice "not dead blood", and it was also the first sincere and natural care for Sun Hao, to help Sun Hao practice.

If you don't condense water, you can cultivate undead blood.

In the legend, the cultivation of the ultimate bloodless, with many magical effects, can greatly enhance the cultivation of the monks, can greatly enhance the hematopoietic function of the monk, even the blood that flows out after the monk is wounded, can also pass Mystery is back.

Sun Hao came to Langein Island, the main purpose is to refine the five-property swords, but there are also plans to cultivate undead blood. This is an extra purpose. There is no chance to think about it. The non-condensed water is automatically appearing, but it is given to Sun Hao. The opportunity to practice this mystery in advance.

The way of practicing undead blood made several female practitioners feel creepy.

Sun Hao built an open-air large pool, shattered the whole body, jumped into the pool filled with lake water, and ingested hundreds of transparent otters accumulated in the lake after being killed.

Among the pools, these seemingly dead otters survived, and a strip of shackles in various parts of Sun Hao's body.

Densely dense, Sun Hao is full of transparent leeches.

This state, the four women moved to the horror of the extreme, the heart can not help but numb, especially the seemingly embarrassing Xiaoqing, even more incoherent, stunned to express too horrible, simply can not bear the scene.

But then, they found that the more terrible is still behind.

The transparent body of a finger with a thick finger began to turn red slowly. After taking in the blood of Sun Hao’s body, it became more and more red. In less than half an hour, Sun Hao’s pool was completely turned into a blood. red.

And Sun Hao’s face has become pale and pale.

Eight out of ten blood has been taken away by the leeches.

The body of Sun Hao, at this time also fell into numbness, sitting cross-legged in the pool, unable to move.

The other three women face each other, Ji Ruxue is very calm, according to Sun Hao's early explanation, the imperial flying sword, like a balloon, sly, sly, quickly put those in the pool attached to Sun Hao The red ones, which drew the blood of the water, were pierced one by one.

The pool officially became a blood pool.

Sun Hao is completely immersed in the blood pool.

After another hour, the blood in the blood pool gradually faded, and Sun Hao’s body was in the transparent lake.

Sun Hao confessed to four women. In this state, the best way is to salvage Sun Hao and let him sunbathe. It is not good, so that he can lie in the pool like this.

The other three women, including the grandmother who has been called Sun Haofujun, are a little bit tender and unpredictable, but Ji Ruxue is very generous, picking up Sun Hao and bringing it to the huge frog stone block, naked. Lying naked on the rocks, exposed to the sun.

After a while, I carefully turned over Sun Hao to ensure that Sun Hao could be exposed to the largest area.

At this time, Sun Hao, the whole body was paralyzed by the strange toxins of the water, but the gods were clear and clear, and felt the care and gentleness of Ji Ruxue, and the heart could not help but be deeply moved.

Through the room, Shantou said that he is indeed not as good as the main room, and there is a gap in his chest!

Sun Hao was exposed for half an hour, recovered and began to meditate on the knees. Ji Ruxue jumped out of the boulders with a blush, and said to Xiaoqing: "I will help me later."

After that, I jumped into another pool that was built in a relatively hidden way. I learned Sun Hao and I was not condensed.

Xiaoqing was shocked again: "Snow boss, you really are amazing, I admire the five bodies."

I was covered in water and was sucked up. How do I feel terrible?

Especially after the blood sucking, the color is red and bright, which is disgusting.

Although Sun Hao taught them how to practice, and swears that they will not ruin their flowery appearance, they really do not want or want to cultivate such a horrible method of refining.

Ji Ruxue became the first person to eat crabs.

Let the three women feel the horror of the picture again.

However, Xiaoqing finally clenched his teeth and did not have any mistakes. The killing punctures the **** water of Ji Ruxue, and promptly picked up Ji Ruxue and took it to another huge stone to go to the sun.

Although it may be like Snow, he did not mind being seen by Sun Hao, but Sun Hao was more consciously and evasive. When Ji Ruxue was exposed, Sun Hao completely recovered and rushed down the **** to start practicing his own resistance. Ability, that is, their own fighting spirit.

The method of cultivation without condensing water requires more than one year of cultivation to see the effect. The frequency of cultivation is based on the time of regression of the water toxin in the body.

