Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1335: Virtual

The monk camp monk has a strong sense of surprise at this time.

Really, very unexpected surprise.

The enshrined group is anti-water, and the elders are actually traitors. At one time, the situation on the scene was very unfavorable. Zhao Wendi even had the feeling of fighting alone.

But the surprise is that the combat power of several monks in the South China is a bit more than conventional.

The four monks, each of whom can fight in level, is simply not the beginning of the ordinary Zhenjun.

In particular, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, the streamer flying sword that is now displayed, directly blocks the magic array, so that the three great devils of the Golden Japan Department will not be able to enter, and they will not be able to rescue the elders.

Zhao Wendi examined himself and found himself as a medium-term true monarch, but he could not do it at all.

In other words, the seemingly young, smiling face of Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, actually vaguely surpassed the strength of Yuan Ying in the mid-term, if not seen by the eyes, it is really unbelievable.

The elders of Weibai were also besieged by unknown monks or spirit beasts.

Moreover, this should also be the result of a long time of agarwood planning and long-term nonsense with the great elders.

The war situation instantly developed in a favorable direction. The Dahan monks could not help but improve their morale. They saw the hope of winning, and they played hard, and in the wilderness, the war continued.

Enclosed by blood fog and carpet, the voice of the great elders and white is still passed out: "A good grandson of Sun Hao, a singer, is really a sinister, but Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, you think you are now Have you got the upper hand? The two middle-term real kings in the district, can help me, give me broken, broken, broken..."

The screams came out of the carpet and the wrap of the blood.

Wei Bai’s body increased rapidly in the violent sound. After a while, the height has become more than three or four feet, and the whole body suddenly trembled. At the same time, the last broken word exited, and the hands and feet slammed outward. The golden bells rushed out.

Hey, the carpet flew out of blood, sputtered away, and quickly retracted back to the ground.

The blood fog is also swayed strongly.

In front of Wei Bai, suddenly, in a laugh, a six-armed, dark-haired, ancient demon stood on the spot.

The two arms hug each other, holding their own Admiralty in both hands, and the last two hands smiled at Sun Hao with a smile: "Agarwood is not bad, actually forced out the body of the seat, Kim Il, Kim Moon general, I have seen Agarwood, Hahaha, today’s World War I, Shen Xiang really gave me a lot of surprises..."

Sun Hao with a smile: "Golden moon general is good repair, good strength, I did not expect the devil world is really willing to give up the blood, the East side, actually sent such a strong strength, I would like to know, if I leave all of you here If you are in the world, will your Kim Il Sung will be completely worthless?"

On the face of General Jin Yue, there is resentment, but there is also a sense of helplessness: "Well to say, my gold day is only today, or was forced by Aquilaria, if it is not Aquilaria defeated the northwest, our gold day The ministry is not going to rush out of the nest. It’s just that Aquilaria wants to leave me with a golden day, and I have to see if you have the ability."

Between the two talking, Sun Hao’s side, a small boy with a **** flesh, stood up and took a chapter on his body. The white light flashed and the injury quickly recovered.

On the other side of Sun Hao, the blood and the mist floated like water, and turned into a beautiful beauty. He smiled and stood by Sun Hao. The jade hand extended to Sun Hao, holding the national transport dragon column in his hand, laughing. Said: "The master, the charm of the child is not insulting, I have brought you this stuff."

Sun Hao smiled and took over the national transport Longzhu. He said in his mouth: "The charm is hard, this war, the charm is the first."

Luo charm smiles even more brilliant than flowers: "Yes, it should be, the master is your plan, and the fool has not understood why?"

The Golden Moon Devil will see Sun Hao’s national transport dragon column, stayed for a while and looked at his waist, only to find that it was empty.

In an instant, the Golden Moon Magic will understand, and Yang Tianhaha laughed: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, you count so much, and listened to me so much nonsense, it turned out to be this broken thing, hahaha, I know so, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, you said earlier, this broken thing has no effect on me. You want, I will send you, hahaha, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiang, you are really funny..."

Sun Hao slowly shook his head and his wrists shook. He wanted to put the National Dragon column away, but found that he couldn’t get it into the storage bag.

