Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: 0 years of sermons

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A hundred years of vicissitudes of life, sang the sea.

Sun Hao wants to laugh at the clouds and thinks that the clouds are light and windy.

I saw it, I couldn’t light it.

The moment of the ringing of the centuries-old bell, the glory of the mountains, Sun Hao leisurely opened his eyes.

A ray of sunshine, through the shadow of the pagoda, shines on the top of Xianshan, and gives Sun Hao a layer of Jinxia.

Among the eyes, there are vicissitudes of life, leisurely, sad and happy, deeply and quickly, from the moment when Sun Hao blinked, he was deeply restrained.

Lightly, Sun Hao slowly turned around and looked down to the one.

Before dawn, I don’t know when, the upper and lower have been filled with monks.

Sun Hao once said to Xuanyuanhong that he was on the day of his loyalty to the Xianshan Mountain. Every 100 years, he preached once and let Xuanyuan Red bring his disciples to listen.

It is now 100 years old.

I didn't expect to wait for the disciples before the Xianshan, as many as a few hundred people.

Not only that, but those who are waiting to be relegated to Xianshan and Fengsunhao to the great emperor, know that these are the great emperors who came to listen to the Emperor’s sermons. Don't miss such a great time.

Therefore, when the first morning sun shone in the morning, the top of Xianshan was already neatly filled with monks waiting for a long time.

Sun Hao’s eyes were swept away, and the team was still Xiaohong and Rakshagen.

They are still sitting around the town of Shen Xiangbing, and they are in the South China Sea.

The disciples who came here have come, including Xia Chuan and Zhou Yuxi, including Huang Wenmao's brothers and sisters. The great disciples on Sun Haoming's faces have all arrived at Daewoo, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Xianlang and Xiaoyu Chemical Library.

Of course, more, but Sun Hao does not know, but it should be the same as Sun Hao, the disciples and grandchildren.

The agarwood sermons, not the same, or even some should not come, know the news, but also the scalp.

Sun Hao did not expect to see the monks of Wanyi Mountain. The old ancestors of Jin and the ancestors of Yaqin personally led the team. The monks such as Chen Hao and Lan Lan were a little flushed and appeared on the top of the mountain.

Sun Hao also found that Xuan Honghong was sitting behind a handsome Jin Dan monk, and he was looking at himself with other faces.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged in the foothills.

In his small yard, the monks who could be condensed in the empty tower were scattered and sat on both sides of the cloud, and they came out together to listen.

The busiest, nature is still the dog and the animal husbandry, Wang Wang screamed back to a fairy mountain: "quiet, quiet, order, note yì order, who dares to make a big noise, be careful to take him out to go out..."

Xiaoyu Chemical Library is not afraid of death and said a big truth: "It looks like the whole fairy mountain, you will hear your barking."

Mindful of the old feelings of the grandfather, Bianmu said that he had let go of this kid who did not know the height of the sky.

On the top of the mountain, Sun Hao’s face smiled lightly.

The smile is like a ripple, and the monks who sit on the knees and sit on the knees have a very strange feeling.

Sun Hao hasn't spoken yet, they seem to have read a lot of things.

They seem to have felt a lot of life from the smile of Sun Hao, feeling a little helpless, a little bit stern, a little bit sorrowful, a little sad and happy...

Very contradictory and unforgettable feeling.

But what is strange is that when the monks seriously thought about it, they found that they did not understand anything.

I am still myself, Agarwood or Agarwood.

The first one is still the same, and the sun is coming out.

Shen Xiang adults have not begun to preach.

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "You friends, don't hesitate, come and listen to me. Before that, you can tell me, how did you come to me to go to Xianshan?"

Sun Hao’s smile is full of affinity.

Many of the monks below gave the answer to Sun Hao involuntarily.

Some said: "I am coming from Yu Jian."

Some said: "I came from the battle boat."

"I am by boat", "I am walking", "I am flying over..."


The answer is varied.

Sun Hao smiled and said leisurely: "No matter how you come, you can come to me to go to a fairy mountain, have not gone wrong, have found the right path..."

Xiaoyu Chemical Library whispered underneath: "That may not be, maybe it is not a road idiot that has circulated a lot of roads."

Sun Hao smiled at Xiaoyu Huaku: "So, today, Shen Xiang will tell you a word, road."

