Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Life charcoal

Wancun is a household, uninhabited.

All the way to the East China, Sun Hao saw what is the real disaster area.

The magical spirit is everywhere, as many as sixty-seven percent of the ordinary folks can't resist the invasion. After serious illness, they become tired and bones.

On the Eastern Continent, the magic is also called suffocating.

The magical disaster caused by the magical gas, caused by the robbery of the Terran, was called "plague" by the unfamiliar ordinary folks.

The horror of the East China Road, as recorded: "There is a zombie pain in the family, the room has a weeping mourning. Or screaming at the door, or ruining the clan. Or thinking: the plague, the ghost God made..."

Passing through a ridiculous county town, Sun Hao saw a scholar named Bo Yao on the wall of the county town. He wrote the poem: "There is nothing to see, the white bones cover the plains; the road has a hungry woman, and the bears abandon the grass; Gu Wen’s cry, he’s not alone...”

Sun Hao couldn't bear to see the complete poem, and sighed leisurely, leaving the monk with a emptiness.

Shenzhou depression, the soul is coated with charcoal.

The catastrophe truly reflects its incomparable cruelty. No matter how majestic the devil is, a basic fact is that the Mozu invasion, the human race.

Although the Mozu of the Soul Island is also very heavy, but after all, the population of the Soul Island is not a lot, and the retreat is relatively timely. Although the large islands are ridiculous, the shock to Sun Hao is far less than that of the East.

When Sun Hao flew over a deserted village and saw a bone that was lying on the ground, the pain of the skin gradually turned the anger of the heart into an unwavering determination to expel the Mozu.

At the same time, the sense of responsibility and mission of Sun Hao’s heart has also been unprecedentedly heavy.

Five little monks ruled down the magic.

The main force of Xianban is also assisting the guards.

The heavy responsibility of ruining the mainland's catastrophe has actually fallen on the shoulders of Sun Hao.

Moreover, it is the kind of responsibility that there is no retreat and no one can help themselves.

He has become the tallest son after the sky.

Above the East China, between the mountains and the jungles, the demonized beast has also become a new type of Warcraft, the strength is much stronger than the ordinary spirit.

Sun Hao flew all the way, and suffered several World of Warcraft attacks before and after, and the sky was 1111, m.∞"m.

Of course, with the strength of Sun Hao’s current team, Warcraft is powerful, but it is just a dish.

Flying thousands of miles, there are no living people along the way.

Even the mortal mortal did not meet a few.

It was not until Sun Hao flew into a huge city that he realized it.

A large number of magical people, as well as a large number of Warcraft, have been driven by the Mozu, as cannon fodder, came to attack the city.

The camp has a thousand miles.

Originally there was a spacious moat outside the city. Now it has been filled with cannon ash by the Mozu people. The Mozu warriors from the Mozu native, hundreds of millions of cannon fodder, surrounded the tall wall and attacked day and night.

The city wall is shining with blue light, with a large array of protection, and it is indestructible. And over the big city, there is also a huge energy hood that looks like an egg shell, in the defense of the sky above the magic.

Above the city wall, Sun Hao saw a monk with a completely different style from the South.

The monks here are dressed in armor and have long-formed long bows in their hands, standing on a wall like an arrow tower.

Whenever there is a Warcraft or a Demon Warrior approaching, the captain will make a rain of arrows.

Sun Hao observed a little and found that there is no real arrow in the arrow rain, but they are all made up of real yuan.

Languages ​​across the mainland will be slightly different, but the text is basically universal.

This besieged huge city, named: "Yangyang."

It is not the kingdom of the eastern continent, but it should be one of the great cities of the eastern continent.

The gods disappeared silently into the Mozu genius. Sun Hao discovered that the Mozu monks here should be mainly monks of the Golden Day, tall and tall, with a face, except for the ancient devils. The warriors, as well as the flaming flames, seem to be the flame warriors of magma, with the three-headed lizards as the mounts of the demon wolf cavalry.

When Sun Hao’s knowledge went into the big army account, the big account was in the middle, and a tall, ancient demon with a forehead and a stern eye opened three eyes and watched in the direction of Sun Hao with vigilance.

Sun Hao’s divine tide generally retreated quickly, and he quickly judged that this is a powerful magic repair that is not much weaker than himself.

