Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1408: Ghostly

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Legend has it that a hundred years of wolf king will have a certain chance to form a wolf god.

This Dan has magical effects.

It can enhance the internal strength of a warrior's armor, and strengthen the body of the monk.

It is a rare treasure, of course, the Wolf God Dan can also get a lot of wild hunting points.

The so-called wild hunting, Sun Hao also gradually figured out what is going on.

To put it simply, in fact, it is equivalent to a spontaneous, side-hunting competition, but if you really want to produce a hunting effect, the scale of the hunting must come up, really attracting the attention of the Zhangzhou Lingtian Sword and the Barbarian Cave, and sending the mighty monks to come. Investigate intelligence.

At that time, the hunting scores were really useful and could be a good weight for the monks who participated in the hunting or the advanced gates of the barbarian warriors.

In the wilderness hunting, only the new generation can participate, otherwise it will be invalid.

The wilderness hunting is roughly divided into three stages. In the first stage, that is, at this stage, the barbarians and the new generations of the Terran spontaneously rushed to the place of borders and borders, and began to fight and find the treasures and compete.

The characteristic of this stage is that there is competition between various forces but there will not be a real war. Even if the party is completely strong, it will not forcefully crush others.

If it is too strong, other forces will not dare to participate, and hunting will not be a climate.

The second stage is the stage of great chaos. At that time, the battlefields are intertwined, and various forces attack each other, causing the attention of the upper classes of the Terran and Barbarian, and sending the monks to come to form a real hunting situation.

In the third stage, the most cruel stage, the new generation needs to rely on their own strength to hunt wild animals while hunting others, but also to be guarded by others.

In the end, with his own performance, he was awarded the qualification for Zongmen.

This is the wilderness hunting.

Sun Hao now also needs to enter the Lingtian Sword School to find a suitable method to repair and consolidate his broken bones. Naturally, he has become one of the promoters of the wilderness hunting.

Shenlang Valley, which Sun Hao deliberately throws, is a bait that lures the new generation of the wilderness to participate in hunting.

Of course, in the spirit of the water and the water, Sun Hao intends to guide the Ji family monks, and harvested one-third of the wolf **** Dan, which alone acted and began to fish in troubled waters.

According to Sun Hao’s suggestion, Ji Ruxue led the Ji family warriors to appear in the wolf gods valley, joined the Lin family’s monk team, and also had a share.

The rebellion of Shenwo Valley is very strong, and the battles of the Great War are alarmed. More monks have joined the battlefield. In front of the Shenlang Valley, a large number of Terran and Barbarian elites have gathered together. Every day, the Wolf Valley is surrounded by fierce attacks.

Finally, after ten days, the monk team broke into the valley.

Three wolf kings, two heads were killed on the spot, only one escape.

The monks rushed into the three wolves, ping pong, and it was a good fight.

The face of the Jijia warrior was slightly weird from one of the wolf caves, accompanied by the Lin family monks.

The Lin family led the monk Lin Keqiang to hold a wolf **** Dan, and said loudly: "If the snow, this wolf **** Dan is very important to my Lin family, I am willing to take a thousand Jin Dan to change, how do you mean?"

After Ji Ruixue seemed to hesitate for a long time, Lang said: "That's good, the deal, but when the wilderness is hunting, I need the family to help the family."

Lin Keqiang laughed happily: "You and I are both in the same breath, must be sure, thank you like snow", and throw a jade bottle at hand. Among them, there is a special kind of Lin Jiadan who can improve the samurai.

Of course, when it comes to value, it is more than one grade than the wolf god.

Qian Jindan got his hands and parted ways with the Lin family monks. Xiaoqing said with a strange face, whispered: "Our wolf hole, there are as many as eight Dan, there is only one in this hole, but also killed and killed. I just grabbed it, how do I feel that it is a bit wrong!"

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Be careful that there are ears in the wall. Maybe we just entered the biggest wolf hole. You didn't see the wolf hole that the barbarian entered. It was a long time before you finally decided to belong to a wolf **** Dan?"

Xiaoqing sighed: "So, our luck is really good, right, the hill, I haven't seen it for a few days, I don't know where to go to the wild."

