Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: Tiger King

Jiang Zhe struggled and sighed and sighed. "I didn't expect that among the disciples of ours, the most powerful ones are really you. I just can't figure out how you can be such a big disciple." Supernatural powers, I am a sword, I have no power to fight back in front of you.

Sun Hao said coldly: "Don't think about it, don't think about it, you give me over..."

The pale blue ripples surged, pulling the **** affection to Sun Hao.

Jiang Ziqing shouted: "Ji Xiaoshan, you dare, the teacher is the top ten king of the sword king."

Sun Hao: "How about that."

The big hand stretched forward and made a grip.

A huge force, holding the **** in the air.

Jiang Ziqing’s face turned red, and it seemed to be hugged by huge forces. It was very uncomfortable, but in his mouth, he still showed no weakness: “My master’s prestige can’t help you, haha, that’s it, then Only let you see and see my Master is amazing."

Sun Hao’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt that the **** lover who was holding him had a violent murderous anger, and the sea sword was swayed.

Ginger's body swayed, and separated from Sun Hao's bondage, and said to the air: "There is a teacher to help."

A blue smoke flashed through the air, and a middle-aged monk with a flying sword stood on top of the blue smoke. The tiger eyes were full of power and looked at Jiang Ziqing: "Zi Qing, you call this seat out, what is it?" ”

The top ten sword king ranked second in the tiger king.

The atmosphere at the scene slammed tightly, and Ji Ruxue’s body swayed slightly, and Xiao Qing’s hand shook slightly.

The ten great swordsmen are so powerful. He is the most experienced. Now, he is actually on the verge of a ruin. The Ji family is afraid of difficulties. Although the hills are strong, they can never be the opponents of the Tiger King.

Jiang Ziqing continued to squat and said with aloud: "Master, there are people on the opposite side who want to take their lives, and ask the master to be the master."

The tiger king looked at Sun Hao, and the voice in his mouth was like a thunder: "Is it you? I dare to make it difficult for me to be a tiger disciple."

Sun Hao face Shen Rushui, said coldly: "Don't call yourself Tiger King, you are just a avatar of the Tiger King."

The tiger king laughed and laughed: "It’s a bit of eyesight. It’s good. I’m a avatar, giving him protection to his disciples, but what about it? You dare to mess with me, I am killing you.”

After that, the flying sword on the back flashed, and the roaring roar in the air, in the snoring, rushed to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's body, ripples, with the tiger's slamming action, slightly shaking the body, into the ripples, the tiger rushed, the ripples were smashed.

Only at this time, Sun Hao among the ripples has already appeared outside, and the tiger has not caught anything.

In the snoring, the tiger turned his body and rushed over to Sun Hao again.

Sun Hao flashed again.

In the air, the tiger king laughed: "The kid has a kind of escape, there is a kind, you hardly pick up my sword and sword."

Jiang Ziqing explored his clothes and appeared behind the tiger king. He said, "Ha ha ha, Ji Shan, you should be proud. My amulet is a special refinement of the family. It was originally intended to kill Jijia. My wife, I didn’t expect you to kill him, I hope that you can do it yourself and support you for a moment."

Sun Hao’s cold voice passed over: “Ginger love, you are really too self-righteous, why don’t you ask the barbarian warriors? You don’t ask me to tell you now, the barbarian warrior has been introduced by you. In the wilderness, I was degraded by my seat. Only your so-called amulet, if it is the real body of the tiger king, will really give me some trouble, but now, the district is also daring to give up in front of me. Words. This is true."

With a heart and soul, Shen Xiangjian appeared on the top of his head and hovered slightly.

Ji Wei opened his mouth and pointed to Shen Xiangjian in surprise: "This, this, isn't that the ugly sword? Hill, he, he..."

Her side, Ji Yuliu could not help but turn his eyes, it is enough to know what to do.

In the sword array below, Ji Laotaijun laughed.

In the air, Shen Xiangjian came out, and Sun Hao said softly: "This sword is a scent, the tiger king is now retreating, and he can keep this avatar. Otherwise, he will be rude."

Looking at the air, with the tiger king pulling the sword, the Jishan hill that does not retreat, the many monks below face each other.

On the face of Jiang Ziqing, there was another error in his face, and he asked aloud in his mouth: "How is the Warrior?"

