Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Suspicious terrain

Xiaoyu Chemical Library and Mujia Brothers did their best, and all the biographical books related to the notes were found.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library even found a few practice exercises in the private sector to let the Mujia brothers change. At that time, Mu Jianqiang honestly said: "Is this so bad?"

Xiaoyu Chemical Library slammed the ground and patted the shoulder with a big knife: "I suspect that there is a record of quicksand in this practice. Look at it, look at the name of this practice, '黄沙流旋劲', Sand is flowing again, is it very suspicious?"

It is this extremely responsible one-on-one screening. Qi Tianzong’s information is almost finished. Sun Hao, with the help of Xiaoyu Chemical Library and Mujia Brothers, has also found several suspected regions, but these regions are There is only one feature, and there is no place for both features at the same time.

According to the truth, the records of the classics are not unfounded. In the vicinity of the weak water recorded by Qi Tianzong, there will inevitably be a large amount of sand-sanding terrain. Otherwise, in the classical books, the weak water will not be repeated with the quicksand.

So, isn't the mirage not formed by weak water?

However, Sun Hao believes that the sword must be untargeted, and the information provided should be accurate.

However, since the two regions cannot be unified, then Sun Hao can only take a stupid approach, and the two regions are checked one by one.

Sun Hao first picked up the data books of the mirage found in the desert.

The mirage is a natural wonder that is also very rare in the desert. In Qitianzong's classics, only five related records have been found. Of course, it is very likely that more mirages have not been recorded in the classics, nor have the monks saw them. After all, the appearance of the mirage The time is very short, and there is no chance to see it.

Five recent records about mirages, the most recent one was more than a thousand years ago.

If the classics are recorded: "On the top of the Changbei, the reproduction of the tower city Guo is vivid. It seems that there is a monk activity. After the wind, the mirage has disappeared with the wind."

From the data point of view, Changbei has appeared in the mirage. And more than once.

Well, according to the truth, Changbei should be the first object of Sun Hao’s suspicion. But unfortunately, Xiaoyu Chemical Library pointed to Changbei and said: "Agarwood is a big man, this place should not go. It is now a small oasis, Qitian has set up a trading house city. It is a desert Where there is a place, if there is weak water there, I am afraid that you will have a slap in the morning."

Sun Hao nodded. Indeed, since Changbei often has monk activities. It is really impossible to be where the weak water is.

Looking again for the record of the mirage, Sun Hao found out that five times. However, there are three times that are long shells. The other two times, the age is very long. Xiaoyu Chemical Library is on the sand table on the ground. Looking for the old days, I still can't find the specific location of today. I can only know a general direction.

Then there is the investigation of the quicksand area.

Compared with the rare and rare mirage, the quicksand area is in the desert, but it is commonplace. The feeling for Sun Hao is almost full of desert.

Among the many materials, there will be records of the wars that the monks met with the quicksand, and the battles with Sha Chong and the Land Tiger.

These places really have to be checked one by one, and it is estimated that it takes a lot of effort.

Moreover, the quicksand thing is actually moving, but it will also change.

The quicksand, to put it bluntly, is that when the water content of a loose sand belt is saturated, the sand will roll up. If the water captured by the sand cannot be separated from it, liquefied soil will be formed, and the liquefied soil can no longer bear the weight. Ordinary sand becomes a quicksand.

When the climate changes, if the water of the quicksand is lost, it will become ordinary scattered sand.

In other words, Sun Hao, who has cultivated the water attribute method, can, if he wants, be in the desert, causing large swaths of sand.

Then, when the weak water appears, it is well understood with a large amount of quicksand.

Weak water contains ample water.

It is enough to make a large piece of loose sand into a huge quicksand belt, which gives the monk an intuitive feeling that weak water comes with quicksand.

In this case, Sun Hao first ruled out the records of the smaller-scale quicksand.

