Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1393: Sunshine teenager

What is the difference between domestic pigs and wild pigs?

Although Hao Anyi's metaphor is very vulgar, it is very intuitive and very vivid to describe the situation of Sun Hao and Wei Xinbing. In fact, it is also true.

What Hao Anyi did not expect was that Sun Hao, who was in a difficult situation, actually ran to the front of Wei Xinbing.

The reason for this situation is precisely because Wei Xinbing is like a domestic pig.

Wei Xinbing soared and was accepted by Wan Hezong.

Wan Hezong and Hao Anyi both told Wei Xinbing that Feisheng monks needed to adapt to the new environment and need to learn to walk slowly. Just like human babies, they will continue to sleep for a few months. After half a year, they will try to walk and learn gradually. It takes eight months to one year to walk gradually and steadily...

These things, Wei Xinbing believes that it is a matter of course, so it is safe to recover, according to the recommendations of Wan Hezong and Hao Anyi, and because the surrounding environment is relatively stable, he personally has no pressure at all, eat well, sleep It is also very stable.

Raised in vain, the family is pig.

But Sun Hao is totally different.

Soaring to the edge of the wild, I felt tremendous environmental pressure.

No one helped, no one told him about the situation of the upper bound. Sun Hao had to stand up on his own and must succeed. Sun Hao did not know how long he needed to sleep. He only knew that he should stand up as soon as possible.

Sun Hao is very strange to the surrounding environment and needs to learn to speak as soon as possible.

Sun Hao's spirit is highly concentrated and tense. Just like a wild boar needs to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain. Sun Hao must be strong and must adapt as soon as possible.

The tremendous pressure of survival, the perseverance and perseverance of personality, and Hao Anyi’s arrangement in the midst of life, let Sun Hao finally overcome his own problems and deficiencies, and adapted to his own environment before Wei Xinbing. And integrated into the Jijiabao, began to work hard to become a Jijia warrior.

If Wei Xinbing and Hao Anyyi see Sun Hao in this state, there is no doubt that they will definitely see ghosts, and Hao Anyi will also sigh that his education failed.

Of course, now they are proud to feel that they are already ahead of Sun Hao.

Of course, once Wei Xinbing recovered, he began to cultivate. Perhaps, he would take advantage of Zongmen, and he would go to Sun Hao again with his advantage of not having much deficit, but the actual situation will be the case. It really only has time to verify.

At the very least, it is now that Sun Hao has opened a large section of Wei Xinbing.

The cold forging thirty-six hammer gave Sun Hao a powerful auxiliary role. With the cold forging thirty-six hammers and the experience of his own old Sun family to play iron, after Sun Hao began to hit the iron, the strength began to advance by leaps and bounds.

A small hammer was changed in three or two days. After three weeks, Sun Hao was able to use the normal blacksmith's hammer.

Four weeks later, Sun Hao picked up the last big hammer that surpassed the normal blacksmith and began to pick up some forging tasks from Jijiabao.

Without the real yuan in his body, Sun Hao’s refining technology was under control, and the strange rules of the underworld made Sun Hao’s refining techniques useless.

However, the eyesight of Sun Hao’s master of the lower boundary refiner is still there, and the experience is still there. It is really no problem to pick up some low-level tasks of Jijiabao.

Moreover, only less than a month later, his forged swordsman made a good name in Jijiapu, and many monks came here to make Sun Hao cast a sword.

The reason is very simple. That is, the Jijia warrior is hand-made by Sun Hao. When the swords with the words of the hills are cast, they often cut off the other's swords accidentally. One to two, the incident happened much, the soldiers. Naturally know that the hill casts, quite reliable.

A lot of Jijia’s contribution will naturally come.

In the end, the swordsman that Sun Hao cast, even the most up-to-date crowd of Jijia, Xiaoqing was near the water tower and got the moon, so that Sun Hao gave himself a flying sword.

The flying sword in this world, in theory, is equivalent to the lower bound of the instrument, without the real element, the monk is difficult to cast.

However, Sun Hao still used his forging technology to forge three days and three nights, forcibly using his own strength to assist the 36-way cold forging hammer and forging his first method in this world. sword.

Xiaoqing just wants to see how much Sun Hao can have.

I really didn't think that the mortal body could forge a flying sword. So when Sun Hao handed Feijian to her, her face was full of surprise expressions.

I was very excited, and I took my own flying sword and Sun Hao’s tactical flying sword. I actually ran into a fight.

Suddenly, Xiaoqing looked at Sun Hao.