The voice just fell, the forest in front of the team, Ji Xiaoshan body swayed, stood up, beckoned and said: "Miss, young sister, hill and explored a crucial intelligence, in the west of the wild stone forest, found the ground milk The signs of the birth of the original liquid, the barbarian warrior and the Jiang family monks have already rushed over, let us go soon."

Ground milk stock solution?

Xiaoqing immediately jumped up and exclaimed: "You can upgrade the treasures of the real yuan. It is a great thing. Hill, you have made a great contribution, Miss, hesitating, walking..."

Ji rolled a song: "Zhengxi, open and open."

The Jijia team quickly moved to follow Jishan and killed the past in the wild stone forest.

Above the halfway, Xiaoqing said to Sun Hao: "The hills, the hills, come up, give you something."

Sun Hao heard the words, his face full of smiles, his legs flicking, and he fell on the chariot of Xiaoqing and Xuexue.

Xiaoqing hand stretched out and handed over a storage bag: "Miss said that you are doing great work in the wolf valley, hey, this is your reward."

Sun Hao knew it and found that there were three small wolf gods lying in the storage bag. His heart was slightly warm, and he reached out and handed the storage bag over. He made a small ear and whispered a few words. Then, I showed up a storage bag and let Xiaoqing sweep a few sweeps.

Among Xiaoqing’s eyes, he was surprised by the expression of amazement. The little mouth was so big that after a half-sound, he said: “I said how the wolf **** Dan in the wolf hole is so little, it turns out that he is a ghost, but the hill You can know such a strange person. It’s really a good fortune. Hey, he actually gave you so many wolf gods, it’s really generous.”

Sun Hao looked around and erected a finger to make a whisper to her. He said softly: "He said, Wolf God Dan has little help for him. He left half and was completely enough. Yes, Qingjie, he asked me to tell you and Miss."

Ji Ruxue smiled and said: "What did he say?"

Sun Hao said quickly: "He said that after we have found resources, we must leave a point. We must not take it. We must give other families a little sweetness, which is conducive to the formation of a wilderness hunting. Of course, he also said that every Don't stay too much, you must form a rare and expensive situation, and strengthen competition..."

Ji Ruxue nodded and said: "Understood."

Xiaoqing’s face showed a faint blush, and he said: “Snow boss, really you still have a tacit understanding with him, you let me leave a wolf **** Dan, I accidentally, the last one is also given. come out."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded.

Ji Ruxue has long been accustomed to this, nodded, wise eyes, shot the light: "In fact, this time the beginning of the wild hunting, I have a strange feeling, it is like someone is deliberately pushing the general, if I As expected, the ridiculous wolf is one of the promoters, but fortunately, he chose our family as a partner, and if we want to come, we can take advantage of it."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "That is also because our Ji family is not strong, or else it may not be our family."

Xiaoqing chuckled: "I have intuition. The lonely wolf on the other side is looking at the face of the invincible beautiful girl Xue Bo and the smart snowman. I chose to cooperate with my family!"

Sun Haoxin said, "Women's intuition is true," said a smile on the face: "Miss, younger sister, not far from the front is the waste rock forest, I will first explore the road, you follow my mark, and pay attention to keep the warrior formation. ”

Ji Ruxue nodded.

Xiaoqing said: "Be careful."

Sun Hao bowed his head and leaped forward. Soon, he disappeared into the stone forest.

Three days later, along the mark left by the hill Jijia warrior under the leadership of Ji Ruxue, came to a huge stone forest like a forest, towering stone pillars Ji Jishan magically drilled out from a huge stone pillar and said to the team: "Follow me, I have already discovered in front, there are more and more monks, and a big battle may be inevitable."

After that, one of them got into the stone pillar.

Xiaoqing strangely stunned: "Hill, how do you drill the pillars?"

Ji Shantou did not say back: "I found a hole here and went directly to the center of Shilin, which may help us gain a lot of advantages."

Ji Ruxue glanced at Sun Hao, and said that the hills really have a lot of strange powers.

Xiaoqing has already laughed: "I said Hill, you are really amazing. You can know everything. You can find this mouse hole. I am really convinced."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Don't the old lady tell you? It's the best way to get rid of the ghosts!"

Xiaoqing grinning: "It’s strange." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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