Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1274: Sea battle

The sound of the iron drum on the bow was still shaking, and the blood in the sword was not dry.

Shenzhou is flying in the sky, and the waves are cold and the moon is cold.

The main fleet of the Soul of the Soul, the main team of the Mozu is against the sea, there is no dialogue between them, and some are just flying flags and fast-moving ships.

Tens of miles on the sea, black pressure, I saw both sides of the ship.

Looking down from the sky, or under the cover of God, the dense sea boat is like a small ant, connected into a huge ant colony, spread over the sea.

Luo Sangao's dragon boat is flying above the flag, and the entire Mozu ship array is integrated into one. On the sea, it turns into a battle of a swallow shape, ready to go.

Sun Hao knows the movement, and the Thunder is also a slogan. The six fleets are centered on the team and they have a certain distance from each other, but they are integrated into the grand array of Sun Hao. The six columns of sea boats form a huge shape of a sea fish, facing the war of the devil's swallows.

Luo San floats over the dragon boat, his eyes are stunned. As the commander of the battle of the sea battle, from the hard demon world step by step from the bottom of the magic, Luo San has been very keenly aware, the other six ships, mutual The cooperation between them is not particularly in place, especially the last arrival, obviously not the fleet belonging to the island of the Soul, obviously, the cooperation with other ships is so poor.

The eyes flashed, and Luo San’s right hand waved down, and his mouth sighed and said: “Swallows copy the water, give me a attack...”

The Mozu sea ship heard the news and moved, the swallows were winged, and the sea boat rushed forward. It seems that the swallow is fanning its wings. Flying. The front of the dragon boat of Luo San, the center of the Mozu ship array, also quickly rushed out, like the swallows foraging, and smashed to the fleet of the soul of the island of Sun Hao.

The Mozu Navy is well-trained, and the attack of the two wings and the center is like a flowing stream, which is very smooth.

The parts of the attack all pointed to the Thunder fleet where Sun Hao was in the lineup. That is, the fish head of the Sun Haoyu type of ship is in the middle.

Sun Hao knows the movement, and the entire Wanshen fleet suddenly swims like a giant sea fish in the sea.

The sea fish swayed at the end, and it was extremely flexible and flashed.

Seeing that the swallows have lost their water, the sea fish is waiting to take the opportunity to counterattack.

Luo Sanhaha laughed: "Re-copy..."

The wings and the swallows were incomparably in place, and the attacks on the three parts gathered together and attacked the Suzaku ship.

The change is so fast and so flexible.

Sun Hao’s heart is not to be glanced at Luo Sangao. Among the Mozu, there are also naval warriors. It is difficult to realize the destruction of Gula, which I envisioned, and there is this. There may be a dozen fights in the sea.

Luo San attacked, but in the ship array, the attack is strong, but the Suzaku Department, which has relatively insufficient defense power, cannot avoid it.

Sun Hao knows the movement, and the monk below has a slogan.

The soul of the squad is like a fish, and it flashes flexibly. The Suzaku is flashing away, and the Tianxiang Department of the Earth Island rushes to the Mozu sea boat.

Luo Sanda screamed: "There is a good way, the agarwood is strong and the battlefield manipulation technique, admire the admiration, but also ask Shen Xiang to pick me up the third copy..."

Swallow three water!

The third time is the real fatal blow, and it is the real attack focus.

The flexible swallow's wings and the swallow head center merged together and attacked the real attack target of Luo San, the combination of the Fengyun fleet and the entire ship array.

At this time, after Sun Hao changed the battle twice, it was not inevitable that the Fengyun fleet was incompatible with the major fleets of the Soul of the Soul. In the middle of the movement, there was no place in the line.

Originally, this kind of inconsistency would not be very big, but it was attacked by the magic repair team, which happened to be attacked on the node. Suddenly, the Fengyun fleet had a feeling of dilemma.

If you want to force into the fleet, you will inevitably hit the trick of swallowing water.

If it doesn't melt, the Fengyun fleet will be stripped away.

Between the electric and the Flint, Sun Hao laughed: "Luo Sanxiong's strong eyesight, a strong battlefield manipulation technique, Shenxiang admire, but if you want to break the agarwood battle, it is a little laugh... ..."

Between the talks, Sun Hao strode a big step, the body disappeared from the Thunder, and appeared again, already standing on the Fengyun.

God knows how to move, the Fengyun fleet is like a huge fish scale stripped from the huge fish-type boat array of the Soul Island, turned into a small fish, slamming forward, the monks are really The element is excited, and the true ship is injected into the sea ship. The light of the magical method flashes, and the wings of the swallow in the middle pour down.