Sun Hao said coldly: "You will know when you arrive at the sinister house."

Opposite to Sun Hao, Tiger King looked at Sun Xiang’s top agarwood sword. He looked at the faint scent of Sun Hao, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. He said: “Today’s business, let’s make one step, I With your own disciple leaving immediately, how do you feel?"

Sun Hao looks at Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing pear flower said with rain: "Hill, let him go."

The tiger king is very powerful, Xiaoqing also knows that the hatred of the parents seems to be reported only later, but don't break the hill again.

On the incense sword, there seems to be a thunder in the wind. The blue light will decorate Sun Hao into a transparent water world. The sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice spread throughout the audience: “I still have the words, the tiger king will leave, Aquilaria Not for yourself."

Tiger King's body swayed slightly: "Kid, don't give your face a shameless face, Lao Tzu has the strength of the body of 80%, but I am afraid that you will not be able to fight, we will fight a battle, come, but not afraid of you know, even if you beat me This is a avatar, and be honest, don't hurt the child, or else, the swordsmen will have a big uproar, and you will eventually stop my body."

Sun Hao is no longer nonsense, since the tiger king does not retreat, then fight, Shen Xiangjian, thunder and lightning, the sea waves burst, the sun and the moon seem to appear in the air.

Flourishing a sword, picking up a burst of blue light, like a deep blue sea, rushing to the tiger king.

The tiger roared, and the swordsmanship was like a beast, and it should not be weak.

The sea meets the beasts.

Awesome is definitely the sea, the beasts into the sea are tolerated by the sea, disappeared without a trace, but it has set off a wave of sea waves.

Throughout the ancient Gusser, at this time a sound of the waves, regardless of the monks and mortals, was shocked to find that everyone was standing in the sea, the blue waters seem to hang over the Gusser, rushing to the tiger king.

The tiger king’s body was uplifted, and the fierce turmoil confronted the sea that was coming to the face. The mouth screamed: “The sword of the sea, the general trend of the sea, how is it possible? Are you the outer sword king?”

The Gusser monk did not know what the outer sword king was.

I don't know what is the sword of the sea, the general trend of the sea.

Ji Ruxue just seems to understand.


However, the results of the battle on the field, let them know that Ji Shan, the outer door sword king must be powerful.

Because, the tiger king avatar quickly resisted the wave of the sea, was rushed by the huge waves, buried by the sea, and a series of squeaking sounds.

The tall and mighty body was forced to fight back to the original shape with the sound of squeaking, turned into a cyan sword with tiger head ornament, under the sword and sword of Sun Hao , throw it away.

In the sword body, the voice of the tiger king is still passed out: "Ji Xiaoshan, you have become a foreign sword king, the sea is big, has the ability to talk positively with me, you and I belong to the upper level of the sword, the sword sent a qualification It’s not easy to be a good disciple. Please give me a face. Don’t kill it. Other things are good to discuss...”

When the words were not finished, Sun Hao Shen Xiangjian suddenly flew over with the waves, and when he heard it, he clicked on the cyan sword.

Qingguang masterpiece, Qingjian supported it, a wave of surge, thunder and thunder, the blue sword finally could not support, shattered, turned into pieces, falling into the air.

Ginger's body suddenly trembled, his face showed an incredible expression, his body swayed, he wanted to vacate, but in an instant, the stalemate was in the air, and the bombs could not move. Layers of waves came in and bound him on the spot, Shen Xiangjian fluttered in the air. Come over and point to his forehead.

"No..." Jiang Ziqing yelled at the sky: "Ji Xiaoshan, you can't do this. I am a sword-like sword that the sword sent a thousand years to see."

"A colleague who hurts the barbarians and hurts mortals. I don't have a lot of swordsmen, and there are not many ones." Sun Hao said faintly: "You did something you should not do, and you have committed a mistake that should not be made. ......"

With a bang, Shen Xiangjian was on the head of Jiang Ziqing.

The water blue passed through the agarwood sword tip and instantly spread to the whole body of the ginger. The Yuan Ying was wrapped in water blue and flew out from the Tianling cover. Jiang Ziqing pleaded: "No."

Shen Xiangjian did not show mercy, and a sword was placed on Yuan Ying.

The sky was shining, flying above Gusser, and Jiang was desperately, making a hysterical shout: "No..." (To be continued~^~)

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