Jin Yuemo will discover the action of Sun Hao, laughing happily: "The broken thing is dead, dead, and can not be put into the storage bag, agarwood, you are not very disappointed now, and, Shen Xiang, you do not think After taking away the Dragon Boat of the National Games, Zhaowen will once again become the true dragon emperor. I told you that without the complicated procedures of the road, the national transport dragon column could not keep his name, hahaha, agarwood, are you again? Very disappointed..."

Sun Hao heard the words and looked at Zhao Wendi.

Zhao Wendi nodded and said: "Yes, the agarwood, I want to reproduce the words of the national name Longzhu, I am afraid that I can't do it in a short time. You are lucky, it is very difficult to take effect."

After that, Zhao Wendi said to Sun Haowei: "However, in any case, I have to thank Shen Xiang for reclaiming the treasure of the town."

Below, the Dahan monk is still in the war, but the battlefield on the top of the battle force is briefly calmed down.

The enemy and the enemy are in the air and are ready to go.

Shen Xiangjian flew back.

The three devils of the Kim Il-Sai will drive the magic array, standing in front of Wei Bai, enshrining several monks in the regiment, and finally standing next to the elders.

Jinyue Devil will laugh and laugh: "Agarwood, you dig your mind and recapture the Dragon Boat of the National Games. What can you do? Without the Dragon Column, your altar has lost its effect, and the Emperor is no longer the body of the Real Dragon. You are now Is there any way to boost the Dahan gas transport? This air transport Tianzhu, how can you fix it? Hahaha, don't be two months, my demon army can rush into Anyang, completely destroy this gas Tianzhu, hahaha What else can you think of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang?"

Sun Hao smiled a little, and left the country, Longzhu was thrown to Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan’s body sank slightly, and he caught the dragon column, and he was very casually not on his waist.

Sun Hao did not take care of the Golden Moon Magic, but instead gave Zhao Wendi a slight sigh, and said with a smile: "Agarwood here, there is one thing that the Lord also forgives."

Zhao Wendi gave a slight glimpse: "What is it? Shen Xiang please speak."

Now Zhaowendi has felt that Sun Hao’s actual combat power is not under him, and he is not consciously polite.

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "The Great Emperor did not know, Shen Xiang's so-called true dragon resurrection, but it is nothing, aloes, and the Lord forgiveness."

Zhao Wendi stayed.

The Golden Moon Magic will also be a stay.

Is Zhenlong Zhenyun actually fake?

How can this be?

"This, is Aquilaria a joke?" Zhao Wendi hesitated, or asked: "After we cast our spells, it is clear that there is a rejuvenating effect. How can the agarwood method be illusory?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The Great Emperor, Shen Xiang deliberately set up a high platform, cast a dragon column, but it is a bluff, attracting people to appear, the elders really do not live up to the expectation of agarwood."

The golden moon demon will have an expression of anger and anger on his face. He also shouted in his mouth: "How is it possible? Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, clearly that your entry into force, I only appeared. What do you mean now?"

Sun Hao’s index finger stretched out and said with a smile: “I mean, to boost the air transport Tianzhu, in fact, you don’t need any dragon pillars and no dragon pillars. It’s indifferent to destroy the elders. At the same time, it boosts the air transport Tianzhu. In fact, the Emperor’s true dragon body is not needed. Agarwood has its own way to make Dahan’s airlift a big move...”

Finished ~ index finger flexed to go, a little sputum spurt into the sky above the clouds.

In the sky above, the golden dragon stunned, as if it was extremely hungry, and plunged into the little Mars, but with the momentum of the small Mars, it rose slightly and the spirit became much better.

The Golden Moon Devil changed his face suddenly, and his mouth screamed: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, what are you doing?"

Sun Hao smiled a little, did not pay attention to the Golden Moon Magic Sword, but said to the Zhaowen Emperor: "The Great Emperor, Aloes, this method does not have these virtual sets, but only the real people who need the monks to join in, can let me Dahan The spirit of long-distance air is a hundred times."

After that, there was a small flame on the index finger. Sun Hao smiled and looked at Wei Bai: "The big elder, how do you feel now, is it so sour?"

Wei Bai has the feeling that IQ is suppressed, and also has a feeling of self-investment.

It seems to be my own calculations, and I was caught by Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

In the heart, I yelled: "Damn!" (To be continued.)

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