Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1490: Entering?韬?/a>

Thousands of miles of cliffs, that is, the ridiculously accumulated nests were squashed by the Terran army, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of flesh and blood.

I don't know how much ridiculous the killing.

But Sun Hao knows that the loss of the Terran is not small.

At the last moment, a huge ridiculous, strong breakthrough in the interception of several major leaders of the Terran, rushed into the swordsman battalion, causing a huge loss of the swordsman battalion.

In 10%, 100,000 swordsmen were lost in the plains.

The least loss is the five-line war department, but it also loses no less than one hundred.

After the war, some tired swordsmen began to return in an orderly manner.

Prepared warriors and swordsmen began to clean the battlefield.

Returning with the team, taking off the silver armor and returning to the residence, Sun Hao’s heart is full of unprecedented urgency.

The last ridiculous, if rushing to the direction of Sun Tianjian, where Sun Hao is located, Sun Hao may only be able to protect himself.

If you rush to the direction of snow and Xiaoqing, Sun Hao can only helplessly see it raging.

The Ling Chong elite swordsman told Sun Hao: "The cliff ridiculous is just a kind of wild beast tribe that is not very powerful in the battlefield of the virtual world. With the coming of the wild tide, every five to ten years, we The city will fight once and clear the nests of the wild animals that are inflated."

Regardless of whether Sun Hao admits or not, in fact, the swordsman is the vanguard of the Terran, the Chinese army of the Terran, and bears the role of the sharp sword, the meat shield, and the highest rate of death among all Terran monks.

This time only meet the silver shortage, Sun Hao can be self-protected, if the next time I meet the more fierce gold shortage, what should Sun Hao do?

When it’s not time, it’s silently falling into the battlefield of the virtual world.

At this moment, Sun Hao finally realized that Master Ling Tianjian ancestor should let himself be low-key and low-key, and then low-key, with the strength of Sun Hao, if you dare to do what you want, you will die very quickly.

After a quiet rest for two days, Sun Hao, who felt tremendous pressure, recruited four women, and cautiously said: "If you are snow, you will take a long-term task of going out to pay for the killing of wild animals. You are all ready to fight for a long time. In preparation, we need to quickly improve our strength and strive for an overall breakthrough in strength before the next conference."

The spirit of the four women was shocked and nodded. They took the list that Sun Hao gave them and went to prepare.

Some of the contribution of the balance, the contribution of this battle was all sent out by Sun Hao. On the evening of the same day, with the moonlight, Sun Hao took four women and quickly passed through the swordsman’s exit channel. On the edge of the lake, it took more than a minute, and Sun Hao cleared the wild animals on the beach. The group stood on the edge of the lake.

Looking into the distance, Sun Hao’s body slowly entered the lake, and the waves of the lake surged. Sun Hao was like a boat, floating on the waves, and his hand pointed to the lake, Sun Hao said softly: Such as snow, Xiaoqing... I am about to lead you into Penghu, which may be very dangerous, you can now opt out."

The four women said with a firm expression: "Small hills, we are willing to join you in the hustle and bustle of the lake."

Compared to Sun Hao, the kind of powerlessness they entered into the battlefield, the sense of insensitivity, reached its peak.

If Sun Hao did not secretly help each other, they have fallen on the battlefield.

Now that Sun Hao wants to enter Wuhu to enhance his strength, everyone naturally has to follow closely.

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, and whispered in his mouth: "So, let's go down and walk into the sea. Remember, don't rush to resist, and find that there are wild animals and don't move around."

A few women were slightly puzzled. Looking at each other, Ji Ruxue took the lead and fell to the lake.

The soft lake seems to be a lotus flower, gently lifted her up, she was surprised to find that her body, without the slightest water droplets, did not have any real elements, so it floated above the water.

The other women looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They couldn't help but get up. They fell around Sun Hao's body and became part of the lake. If nothing happened, they floated in the lake.

Sun Hao said softly: "You remember, don't make a fuss, don't exclaim, I have to enter the water."

The tide surged, and Sun Hao’s body shook a little. In the light blue light, the slender body was like a dragon, and went forward, and the four women followed, and rushed into Wuhu.

