Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1478: Overjoyed

Among the first three stories, there are also records about the flying thunder of the monks.

After reading this record, combined with his own situation, Sun Hao is a little relieved.

The thunder of the flying monk is very distinctive. Strictly speaking, this is equivalent to a test of the virtual world to the flying monk, a kind of tempering.

The difficulty of the first three robberies is not great.

Most monks will choose to spend the first three robberies and start taking them into the virtual world.

However, the classics pointed out that in ancient times, there was no such thing as the vain Dan. The powerful and powerful monks who flew to the monks were directly forced to cross the nine thunders and achieved great arrogance.

However, the danger of such a strong crossing is too great, and it has always caused a huge waste of monks and talents. Later, it developed a virtual dan, which greatly increased the survival rate of the flying monks.

After entering the virtual Dan, there is a different title for the Feisheng monk.

The Feisheng monk who passed through the three robbers called it "the robbery of the monk", and the "nothing" novel `w.`lu`com passed the six robbery monk called the "robbery" monk.

There are two huge watersheds here, which makes the Flying Monks have a huge advantage over this monk.

After the ascent, the achievement of the robbery of the monk, the cultivation of the force directly increased to the transformation of the gods.

It can save thousands of years of practice.

This monk from the beginning of the transformation of the gods into the advanced God Dacheng, than the Yuan Ying primary into the big monks is even more difficult, flying the monks to cross the third robbery although difficult, but no doubt, once you pass, you go straight to the sky.

The meaning of "robbery" is not trivial. It is the meaning of breaking the robbery of the monks in this world.

The Feisheng monks passed through the six major thunders, and the result was a period of “drag”.

At this point, the swallowing of the virtual Dan, step by step across the entire god, and directly began the journey of the robbery in this world.

Among the classics that Sun Hao saw, it was also mentioned that the ancients flew to the monks and forced the nine swells, but there was no record of what would happen after the forced crossing.

Sun Hao speculated that there are absolutely relevant records in the virtual world, but there is very little information available at present, or the level of cultivation is still low, and it is not enough.

After understanding the smashing of the catastrophe, Sun Hao’s heart was a bit stunned.

Sun Hao has a huge advantage over other Feisheng monks, that is, Sun Hao’s own anti-robbery ability is extraordinary.

The soul of the Taikoo Thunder, the refining body, etc., let Sun Hao take up a lot of cheapness in dealing with thunder.

This is also one of the reasons why Sun Hao decided to spend a lot of effort, and he did not hesitate to condense the sword. Because Sun Hao felt that even if the strength of the refining power could not be fully restored, the body of the flesh and the sword of the sword were mastered. The situation, the response to the first few flights to thunder, is not a problem at all.

Now, after reviewing the classics, Sun Hao’s eyes have been placed directly after the six robberies.

In any case, the minimum requirements should be aimed at robbing the monks, otherwise it will be an advantage.

So, is it possible to consider a strong catastrophe?

After the ferry, what will be the result?

Can you skip the catastrophe in this world directly?

Sun Hao now, I really want to know how the final result of the flight of the monks will be able to cross the nine robbers.

I really want to see if this price/performance ratio is worth fighting.

According to the records of the classics, after the monks in this world became gods, they entered the robbery period. Every thousand years, there will be a catastrophe. After six catastrophe, they can barely move to the next stage of practice, but the more disasters they have, The development after the next phase will undoubtedly be better.

Because of the relationship between the first three levels of the classics, there are not many records about the robbery of the monks during the robbery period. If Sun Hao wants to consult more information, he needs to go up to the fourth floor.

Moreover, some of the information that Sun Hao needs last, about the battlefield of the virtual world, also needs to go to the fourth floor to get more answers.

After seriously thinking about it, I confirmed that in the first three layers, after finding more information about the flying and virtual battlefields, Sun Hao began to walk to the fourth floor.

According to the account of Linghua’s brother, the fourth layer of the squad is itself an area that can be visited by the ancestors of the ancestors. Sun Hao has special permission and can go up, but at most he can stay for one day and he will not be able to stand the sword of the sword. Gas is forced out.

The four-level classics themselves are also aimed at the robbery of the sword ancestors. Sun Hao, with his special contribution to the extension of Xinjiang, can select more than three cultivation techniques at most, and will be attacked by the sword array.

One day, three books.

This is the limit of Sun Hao's entry into the fourth floor of the Sword Court. This is still the authority behind his huge credit, or else he can't get in.

