Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1352: Darkness Chen Cang (plus)

Received reports and requests from the edge of the desert.

Lancome, who was incarnation of Xiaoyan, fell into meditation.

It seems that there are no abnormal reports, but in fact it is a very strange battle report.

The results of Xiao Xiao’s analysis made her own brows wrinkled.

I have suffered a big loss here. With the advantage of the strength of Chen Bing's desert, I was beaten off by about 60% of the troops. Under the circumstance, it is already at a disadvantage. Seeing that the battlefield will spread to the territory of a formal rule. .

It is reasonable to say that this kind of war report should be a battle report that loses and loses.

However, what is very embarrassing is that most of the magic repairs feel that they should not lose. The only thing they lose is the strategic layout. Most of the magic repairs, even the return of the dust, also believe that as long as the additional troops are deployed, the triads can be resolved. .

However, Xiao Yan, but did not see from the war report that several Mozu monks really found the reason for the defeat.

On the surface, the devil's defeat is due to the relationship between the chaos and the opponent.

On the surface, the strength of Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is just like this, can not stop returning to the dust, but also returned to the dust to save a friend.

However, without asking the process, just ask the result.

Xiao Yan came up with a very straightforward conclusion: "The devils have lost a lot of elites, and now they have to invest heavily in the inside again."

I don't know how the judgment in front came. Xiao Xiao felt that it was a big mistake, and there was a deep calculation hidden by Xiao Hao in the dark.

However, so far, she has not been able to see where Xiaohao’s calculations are.

According to the principle of determining the motive of purpose, Xiaohao’s ultimate goal is undoubtedly to repair the Antarctic Tianzhu, the battle on the edge of the desert, and it should be just a blind eye.

However, Xiaohao’s eye-catching method is too subtle. So far, she has not seen anything wrong.

To say that there is something wrong, there is, that is, with the strength of Xiaohao, it may not be able to kill the dust, but it is absolutely not to be able to stop the dust and save people.

In other words, Xiaohao stayed in the process of returning to the dust.

If you really want to stay, then the purpose of Xiaohao should be to try to attract the main force of the Mozu, the main force of the Mozu, from the original to the direction of the desert.

If Xiaohao is only for this purpose, then no doubt, his purpose has been achieved.

But Xiao Yan immediately fell into meditation.

The Mozu is not disgusted with dragging three in the desert. The Lancome Demon Lord even hopes to drag the Southern Terran monks in the desert. It takes about two years for the Antarctic Tianzhu to be completely extinguished. The four-pole and four-column catastrophe can also complete the destruction of the pole, and open the passage for the demon world to come to the mainland again.

In this way, Xiaohao’s plan on the edge of the desert will become a joke.

With Xiaohao’s wisdom, he will not make such a simple mistake.

However, the intelligence shows that Xiaohao is still in the desert, and is still organizing three coalition forces to fight against the Mozu warriors, without any other movements.

Then will it, Xiaohao in the Ming Xiu Road, darkness Chen Cang? In Mingli, he formed a suppression of the Mozu in the desert and gave the Mozu a chance to rescue. At the same time, he secretly deployed a powerful deployment to restore the Antarctic Tianzhu.

If you think about it carefully, it is really possible, because Xiaoyan found that the information that was returned to the dust, along with Sun Hao repaired the other three-pole monks, Shan and Suzaku were not in the desert.

Then, will it be that Solo and Suzaku have quietly sneaked into the neighborhood?

However, as long as Xiaohao did not personally come back to one, then even if all the other monks were sent to support the desert, they would not have a chance if they were here.

Even if Xiaohao came, I have to guard this level, and whoever is dead, is really two.

Xiaohao appeared in the news of the presidency of the desert, so Xiao Xiao’s heart was a little safe.

To be honest, she is very reluctant to face Xiaohao, especially in the vicinity of the Antarctic Tianzhu.

The closer to the original one, the stronger the consciousness of the Lancang Devil's deity. At that time, it is difficult to say that he will be able to control himself.