Sun Hao did not drive Mudan to treat toxins in the body. However, his own resilience is super strong. Therefore, in less than three days, he can practice once, while Ji Ruxue takes about ten days.

The toxin of the leeches has a strong paralysis effect on the body of the monk. Therefore, even during the poisoning period, even if the ability to move is restored, it is not very suitable for killing.

Therefore, in the following period, Sun Hao’s main energy was placed on the tempering of his own fighting spirit, the cultivation of his own cultivation and the cultivation of undead blood.

Three days later, Sun Hao once again began to cultivate undead blood.

Ji Yuliu also bite his teeth and join the cultivation team.

The next day, Ji Yun also spelled, closed his eyes, and began to practice in the wow.

Only Xiaoqing, who can't always do it, has no courage to face such terrible and disgusting things. In particular, she is afraid that she is afraid of the wrong place.

If it is said that Ji Jiliu or Ji Ji can not make up their minds, Sun Hao will not force them, but Xiaoqing is not good. Xiaoqing is one of the closest monks in Sun Hao’s world. This important thing can enhance her strength. How can she improve her life-saving skills?

Just as Xiaoqing’s face was pale, and he was uncertain. When he dared not go into the water, Sun Hao cut his palm on her neck and directly smothered it. He threw it to Ji Ruxue and said: “Like snow, you put She stripped it and threw it into the pool. You were careful to help her keep an eye on the progress of the bloodsucking..."

After half a day, Xiao Qing stood up from a huge stone.

After dressing up, I found Sun Hao and hugged Sun Hao. After shaking for a long time, I was afraid that I was too embarrassed. On the night, Sun Hao took her to sleep for a night, and the spirit improved.

But ten days later, Sun Hao threw her into the pool.

It’s been a very interesting time to spend a whole month.

Sun Hao, in this month, he has cultivated undead blood ten times before and after. However, in addition to feeling that the blood is a little higher than usual, there is still no special effect.

On the slopes, Sun Hao is working hard every day, and the real yuan is restored to the level of the gods. Even if only the single attribute is restored, Sun Hao’s strength is still strong, and he has advanced to four or five feet. Far away, twenty iron crystals were harvested again.

It is only less than three or four feet away from the silver crystallization in front.

Sun Hao’s heart is full of fighting spirits. However, after a month’s polishing, Sun Hao’s metallic real elements have been completely calmed down and stabilized. Moreover, after undergoing continuous condensing of waste gas and magnetic gas, Metallic real yuan is getting denser and denser.

At this point, Sun Hao can condense his second sword.

Sun Hao originally had the ambition of refining the five-character gold-filled pill, but after careful thinking, Sun Hao decided to first condense two or three silver-pound pills, and then decide the level of his last few swords according to the situation.

In the hands of Sun Hao, there are three silver-fetal pills, the second one, and Sun Hao chose the best-selling wood-grade silver-filled pill.

With the experience of condensing golden fetal pill, and the grade of silver fetal pill is obviously much worse than that of golden pill, this second sword pill is condensed, and Sun Hao only took a day to complete it. It is simply It’s easy to get started.

On the empty tower, a silver ball smaller than a golden ball was floated again.

A few women are completely speechless.

Sun Hao is not only condensing a golden fetal pill, but now a condensed silver fetal pill, what is he doing?

However, in less than a month, they once again found in amazement that Sun Hao had condensed the third sword pill, the silver-fetal pill of the soil property.

After the third sword pill was condensed, Sun Hao refining the gas, and after obtaining three crystals of pure and pure energy, the water came to the ground, and from the early days of the gods, he advanced into the middle of the god. Of course, at present, only gold, wood, The soil attribute sword element reached the middle of the god.

The water and fire double attribute swordsmanship is still only a perfect level of refining.

But in any case, Sun Hao's refining is not only fully restored, but also surpassed the soaring, the combat power has been comprehensively improved.

Sun Hao feels that his current overall strength should be raised by 40% to 50% at the level of the external sword king.

The recovery of strength has gradually stabilized Sun Hao’s mood.

At this time, Sun Hao finally got the crystal of silver on the slope. (To be continued.)

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