Sitting cross-legged and wearing a golden light, after Sun Hao’s hundred years, he taught his own discipline to the disciples for the first time.

Sun Hao’s voice is not very big, but the clear voice spread throughout every corner of the Xianshan.

Sun Hao’s voice is not very exciting, but it makes the hearers have a feeling of squeaking.

The content of Sun Hao’s words has made the apostle’s heart clear and cheerful.

Wherever the wilderness is, there is a shackle between the husbands; the ten husbands have a ditch, and the hundred husbands have a shackle... Wanfu has a river, and there is a road on the river to reach Yu.

From the foot to the foot, the foot is on the side, the road.

Sun Hao said slowly: "My generation of monks, hard to find, climb the avenue, then, what is the road, why? Where is the road? Where is the road? The so-called high-ranking people, to wǎng can not tell the truth, know I know myself, I don’t know who I don’t know, then, isn’t it? Is it true that my master’s monks are blind? Shen Xiang thought it would be...”

Sun Hao talked, and the sound was like a clear spring, slowly flowing into the heart of the monk.

Sun Hao thought: "Take a ride to gallop, come to my husband to lead the way, my generation of monks, seek the way to find the road first; roads, roads, roads where? The road is through. What is the road? On all sides, go on Go to the sides of the cross, go on, go on, and find your own way, go down the road, maybe you will find your own way..."

The monasticism is confused.

Many monks can't see their own roads. They don't know how to go. They don't know their pursuit. More monks are seeking for the Tao. How to ask for it is not known.

Sun Hao said that the core meaning of the road is to go.

Road, be bold to go, bold to practice.

If you don't go, if you wait and see, everything is empty talk.

Of course, you have to look at the direction of walking, you can't just walk around, you will get lost when you walk.

Since Sun Hao summoned the disciples under the door, he will naturally give some directions and give some alternative ways for everyone to choose zé.

A painting of the void.

A large "nine" character appeared in the air, the golden sun of the sun, the condensed air tower gold light yào, Sun Hao's "nine" word, covered with layers of sunlight, people can not look directly.

Sun Hao pointed his finger to the nine-character, and whispered in his mouth: "Revising liàn to this day, Shen Xiang summed up and concluded that if you want to climb the peak of the avenue, if there are nine ways to go, one is refining, this is the mainstream of the mainland. , to promote the balance, suitable for the general monk; two refining body, this is a monk container, the capacity of the gas ..."

Sun Hao has twice organized his own road to repair liàn in Daqingshan, and gradually formed his nine lines of repairing liàn.

On the occasion of a hundred years of sermons, Sun Hao taught his own experience of monastic training for the first time.

Gas god, soul heart, Dan instrument.

The nine major repairs liàn veins, the basic composition of each repair liàn, each of the repairs liàn before and after the order, note yì matters, Sun Hao from the simple and simple, one by one.

The disciples of Sun Haomen, the disciples who have contacted the nine major contexts, compared with themselves, one by one, many difficult problems are suddenly clear, and many of the bottlenecks of repairing liàn are solved.

Even those who are not the monks under Sun Hao’s door have benefited a lot. Many monks understand that the reason why they will encounter bottlenecks will be stopped. The reason is that one of them does not know. Reaching the promotion requirements and hindering their progress.

According to the words of Shen Xiang, it is that I have stopped on all sides and I don’t know how to go.

At this moment I may need to take a little from the road, and finally get out.

The first sermons, there are still many observers. Sun Hao’s nine contexts do not involve real details. They are only pure road theory, telling the truth, giving examples and demonstrations, but not teaching any practical Repair liàn method.

The sun gradually shifted with the description of Sun Hao, and I realized it in the afternoon without knowing it.

Under the sun, Sun Hao’s face is still indifferent.

At this time, Sun Hao has finished the characteristics and characteristics of the Nine Pulses, and described the key points and key points of the Nine Pulses practice. He also talked about how to take the nine roads well: "Today, I have displayed nine roads for repairing roads for Taoist friends. We choose zé, the Taoyou can choose one of them, or like agarwood, the nine pulse fellow initiates, go hand in hand, but Agarwood thinks, how to choose zé, all the friends are equivalent, tailored, sometimes, more The monks need to combine their own particularities to find a way to walk for themselves, in order to pass straight to the avenue."

On the hill of Xianyi, it was quiet and abnormal. All the monks listened quietly and listened to Sun Hao. (To be continued.)

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