Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1426: Invincible

() Sun Hao stepped into the chariot, his head slightly dizzy, suddenly found that the soldiers around him have disappeared, and at this time, appeared in a small room full of Jianguang.

The body just stood, and the Jianguang of the house rushed over to his body.

When Sun Hao was shocked and was preparing for defense, he suddenly discovered that these swords were actually just shadows of light, as if there was no attacking ability.

I quickly thought that I was now participating in the Ling Tianjian’s disciple test. Sun Hao’s action of leaping and dodging was slightly swaying, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the house, and letting the sword light of the room shine on him.

I don't know the judgment standard of the sword school, and I don't know what Jianguang is accidentally. Sun Hao can only wait quietly and pay attention to the changes of Jianguang.

Jianguang quickly drowned in Sun Hao, but I don't know why it was Sun Hao's golden battle or other reasons. Jianguang in all directions surrounded Sun Hao into a circle, but it could not enter.

The light is getting stronger and stronger, and it is very dazzling. Sun Hao has to squint his eyes.

After the brightness of Jianguang reached the level of the small sun, Sun Hao discovered that Jianguang finally broke through his body and quickly rushed out of his body.

Within the entire house, suddenly a white brilliance was filled, and eventually Sun Hao had to close his eyes.

Then, let Sun Hao’s fearful battle happen.

If Sun Hao is a good calculation, the tea is already gone.

That is to say, your own results should have come out, and there is no movement in the house.

According to the routine, the time that can pass the customs has passed, and if it can't pass, it will wait for other monks to pull and enter the next pass.

Have you been eliminated?

As time went on, Sun Hao’s heart gradually became cold.

Isn't it, is the plan to join the swordsman empty? The bamboo baskets are filled with water.

Sun Hao is still sitting cross-legged, but his eyes are gradually firmer. The road to repairing the road is particularly difficult, but it is harder and he still has to go on.

This road does not work, you can only think of other ways.

Even if it is slowly recovering, you have to recast the whole body bones and then follow the road of repairing the road.

In the full house white Jianguang, Sun Hao’s heart gradually calmed down, quietly waiting for the monks to pick themselves up and be eliminated.

At this moment, the test site is another scene.

The last batch of test disciples went in, and after the tea martial arts, the strangeness occurred, and there was no light on the chariot.

The last batch of disciples are all unqualified?

All the disciples who passed the customs could not help but face each other, and those who were behind the ranks of the monks were filled with surprises.

If the last batch of troops is annihilated, there is no doubt that their chances are coming.

Sword Jun frowned and asked: "What is the situation?"

The monk inside said loudly: "It seems to be stuck, and the test went on halfway and there was an accident, which was being investigated."

After half a ring, the monk exclaimed: "How could it be, how did you run to a house?"

Sword Jun asked aloud: "What is the situation?"

Inside the monk replied loudly: "All the swordsmen poured into a house, can't get out, stuck in the shell."

Sword Jun gave a slight glimpse, could not help but say: "Failed? Dead people?"

The test disciple couldn't help but be surprised. You look at me, I look at you, my face looks strange, but fortunately it is not a fault here, this is the rhythm of being directly dying!

The monk inside seems to be investigating the situation, and it has been half-sounding in the past. This is said loudly: "It seems that there is no death, but it is strange. Jianguang actually stayed in his house and did not come out. How could this be the case? No reason for the failure."

Sword Jun stayed, and his mouth groaned: "All the swords are pouring in, not actually dead, what is the situation, what is the situation?"

In the air, the sword king Ling Fang blinked and said: "Report it."

The monk inside reacted immediately: "Ji Xiaoshan."

Ling Fang's eyes couldn't help but brighten, and his mouth quickly said: "Compared with the sword body map, you should be able to find the reason."

Sword Jun's eyes are not brightened by thieves.

Use your brains and think about it quickly. What kind of sword body is it to achieve such a terrible effect.

However, if he wants to break his head, Sword Jun still has no solution. As far as he knows, all the recorded, most powerful, or very distinctive swords can't achieve this effect.

He can't do it, it doesn't mean that the monks who are in charge of testing inside will not do it.

It may be that I have read a lot of records. In the end, the monks inside said softly: "The fire swords, the swordsman, may be, may be a combination of double swords, causing such a strange phenomenon."

Double sword body combination?

Jian Jun stayed again.

The sword king Fang Yi is also a bit dazed.

Double sword body?

It’s really a wonderful situation that has never happened before!

Fang Weijian Wang Fei quickly said: "Well, then you will follow your judgment and kneel down. If your judgment is correct, then the fault will be self-solving, and Jianguang will give a more detailed explanation."

The monk inside promised a "good".

After a half-sound, I waited for more than two teas. On the first chariot, I finally started to light up. A glaring lantern first lit up, and then, the other three lights were illuminated in turn.

After introducing the other three lamps, the monk grass and grassland said loudly: "Ji Jia Ji hill, double sword body, invincible sword body, bones leaking sword body..."

The disciples who watched were whispering in a whisper. What is the situation and the sword body is double?

Jianjun looked at Fang Jianjian Wang and said loudly in his mouth: "Sword King, double sword body, invincible body, bones are leaking..."

Without waiting for Jian Jun to finish the words, Fang Jianjian Wang has waved and said: "Don't make a noise, I think."

The scene was quiet again.

Quietly watching the test disciples seem to be able to hear their heart pounding.

This is a very wonderful test. The time of the whole three teas has passed, and the test within the first chariot has not been settled.

Ji Jia, Ji Xiaoshan, everyone remembered.

The face of Ji Yuliu appeared to be angry, as if it was annoyed that Ji Xiaoshan had a look of the limelight.

Ji Ruxue is thoughtful.

Xiaoqing said: "The hill is so powerful? It is really the cousin of this girl."

After half a ring, Fang Weijian Wang leisurely said: "Ling Tian Jianpai has been founded since then, and it has listed various swords and 18s. Among them, the first place is the invincible sword body, invincible and invincible, the world is the first, the invincible sword body is born as a sword. Because of the sword, even if it is a thousand Jianguang, I can’t break it..."

Inside the hall, it was completely quiet.

So powerful, it is actually the first invincible sword body of the 18th sword body ~ ~ Ji Shan is actually so strong?

Fang Weijian Wang continued: "But what you don't know is that there is another kind of sword body outside the 18th sword body, which exists in theory, but in fact it does not appear in the sword body. Body, omnipotent, leaking, is the sword leaking, is the only existence that transcends the invincible sword body, but what makes me strange is that invincible and 10,000 leaks are the swords of mutual restraint, why It happened to be on a monk. No wonder the sword light ran in and never came out again."

He does not understand the problem, others will naturally not give an answer.

At this time, Jian Jun asked: "Fang Fangjian Wang, then can they enter the next level? Also, this Jishan's double sword body is so powerful, how do you finally need to decide?"

Fang Yijian Wang made a discretion and said slowly: "The more the sword body is, the better. The double sword body of Ji Xiaoshan may be a double-edged sword. The two sword bodies are difficult to dissolve into each other. In the future, His cultivation path may be very difficult. Maybe he has not yet stepped into the cultivation avenue, and he has faced a long-term slain. Hey, this is called the talent of the celestial being, and he will do it anyway. Go straight through, we continue to go down..." (To be continued.)

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