Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1225: Battle of Heaven

[The latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, anniversary, the most welfare day. In addition to the gift bag, this time the 515 red envelopes must be seen, the red envelopes do not grab the truth, set the alarm clock ~

Going to Muzhenjun is eager to make an upset and disrupt the construction of the Qingyun Dojo.

But in that case, there is no doubt that the categorization will become the target of criticism and become the object of crusade against the world.

This responsibility, he can't afford it.

Therefore, going to Muzhenjun is only hope, and deeply hopes that Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang will fall short at the last juncture. I hope that Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are eager to seek the ocean, and eventually they will not be the solid positioning of the dojo.

It is possible!

Sun Hao has arranged four lanes in succession.

Well, there is no doubt that his final solid positioning is not difficult.

Going to the dark heart of Mu Zhenjun, I have already begun to silently curse the Qingyun Daochang.

After returning to the top of the pyramid, Sun Hao’s body was slightly elevated, and then he sat on the knees and stabilized the earth. He did not have other construction tasks, such as Xuanyuanhong, Zhizhenjun and Xiaohuo, and said: "The central land is the foundation of building the dojo. I have three friends to help."

Xuanyuanhong, Zhizhenjun and Xiaohuo, Qiqi owed to Sun Hao, located in the position, Xuanyuan Red in the northeast direction said softly: "Three parties return, Shen Xiang please the main line."

The dry position, in the northwest direction, Zhizheng Jun Shen Changfu said: "The image of Chen Chen, the real name of the unicorn, is in the center, the right of the priests... the benevolence of the beast and the rule of the land, the friends, please help me. Waiting for a hand..."

Among the ancient cultivation classics, there are usually only four spirits, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu, who guard the heavens and the earth.

The central area is right. Not into the ranks of the four spirits.

Therefore, since ancient times, it has been controversial about what kind of beast is the beast of the Central Plains.

Some classical books, listed in the ancient six gods, among the six gods, in addition to the four spirits. In the center of the earth, there are two kinds of beasts, "Teng Snake and Gou Chen."

There are two different versions of Gou Chen, one of which is the statement of Zhizhenjun, the icon of Chen. The real name is Kirin; the other is that it is called the flying dragonfly in the sky, the deer head dragon body, and the ground is called Tianma.

However, it is clear that Sun Haosun Shen Xiang let the Qingyun monk set up a large array, but it is the image of the Qilin elephant as the center of the earth.

In the slogan of Zhizhenjun, the following ten thousand Qingyun monks changed, and the four elephants turned into a five-line array.

Ten monks square. In the five or five rounds, two huge positive and negative five-line arrays are formed, which are turned upside down. There is no way to go, God knows, and the two five elements of the big line are in harmony, and they are connected together. The monks are really radiant, and the five elements gather together into a soil, a huge unicorn. Appeared in the air.

Lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, body, dragon scales, oxtails... unicorns are like life. Shaking his head and swaying, he was drawn by the high-altitude Zhizhenjun. Flying to the center, the location of the main peak of Qingyun where the small fire is located.

Sun Hao smiled lightly, slowly flexing his fingers, and the dust fell unconsciously and fell to the side of the fire.

Xuanyuan Red still sat cross-legged and closed her eyes. However, in front of her, a soft-skinned soft sword had already flashed green and slowly floated up.

The unicorn flew up quickly and hung over the top of the small fire.

Sun Hao’s heart sighed lightly: “Small fire, it’s up to you.”

Xiaohuo said quickly: "Okay, brother, I will go up."

A small body, a bomb on the main peak of Qingyun, a small fire turned over, flew up, and fell lightly on the back of Kirin, screaming, trying to force the whole body, trying to push the unicorn to the main peak of Qingyun in.

Kirin snarled and refused to follow suit, flicking and biting, trying to get out of trouble, or form a fatal blow.

Zhizheng’s heart is moving, and the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces are running. On top of the main peak of Qingyun, the road is like the iron shadow of the iron lock. It pulls the unicorn, together with the small fire, pulls the unicorn.

The 100,000 monks, the unicorns of the five elements of power, will be simple, and the nine palaces and gossips plus a small fire, still can only form a stalemate with it.

Moreover, Kirin was originally a virtual shadow of energy gathering.

If the action is not fast, once it is deadlocked, it will easily dissipate in the air, turn into a real element, and stir up everywhere.

Seeing that Kirin was a little uncontrollable, going to Muzhenjun’s eyes was already shining, and the heart said good, playing big, can’t stop it?