On top of the dragon boat, Luo Sansi knows the movement, the swallow's wings and the center tide generally retreat, and Sun Hao-driven attacks have fallen on the sea surface, splashing the sky.

Luo Sanyang headed up and laughed: "Agarwood quickly changed speed, admire admiration, fish array changed into a double fish array, Pisces as a companion, mutual life, but it is really whimsy, admire admire."

Sun Hao nodded to the Yi Lu lights around him, and said with a smile: "Luo brother is changing fast, but also Shen Xiang only sees, Shen Xiang is also admired."

It is no wonder that the souls of the Great Island in the Great Island of the Souls are the most stressful. The first of the souls of the souls, the Suzaku was personally stationed, and they were all firmly suppressed. The root cause is that this Luosan is really powerful.

The hero of the world, can not be underestimated.

The magical repair of the three, is the Sun Hao Nanyang since the sea battle, met, rare in the ship's array control, with a fight with their own role.

If it is not Sun Hao's powerful knowledge, it can accurately reflect the sea boat battle, and to be honest, Sun Hao does not know whether he can win over Luo Sanyi.

A swallow three water, fully illustrates the strength of Luo San.

Of course, Luo Sanyi, a swallow, has no water, and his heart is full of jealousy against Sun Hao. Under the prestigious name, there is no vain. The strength of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang is not covered. In his heart, he really admire.

However, since Sun Hao Sun’s Fengyun fleet has been stripped away, it is bound to be more difficult to maneuver, and he can completely expand the point and eventually defeat the Terran ship.

In a slogan, Luo San once again launched a tidal attack on the Fengyun fleet, trying to completely transform the two connected Pisces into one fish.

"Swallows are in the mud", Luo San’s arms are on display, and the giant swallow’s ship’s wings are slamming forward. As the swallows fly high, they fly out of the sea and drive the entire ship’s array. The force was stimulated, as the Yan Yan slammed forward and the target pointed to the Fengyun fleet.

The power of foraging is like puncturing the space and turning it into a sword, rushing to the Fengyun fleet.

Sun Hao knows the movement and drives the wind, like a fish, and quickly walks up and down the sea to avoid the sword attacked by Yantou.

On the Thunder, Wang Yuan, the sacred fox and other monks mobilized the ship's array and began to cooperate, as the fish jumped and attacked the Mozuyan Array.

On the sea, colorful fireworks bloom and light up the sky.

The sea battle began to appear glued.

The swallow's title is very strange. It seems that the Fengyun is regarded as a mud pill in his mouth. He is always chasing after him. He is extremely accurate. He follows the Fengyun fleet and launches a wave of attacks.

The swallow's wings, from time to time, fanned out and confronted the Thunder.

For the first time, Sun Hao met a sea war master who could compete with himself.

After the war, it is difficult to distinguish.

Moreover, after a few days and a few nights of fighting, Sun Hao discovered that his own Pisces array had been under the chase of the swallows, and he was a little bit ill-advised.

Sighing that the opponent is indeed powerful, Sun Hao knows the movement, the Pisces array shocked Fengyun fleet broke away from it, Sun Hao said: "Intelligence, you go to assist Ermao, command Thunder, I To manipulate the wind."

The idiot was screaming, and he said in his mouth: "Well, I am going, Shenxiang, you are careful."

Sun Hao nodded slightly, and the Fengyun fleet quickly disengaged.

The intellectual idiot is a slight swaying body, appearing on the Thunder, and the Taiyi cloud show is a sway, saying to Wang Yuan: "Dragon will, the island of the soul is itself the overlord of the sea, but it is not necessary to suffer from agarwood. Constraint, it is recommended to play the strongest naval battle of the island of the Souls, assist the agarwood, and truly defeat the elite of the Mozu."

Wang Yuan’s eyes couldn’t help but look at the battle of the Mozu Swallow, which was chasing the Fengyun fleet. He said quickly: “Yes, we can completely break away and play the power of the battle of the island of the Soul. I’m crazy, you’re optimistic...”

After that, Yang Tianxiaoxiao, said aloud: "Princess, you come to the main battle, the spirit of the five elements of the warfare, assist Aquilaria!"

The blue light flashed alone, and it was crisply returned: "Received, Suzaku, Dragon Skull, Dangkang, Tianxiang, all have, Jinmu Shuihuo, the five elements borrowed the law, give me up..." to be continued.)

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