Jianguang was in the tide, and Sun Hao’s way was stopped at the fourth floor. Sun Hao’s body was involuntarily rushing to the chill, and his heart was loud. Sun Hao’s disciples’ nameplate, a light stroke, Jian Guangsan Go, Sun Hao stepped into the fourth floor of the sword.

The fourth layer does not look very large. Under the soft sword, there is only an area of ​​less than one acre.

However, there should be a lot of books in it. Many jade cans are placed on a special wooden frame. At first glance, there are no fewer than a thousand.

Various areas are clearly marked on the wooden frame.

Sun Hao looked at it, and there were Gongfa District, Data Zone, Jianshu District, Jianzhao District and Jianfa District, etc..."

The day is not very long, and Sun Hao is not wasted.

According to the plan of the heart, Sun Hao first went to the area of ​​swordsmanship, swordsmanship, etc., and began to consult Yujian.

After these cultivations, Sun Hao has already had a choice in the first three floors. At this time, it is better to choose a direction. If not, you can skip it directly and you can't delay much.

Sun Jian, the Jianfa jade, couldn’t read it at all. The powerful sword and swordsmanship made Sun Hao’s heart unable to bear, and the sword became a law. There was still a gap between Sun Hao and the sword.

Although the sword is stronger, but there is no Sun Hao suitable for cultivation, skip it.

But I did not expect that, in the sword, it is a very special sword, "God Royal Sword", may be useful to Sun Hao, because only look at the introduction, do not understand the details, can be used as an alternative.

At the end of the data area, Sun Hao quickly put his gaze in the Gongfa District. Sun Hao has also chosen to do it. It depends on whether there is a cultivation method that makes Sun Hao’s heart move. If not, Sun Hao can directly Focus on the data review.

Half an hour, Sun Hao consulted a large number of exercises related to the sword.

Some of the earlier low-level exercises did not cause much interest in Sun Hao.

However, after the practice of high-grade robbery, the first jade slippery spirit made Sun Hao's spirit alive. This is the advanced practice of the Five Elements. In the third layer, Sun Hao got the five elements. Shen Jian, on the fourth floor, became the "Five Elements of Golden Swords."

The content brief is so described, the five elements are all repaired, the sword is gold, and the five elements of the Excalibur are finally turned into Jinjian, which is the five elements of Jinjian.

This is the method of cultivation that must be borrowed.

Sun Hao said nothing, and directly transferred it.

Subsequent top-level cultivation methods, the effect is strong, but also let Sun Hao feel the heart of it, one of them has a sword spirit exercise method, you can definitely help the Sun Hao's agarwood sword, can be used as a candidate.

He also turned over a few jade slips. When Sun Hao turned to the third last practice of cultivation, he could not help but shine.

Strictly speaking, the jade records are not suitable for Sun Hao, the Dafa that can be used by the monks to truly rob the monks but there is more such a sentence in the introduction, this method has a miraculous effect on the flying monk .

This sentence is very powerful for Sun Hao's attraction.

The practice method of Yu Jian’s record is called “The Law of Overlord and Longevity”.

The original intention is to solve the problem of the lack of strength of the robbery monk, the delay in the cultivation of the secret law, and thus the life extension. In theory, as long as the cultivation is done, the concealment is good, and the monk can be robbed for nine thousand years and prolonged for nine thousand years.

But how to do it in actual operation is not known.

For example, Ling Tianjian, now is the four robbery sword ancestors, that is, the sword ancestor who has passed four big robberies. If he thinks that it is completely impossible to cross the fifth robbery, then he can practice before the fifth robbery comes. And the implementation of the "Thunderbolt and Longevity" Dafa can conceal the secret plane until the ninth robbery forcibly landed.

Moreover, if the strength progresses rapidly in the middle, if you are sure, you can also provoke the two robberies at the same time, and then return to the normal cultivation road.

The magic of this method for Feisheng monks is also to make Sun Hao shine.

Isn't there a thunder of a flying monk? This law also has the effect of covering up, and because the power of the thundering of the flying monk is far less than that of the monk who has been robbed, after a certain degree of accumulation, it can also actively lead the disaster.

The powerful effect of the flying monk's robbery is reflected in the robbery after the thunder, and the cultivation of the flying monk will trigger the magical effect of one plus one and two, and it is also the place where Sun Hao is really tempted.

The introduction is relatively simple, but if this Dafa really has the effect of smashing and blessing, it is one of the great laws that Sun Hao must take.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao put this Dafa into his pocket and carefully tried to figure it out. (To be continued.)

The first four seven eight chapters of the robbery

The first four seven eight chapters of the robbery and longevity are made by [no * wrong] [small-speak-net] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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