The wild animal passed down the foot and the wild bird hovered overhead.

The four women fought from the heart to the habit.

Sun Hao's magical four-sea swordsmanship, the sea's general trend will turn them into a group of lakes, and there is no danger, and gradually deepen and deeper into the depths of the lake.

Even a few times, they saw a huge black shadow that could not be seen at the end of the lake. When they saw the sea, they rushed into the sky with a hundred feet of water. On the sky, there was a huge silver. In the wild, flying to Penghu, grabbed a big fish that was a few feet long.

This is a huge and extremely dangerous paradise park, but under the leadership of Sun Hao, they gradually go further toward the depths of unpredictable good and bad.

The Sihai sword is in the body and within the scope of the gods. The lake is full of water. Sun Hao carefully carries the four women along the waves. The body naturally floats on the water and sneaks in. In most cases, Sun Hao can avoid danger. But sometimes, it depends on luck.

For example, the silver wild bird hunted that time, almost passed by, rushed into the lake, if the distance is closer, Sun Hao does not dare to guarantee that he will be discovered.

When there was a big behemoth in the water, Sun Hao found that he had no place to hide. Fortunately, the big guy was not used to floating on the water.

So Sun Hao has no danger of circumvention, and it happens along the way. Fortunately, the randomness of this danger is very strong. Although it cannot be completely circumvented, there are some clues that some measures can be taken in advance to reduce the risk. Sun Hao does his best to bring The team walked quickly through the lake for more than a month and finally took a long sigh of relief.

In front, there is a huge island shadow, which is the destination of Sun Hao’s trip, Langley Island.

In the lake, Sun Hao turned slightly, and the four women did not hear Sun Hao’s voice, but they felt the meaning of Sun Hao from the ripples of the lake: “Everyone is careful, I will pick up the waves, rush across the beach, and go to the island. After that, you will use the secret technique to cover up your body for the first time."

The four women nodded in the water.

The lake has no wind and waves, and a wave is higher than a wave, and it rushes to the beach like a rising tide.

With a bang, a huge wave rushed, and Sun Hao’s blue brilliance flashed. The four women only felt that they were light and had fallen outside the coast beach.

Do not dare to neglect, according to Sun Hao's account, hurry and sit and spread the interest.

But wherever the eyes are, on the beach, on the coast, some huge frogs, like the size of a burdock, are all standing up, and a pair of huge eyes are turning left and right, as if there is no ~ But the speed is not very slow, and it is surrounded by several people.

Sun Hao quickly shot a few pieces of Lingshi, the wrists shook, there was a battle, the body flashed blue, the array fell in the middle of the four.

The faint mist of water swayed from the four people, and quickly formed a small, fog-covered area that occupies less than two square feet.

Together with the water mist, the strange frog instantly lost the induction, and turned around slightly and puzzled, gradually spreading.

Sun Hao smiled at the four women, picked up a battle in his hand, installed the beast, and placed it in the middle of the four.

Patting his hands, Sun Hao chuckled: "Well, you can talk. In the next few years, we will be on the same day in Langeland. We will practice swords and make progress together. I hope that when we go back, we can talk with today. Than, there are very different progress and development."

Ji Ruxue looked out, his brow slightly wrinkled, whispered: "The hills, the outside of these blind frogs are of high rank, each is not weaker than the intermediate swordsman, and even a few still reach the senior swordsman, distance There is only one step difference in the silver shortage. If you bring us here, it is estimated that it will drag your hind legs."

Xiaoqing also said: "Yes, yeah, the information records, the lowest level of the wilderness of Langeland is this blind frog. Our sisters are here to make it difficult. You should not be afraid of loneliness, or want to be Is this a lonely man on the desert island?"

The 嬅蔻 嬅蔻 and the 啼 啼 面 will be slightly red.

Sun Hao gently knocked Xiaoqing’s brain and collapsed. He said with a sigh of relief: “You are not safe, and Langein Island is a treasure for us. As long as we can stand on the ground, the income will be very Obviously, when you are busy, I clean up the nearby blind frogs, and you naturally know what to do." (To be continued.)

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