In the sky, Sun Hao faced Xuanyuanhong and whispered: "Xiaohong."

Xuanyuan Red is still sitting cross-legged, not moving, as if not heard.

However, the real female sword in front of her was swayed, turned into a streamer, and the sky flashed. When it reappeared, it was already nailed to the airborne unicorn's forehead.

The body of the unicorn slammed, and then the whole body was set in the air, and it was impossible to move.

The small fire machine is pressed down, and the Zhizheng Jun machine increases the traction of the big array.

Kirin, who had a real female sword on his forehead, couldn’t help but be a main cyclone. It was attracted by the main peak of Qingyun and quickly shrank down.

The body became smaller and smaller, and became a small unicorn, which eventually turned into a complete and pure, well-maintained unicorn energy, rushing into the main peak of Qingyun, and the tiny dust that Sun Hao laid on it. .

At the same time, the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces were running fast, and on the peak, Sun Hao had already prepared the soil-spirited spirits, and cracked them into the dust.

The dust is slightly shivering, and the energy of the pure soil that flows into it begins to transform into a real soil.

The monks saw that the inverted, straight pointed at the ground of the main peak, suspended above the peak of the small fire, and a steady stream of soil.

The soil layer rushed down. In less than a moment, it was connected with the main peak. It was connected by the inverted peak. It seemed to be a pillar. Above the main peak, it supported the high-altitude Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces.

The soil layer also ran along the array of the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces. After a while, the formation of the map was covered with a thick layer of soil, and the earth of the eight sides was completely linked by the soil layer.

The soil layer also climbed up the earth of the eight squares, wrapped the height of the upper three feet, and spread along the red clouds above Sanzhang.

The time of the whole musk, the soil layer from the inverted peak of the foot of the small fire, constantly spread to the entire space filled with small fires.

Eventually, when the soil layer was completely closed in the sky, it appeared in front of the monk and became a huge loess disc that stood above the main peak of Qingyun, more than ten feet above the main peak, supported by a soil pillar in the middle, like a The dish that flies up is generally faint yellow brilliance in the air.

The holy ice palace, the Suzaku Fire Temple until the last Qinglongyuan pool, was covered by thick soil and became the inner part of the entire UFO.

The body of the flying saucer, high three feet, square nine nine, only one entrance, is the small fire, the center of the flying saucer, inverted peaks, along the tip of the peak has a circle for the monks to fly into the space.

The small fire completed the task, rolling from the inside, jumping down, looking up, curiously watching the huge disc-shaped blue cloud dojo in the air.

The infinite soil-building power of the soil has finally shaped the Qingyun Daochang into a huge flying saucer, standing on the main peak of Qingyun.

Of course, the UFO at this time is shaped, but it is a few steps away from the final completion.

Sun Hao’s sensation continued to motivate the soil, but he said in his mouth: “The five elements are born, the gossip is the base, the nine palaces are formed, the earth is formed, and I am jealous...”

The soil layer is the outer shell of Qingyun Daochang. If it is not, the outer shell is not solid, and the time of use of the dojo will be greatly reduced.

With the words of Sun Hao, the UFO has changed.

The four sides appeared in the shape of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu. The central appeared unicorn, and the five great beasts punched and kicked, biting and biting.

The soil layer of the flying saucer is instantly thin and the skin is compressed into a thin skin.

Sun Hao and Zhi Zhenjun looked at each other, and the power of the big battles was slightly reduced. The soil of the soil was instantly overwhelming, and it began to spread again. After a while, it became a thick soil.

Try again.

Zhizhenjun has no way to Close cooperation with Sun Hao, the strength of the big squad, gradually strengthened, more of the soil is constantly being smashed into the dojo wall.

The earth wall of the dojo also gradually began to change with this kind of compaction.

The rough soil wall began to become smooth, as if it were fired in a fire, and a layer of fluidized soil layer appeared. The soil wall, which was originally a loess, began to become crystal clear and gradually turned into a yellow glass.

It seems that Sun Hao’s tamping process is polished and polished.

After 12 consecutive squats.

The blue sky in the sky, the real face has changed dramatically.

It seems to have become a specially-burned, huge, yellow-glazed disc. The dojo as a whole has become an opaque crystal, flying over the main peak of Qingyun.

The red envelope is raining under PS.5.15! At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I will grab a round every hour. A big wave of 515 red packets will be lucky. You all go grab, the coins you grab will continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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