Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Painful

Although I can't vacate the body, I can still fly with the sword. Sun Hao's heart is finally relieved.

Already flying, you let Sun Hao walk down the ground, it is estimated that it will be difficult to adapt at one and a half.

More importantly, Sun Hao feels that with his current body weight and the way he is extremely uncomfortable, he may step out of the ground and the ground will collapse.

Seeing that Sun Hao flew up, Xia Qingyu finally took a long breath and asked with concern: "Little Hao, you are fine, how is Wan Gutian silkworm?"

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "I am fine, refining too much heavy water, and I have not adapted much at the moment. The big silkworm is not enough, and the rain is relieved."

Xia Qingyu smiled brightly, and when the ice and snow were smashed, all the monks couldn’t help but shine. They gave a slight glimpse of Sun Hao: "Little Hao, you complained with morality, and helped the Holy Palace a big favor. The Holy Palace is up and down, but it owes you. A lot."

Sun Hao thinks of Xia Qingyu's own infantile elixir, remembering the frost-free elder who has just fallen, his heart sighs slightly, his face still has a faint smile, his mouth said: "Light rain is polite, it is agarwood What's in it."

After that, I didn’t wait for Xia Qingyu to speak, but my spirits rose. I said with a smile in my words: “The Holy Palace has now cleared the road, but the rain is determined to make progress and lead the Holy Palace to a new path.”

Xue Rujie pouted and sighed: "The roadblock has been cleared? The external trouble has gone, and the ribs may not be."

The white elder gave her a look.

Xue Rujie spit out his tongue and did not fear his master.

Sun Hao smiled slightly and did not speak.

At this point, a note broke through.

The ice elders took the notes in one hand, then slammed and slammed, and there was no smile on his face. He shouted: "Master sister."

The white elder was shocked and asked: "What happened to the master sister? Don't worry about the teacher, slowly say..."

The elders of ice stood on the spot and muttered in their mouths: "The old town was broken. The master sister fell on the spot."

The scene was quiet in an instant. Even Xue Rujie, who could not understand the ice and frost, forgot to talk at this time, and looked calm.

Xia Qingyu’s exquisite eyebrows are tight: “The news is true? How is the old town now?”

"Less Palace, you see it yourself," the ice elders threw the notes.

Xia Qingyu hurriedly swept the notes. Then Yang Sheng said: "Dao, I ask you to continue to help. Send us to the old town, and there are still a large number of polar northern beasts and mask monks around the old town.

Unscrupulous roads are not much nonsense. Say: "You friends, please get on the bus." Then drive the speeding car and go straight to the old town.

Perhaps it is the self-satisfaction in the dark. It may also be a retribution from ice and frost, just when the news of ice and frost has come. Sun Hao felt that there was something wrong with the body.

Just after entering the infinite speed, the right kidney was changed into a severe pain.

Sitting cross-legged. The sweaty beads of the beans continued to transpire from Sun Hao, and at the same time, Sun Hao’s forehead, there was a layer of frost and fog, so that Sun Hao’s entire head seemed to be blurred.

Guo Nalong, who was sitting next to Sun Hao, first discovered Sun Hao’s fault. He could not help but ask: “Agarwood, you don’t seem to be right.”

Sun Hao’s face was a bitter smile.

It’s just a painful thing to stop.

Sun Hao right kidney is suffering from severe pain, pain is unbearable, standing is not, sitting is not, sitting restless, very want to find a thing to catch a catch, fishing a fishing, but also want to shout, not wanting to live.

Strictly speaking, as the monks repaired, many senses were gradually restrained by the monks, and many negative emotions could be suppressed by the monks.

The pain, as it is for Yuan Yingzhen, seems to be nothing.

Sun Hao has practiced a lot of exercises, and he has experienced tremendous suffering. A little bit of pain for Sun Hao is really nothing.

But this time, Sun Hao felt that the right kidney was like a knife. At the moment, the meat was cut, but the pain was so clear that he only wanted to be crazy.

Xia Qingyu’s small face reveals a concerned expression: “Little Hao, is it very painful?”

Xue Ruman frowned and said: "Is it true that you are still afraid of pain?"

Wei Bing’s head stretched over: “Little man, you are wrong. The pain of agarwood is not a general pain. Now his pain is actually equivalent to the urgency of the mortal. Everyone has this disease, often feels unhappy, and lives alive. Not a few, now, he is the emergency of the monk world, it is estimated that he is enough."

“Emergency?” Xia Qingyu asked: “Is there any way to relieve the pain?”

Sun Hao also resisted the severe pain in his right kidney and looked at Wei Bing.

Wei Bing nodded: "Yes, the pain of agarwood is the same as the principle of mortal illness. It is caused by the appearance of foreign bodies in the kidney, and the foreign body that can make the agarwood have such a painful feeling. I want to come to the relationship with the frost and heavy water. In the long run, if Aquilaria wants to completely eliminate the root cause, I have to pass on the Dafa that I passed to you to the second floor."