The birth of weak water is bound to be accompanied by a large amount of quicksand. This area should be quite wide. Some of the quicksands that are occasionally encountered during the adventures of monks should not be listed here.

Then, Sun Hao began to look at the time when several mirages appeared, and searched for records about the quicksand in the relevant time period.

Soon after, Sun Hao’s first suspected area finally came to the fore.

When the mounds and the ancient landforms are squatting, it is a sand dune shaped like a giant boat.

Classical records: Two thousand five hundred years ago, there were mirages here.

And the same is 2,500 years ago, Sun Hao also found a record of the huge quicksand group in the desert.

The two records are from different classical books, and they are all recorded very simply, just a sentence.

However, Sun Hao felt that in the same period, the mirage and the quicksand area appeared at the same time, and it is likely that a weak water was born.

When is the hill? After Sun Hao determined the first point, Xiaoyu Chemical Library scored on his own set of simple sand table. After half a ring, he pointed to a point on the sand table: "When the boat is about this position, if it is not him Just on my way to Changbei, I didn't think about it."

Sun Hao nodded and looked at the sand table. He found that Xiaoyu Chemical Library had made a mark on the lateral position that represented the middle of Qitiansha City and Changbeifang City.

From the point of view of the mark, when the mound is not on the straight line to the long shell, it is slightly staggered by a line.

“How long does it take from Shacheng to Dangqiu?” Sun Hao asked.

Xiaoyu Huaku said with a smile: "The desert is vast, don't look at how far away I am on the sand table, but we have to go to the sword. I am afraid that it will take at least one month. If I go to Changbei, I will have more than ten days. ”

Although the first suspicious terrain was found, Sun Hao still had the feeling of finding a needle in a haystack.

Instinctively, Sun Hao feels that his trip to Dangqiu may not be very smooth, and it is likely to be empty.

It took another half a day, and Sun Hao once again found a very suspicious area with the same method.

Huang Ji, in the desert, one is farther than Changbei, but also remote, there have been mirages, and there have been places recorded by quicksand.

While Xiaoyu Chemical Library pointed out Huang Ji, he could not help but say: "This place is already quite remote. The monks are less likely to travel and may encounter powerful sand beasts."

But right away, he looked at Sun Hao again: "Of course, any powerful sand beast is in front of Agarwood, it is not a problem."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Do not say so absolutely, Xiaoku, you have to remember, my generation of monks, when time is modest and cautious, must not have the slightest effect, of course, my generation of monks should be brave and daring, welcome Difficult, Huang, we will also go and see."

"Well," Xiaoyu Huaku spit out his tongue, and then said: "Agarwood adults, I feel that weak water should be in this direction, adults please look, whether it is quicksand or mirage, all appear here. In a huge desert."

On the sand table, Xiao Yuhua’s hands were drawn, and a large desert area was drawn in, pointing to the area, and then said: “It should be this area.”

Sun Hao nodded: "You have a reason to say There are indications that this zone is likely to hide weak water."

Mu Qiang looked at the sand table, but his head shook: "It's too wide, too wide, such a large area, I don't know how long it will take."

Sun Hao brows gently wrinkles, then said: "This way, Yusha, you are more careful, you come to the main, organize them to give me the general shape of this desert area, and then see if you can find a Center point."

Mu Yusha said a good sound, began to follow Sun Hao's account, drafting the terrain, not long after, the three made a rough, or by the Xiao Yuhua library, pointing to the sand table, began to introduce to Sun Hao: "From Shacheng goes to the northwest, first meets Dangqiu, then Changbai, then Huangji. If the three are connected by lines, we find that the whole terrain is like a huge shell."

Sun Hao nodded, did not speak, but the heart was a move, in the legend, weak water can be smashed, and oh, the legend is the combination of Bei and Long, also known as 蜃龙.

At this time, Xiaoyu Chemical Library continued: "To say the center of this shell, there are two places to count, one is this, Changbei, that is the monk square city; the other is this, Shahemen, Qitian One of the attached sects..." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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