Within the big account, the magic of the three eyes was slightly puzzled. Just now, he instinctively perceived that someone was watching himself, but when he turned on the magical power and seriously explored it, he did not find it.

Suddenly posing his head, the three-eyed demon shouted: "Come, how is the situation ahead?"

Farther away from the battlefield, Sun Hao opened his eyes and couldn't help but ask: "Hello, what do we do now? Going to Xiangyang City?"

Sun Haotou said: "The East China has been fighting for years and has basically cut off the news. We don't know much about the East China's intelligence. We don't know where the Eastern Heavenly Pillars will be. We can only go to the advanced information to inquire."

Wang Yuan Shen said: "How do we get in? Just kill it?"

Sun Hao shook his head: "Don't be a stunned snake, our primary goal is to repair the Dongdong Tianzhu. It is not easy to expose too early. We still sneak into it. After dark, everyone is sneaky and enters the city with me."

Zhu Ling said: "Well, the ghosts in the day are still some shadows, and it is safer at night."

Single voice: "Huo Ge, I found a problem, we ventured forward, the East China monks did not know us, if not the Xianban monks did not know the Xianban order, what should we do when we go in? ?"

Sun Hao swears, said: "We mainly want to know about intelligence when we enter Fuyang. We don't necessarily need to reveal our identity. Let's see the situation."

The Eastern Confucian disaster was fierce, and all the monks had to fight with all their strength. They belonged to the two immortals of the Eastern Continent. The Dahan State Master and the Dahan Kingdom were absent from Wanshen Mountain. Sun Hao came, there is indeed no guide. The East is also the Sun. Hao is a stranger to the mainland, without a friend's continent.

Moreover, because the war is very tense, the Eastern Continents are surrounded by the city, which is basically equivalent to being isolated, and there is very little understanding of the mainland.

Even if Sun Hao himself is Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, the famous Sun Shenxiang, it is estimated that there are not a few monks long.

It’s a good job, and it’s probably not as smooth as the Ghost Domain and the North.

Unless Sun Hao shows his strong strength, it is not always easy to win the trust.

The boat was naturally straight to the bridge. For the time being, I didn’t think so much. After dark, Sun Hao led Suzaku into a few sneaks, and then floated up, and the four smoky smoke flew to Fuyang City.

Fuyang City has a large array of protection, and it is very difficult for ordinary Zhenjun to break into the situation without exposing itself.

But this is hard to beat Sun Hao.

Sun Hao found a large-scale festival, the gods know the voice: "Follow me", the ghost body is like a flowing water slowly into the wall, once again, has passed through the wall of four or five feet thick, came In the city of Fuyang.

After the wall, what appeared in front of everyone was a golden paddy field. The heavy rice ears hang down and sway gently with the wind.

Among the rice fields, there are some sheds, and inside the shed, they are filled with mortals with yellow skin and thin skin.

The night has been deep, and many mortals have fallen asleep, but some are talking.

Sun Hao made a gesture and took everyone to the air and flew over to the rice field.

After the rice fields, there is a moat and a wall.

However, the large array above the wall did not open, and only a small number of monks were stationed on it.

Passing through the city wall and reappearing in the city, Sun Hao saw the crowded inner city of Xiangyang.

The outbreak of the demon disaster, the big city pools around the city of Xiangyang fell, and a large number of people rushed into the city of Fuyang, making the entire city full of people. On the original spacious streets, temporary tents for resettlement were set up.

In the folk house, it is even more difficult to get Although it is late at night, there are still many people around, and some people are still working hard.

After the gods swept, Sun Hao was pleased to find that although Xiangyang City had a large population, the order was not bad. There was no sign of chaos. In the middle of the night, there was no clutter and chaos. It can be seen that the managers of Xiangyang City should not be weak. .

It is not easy for so many refugees to be able to do what they are now.

Of course, Sun Hao also knows that the paddy fields in the outer city of Xiangyang may also be the foundation of Xiangyang City to maintain this state.

If there is no such paddy field, Xiangyang City will be hungry and it will not be managed.

Under the leadership of Sun Hao, the bodies of the four monks gradually solidified and slowly followed the street and walked inside.

At the same time, the gods also opened up and began to explore.

Usually, managers should live in relatively tall inner city buildings and find managers. Sun Hao should be able to get a lot of information from the East China. (To be continued.)

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