Ji family also has a swordsman, but even the soldiers are not able to cast the swordsman who came from Feijian.

Rare to the extreme.

Suddenly, Sun Hao became a toon, and the House of Representatives once again provided Sun Hao with a prostitute, and completed a large yard, and also built a sword room.

The soldiers, those who did not dare to ask the monks to cast swords, but had to use the sword of the mortal, suddenly found that they can also use the flying sword.

Feijian, even the lowest level flying sword, its performance is not comparable to ordinary swords.

It is rushing.

Of course, it is not easy for Sun Hao to refine the flying sword. The forging sound that his sword-building room thinks day and night tells all the soldiers. If you want to get a flying sword, you have to wait in line.

Too many queues, Sun Hao simply came to an auction qualification.

In this way, a large amount of contribution has poured into the identity plate of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is full of confidence in himself. Within two years, he should be able to meet the requirements of becoming a Jijia warrior.

The exercise of the cold forged thirty-six hammers has gradually restored the strength of Sun Hao. At the same time, Sun Hao’s reaction, speed and so on have also been greatly enhanced.

With the recovery of strength, the time that Sun Hao needs to sleep is also gradually shortening.

In less than a year, when Sun Hao entered the incense sword, it would be enough to sleep for more than one hour a day. Even if he does not enter the incense sword, it only takes three hours to sleep.

This is also a huge improvement.

When Sun Hao’s power gradually increased and he began to make his heavier hammer and began to forge, Sun Hao had a discovery that surprised him.

One day, because of the forging sword, Sun Hao got up very early. When the sun was rising, Sun Hao inadvertently saw the sun shining through the horizon, illuminating the scene of the mountains and rivers, and suddenly remembered the "Eight Laws of the Sea" The rising sun in the sky.

Over the years, Sun Hao has been very serious about the various scenery in the Eight Diagrams of the Sea of ​​Views. Moreover, the first method, the rising sun, has the deepest understanding, but after the upper limit, Sun Hao once driven the Eight Diagrams of the Sea. After practicing boxing, but without any effect, I have been putting the boxing method aside.

However, after observing the scene of the rising sun, Sun Hao suddenly had a burst of enlightenment. Perhaps, the boxing method of "The Eight Diagrams of the Sea" is not impossible to cultivate, but the level of cultivation is not enough, or the way of cultivation is wrong. Only.

Blessed to the soul, Sun Hao put down the hammer in his hand and walked into his yard. Under the nascent sun, he slowly opened the first law, "Rising Sun."

Just like the cold forging 36 hammer, the lower imaginary must be cultivated, and certain specific conditions must be met.

Or to say that in the Tianling continent, those cultivation methods with special significance, after cultivation to the apex, can reach the basic cultivating requirements of the imaginary, and produce the cultivation effect.

After the rising of the rising sun, Sun Hao’s body, the masculine and vigorous atmosphere flourished, and the silk power began to flow in the flesh. In less than a moment, when the sun really shines on the earth, Sun Hao falls from the rising state of the rising sun. When I slowly recovered, I found myself sweating and full of thick mud like I had just entered the body.

The heart is full of joy, and Sun Hao can't help but pinch his fists. Finally, he does not have to be a Jijia warrior, and he can also practice martial arts.

It is true that the "King of the Sea" is probably a high-level refining method in the lower bound, but it is only a kind of martial arts.

But in any case, the cultivation of the rising sun of the rising sun opened a new door for Sun Hao.

After the cold forging 36 hammer, Sun Hao really found a way to practice martial arts.

Cold forging 36 hammer is only a forging can improve Sun Hao's body and strength, but after all, it is not martial arts, the improvement of Sun Hao's cultivation, the recovery of Sun Hao's body, but How can we not catch up with the professional view of the Eight Diagrams.

Sun Hao smiled.

On this day, Xiaoqing accidentally came to Sun Hao's small yard. When he saw Sun Hao, he suddenly felt that his eyes were bright, as if he were a teenager in front of him, and he had an extraordinarily attractive temperament.

Feeling with heart, that is, two words can describe: sunshine.

Vibrant, sunny, good boy.

Sun Hao was in a good mood. When he saw Xiaoqing, he called a "green sister" and showed a bright smile.

Man Qing’s body shook and he exclaimed in his mouth: “Hill, what evil method have you cultivated? Actually want to charm the younger?”

Sun Hao laughed again.

Within the yard, it was filled with the feeling of sunshine. (To be continued.):

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