Since the demons can judge that they can send reinforcements, and Xiaohao himself is still in the desert, then he does not care. He can push the boat and send reinforcements. He can also see the real means of Xiaohao.

The distance from the desert to the original is not close, even if Xiaohao is fully flying, it can't be more than three months.

The reinforcements will take more than five months to arrive. Xiao Xiao knows that if Xiaohao has any backhands, it is likely to happen between March and May.

But no matter from which point of view, as long as you don't keep the original one, Xiaohao should have no way to think about it.

In accordance with the idea of ​​returning to the dust, Xiaoyan left part of the defensive force and sent at least one-third of the sect of the monk to go to the desert.

With such reinforcements, if the desert war situation is as good as the dust analysis, then on the other side of the desert, even if Xiaohao shows the strength beyond the dust, it is difficult to completely eat the magic army.

The strength of the dispatch is not weak. There are several powerful superpowers in the battlefield. Even if Xiaohao intercepts halfway, it can be completely battled and it is difficult to be truly defeated.

The Mozu army lined up neatly, flew out of the dark and bloomed with black metal light, and went to the direction of the desert.

Sun Hao stood proudly in the night sky, his body turned into a faint shadow. Looking down, watching the brigade of the brigade rushed from underneath, the face appeared a light smile, whispered: "The devil is as expected." Generally, I went to the desert to help."

By his side, standing with two faint shadows like him, there was a single voice inside: "The leisure is really good, and your plan is performing very well. However, I am very curious, Xiaohao. You have all arrived near the mountain, who is able to withstand the dust on the other side of the desert?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "One of my friends, in the desert, to go to the dust to win over him, but it is very difficult, but his shortcoming is that he will not leave the desert, who is it, how many You will know when you look at it..."

Three days later, the sun shines, far from the place where the fairy mountain is located. In the middle of the sky, in front of Sun Hao’s body, there is a burst of ripples, as if there are ripples in the sun.

After half a ring, in the sun, it seems that there is a mirror.

In the mirror, Sun Hao slowly blinked and said with a smile: "Agarwood, it is a little difficult to get away from the distance, but I managed to do it. It won't last long. If there is anything, let's talk about it as soon as possible."

Shan Hao and Zhu Ling looked at Sun Hao in the mirror, and then looked at Sun Hao around, a little confused.

There is no difference between Sun Hao in the mirror and the agarwood around him.

But from the tone of speaking, it should be another person.

Sun Hao, who was around them, slightly arched their hands and smiled and said: "Thank you for your help, and ask your brother to continue to preside over the overall situation in the desert, involving the Mozu army. After March, let the leisure start the next step."

Sun Hao in the mirror, oh no, exactly, the brothers nodded and said: "Well, Agarwood, your disciple is indeed a good one. A hundred regiments have successfully reached your strategic deployment. I will be good. Cooperate with him, never mistake the incense, but only Agarwood, I found that some monks have questioned my identity, how do I need to deal with it?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "If you ask three questions, then ask directly to Xiaohong or leisurely."

My brother smiled and said: "I understand Agarwood, you have to be careful, although our plan is smooth, but you can't care, I always think that the Mozu is not that simple."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Well, I know, my brother is relieved, I will be careful."

The air swayed, and the mirror slammed into pieces, and the fragments quickly turned into soda and disappeared into the air.

Sun Hao smiled slightly and looked at Shan Yu and Zhu Ling.

Speaking alone, whispered: "Xiaohao, your brother is just like a **** and I don't like it. I can see it as a fake at a glance."

Zhu Ling smiled heartily: "Yes, he is less generous and calm than Xiaohao, and I feel a little bit of a thief at first glance."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "If you are not a monk who knows the bottom of my knowledge, it is very difficult for ordinary people to distinguish it. I estimate that Shuguang Zhenjun did not recognize it. My brother is mirroring my shadow. It is very difficult. Discrimination, well, we will not discuss this. Now, together, we will sum up together, how can we sneak into the field and find out why the Antarctic Tianzhu was damaged..." (To be continued.)

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