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

Xue Runan has said aloud: "That is the future. Now, as long as you can say how you can temporarily ease it, don't worry about your mother-in-law, please say it."

"Warming and driving the cold", Wei Bing smiled at Xue Ruman with a smile, but his mouth was not slow: "The root of Aquilaria is cold, and the foreign body is also related to cold. To relieve pain, the best way is to Heating, using external heat to ease, remember, the monk is really useless."

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and a heart fireball appeared in his wrist. The palm of his hand pressed, and the heart fireball was placed on his abdomen.

Wei Bing this method is really possible to use, this heart fire beads go down, Sun Hao suddenly feels a lot less pain.

The cold sweat on the forehead did not take off, and the spirit was also a lot more prosperous. I couldn’t help but smile. Sun Hao said to Wei Bing: "Thank you for your friend."

Wei Bing smiled and then said with concern: "Agarwood still speeds up the cultivation of Dafa and cultivates to the second floor as soon as possible so that the root cause can be completely eradicated."

Sun Hao nodded and then asked: "Wei Daoyou, how can we do yin and yang as soon as possible?"

Wei Bing’s eyes turned a little, and he glanced at Xue Ru’s man. Then he smiled and said: “I have never been involved in this, and I still need Shen Shen to comprehend myself. That is the need for understanding.”

Sun Hao nodded and was about to speak. Suddenly he felt the pain in the right kidney worsened again and raised his hand. The heart fireball bought from the fruit dragon has been broken into powder.

Look up and see the dragon. It was discovered that the dragon was looking at himself with a smirk.

The wrists were shaken, and the fireballs purchased at high prices were once again attached to the abdomen.

The infinite speed car is running fast in the ice and snow world, and the speed is extremely fast.

However, did not wait for the infinite speed to return to the old town of ice and snow. Sun Hao discovered that he had spent the second time on the high-end from the fruit of the dragon that he bought the second heart fireball again for the powder. It’s just more time than the first one to support a musk.

The bean sweat came out again, and Sun Hao looked at the fruit dragon, and asked in his mouth: "God friends. Are you a heart fire bead?"

The spirit of the dragon is slightly nervous and said: "When the ancient silkworms are cold, why is it so good? It is already very good to support the fire."

Xia Qingyu said: "Is there still?"

Guo Nalong quickly gave it to Sun Hao. Then said: "The price has doubled."

Sun Hao thought about it and said: "God friend, I want you in your arms."

The dragon is tight on his chest. Then shake his head. And asked: "How did you see it?"

Sun Hao did not tell him that it was actually perceived by Deep Blue. Instead, he asked: "You offer the price."

Just this time. Sun Hao also quickly wanted to understand that his own scorpion stagnation has been adapted to each other in the process of entanglement with the ancient ice silkworm. There is not much restraint between each other, and their true fire may be as Wei Bing said, and the mitigation ability may not be strong.

So Sun Hao now has two methods. One is naturally the idea to change the fireball in the hand of the dragon. In the deep blue perception, the fireball is very good. According to the dark blue, the two so-called purchases in front of Sun Hao The heart of the fire, is only contaminated with the beads of fire and some fire, that is to say, the fruit that the dragon sells to others, is only a fake and shoddy products, this guy's virtue, compared with the unscrupulous.

If it is not the body that is in desperate need of fire, Sun Hao does not intend to expose him, the small person is not easy to make a living, but there is no need to chase after him.

After Sun Hao finished, Xia Qingyu also said, "Yes, you offer, my holy house is willing to buy for agarwood."

The dragon's hand rubbed his chest, his eyes kept turning, and his mouth said, "If I swear to die, what will you do?"

Xia Qingyu frowned and did not speak.

Sun Hao said with a sigh: "Reassured, brother, seeing is both good, I won't be like you, I will think about him again." After that, God knows, a small fire appears on the shoulder, in the hand A small fan.

Above the fan, the monk can feel the heat of the silk.

This is Sun Hao's alternative plan. The Yang banana fan should be able to warm up as well. However, it is necessary to slap a few fans from time to time. It is too conspicuous and too much trouble.

If the light in the longan flashed, nodded, and said in his mouth: "Well, it seems that the agarwood is really a true gentleman. In this case, it is not impossible for me to exchange this real fireball for you. However, Shaogongzhu, Shenxiang, I have a lot of conditions."

Xia Qingyu doesn't wait for Sun Hao to already said with a fragile voice: "But it's fine, as long as the Holy Palace can do it, never frown..."

"I want two icebergs, I want the permission of the ice world. Well, yes, I don't dare to walk north. This right needs to be open to the infinite speed. If you have less, do you think there is a problem?" The price of the dragon is not low.

Xia Qingyu said cheerfully: "Okay, just do what Mr. said."

Guo Nalong said: "The Shaogong master is refreshing," and then he said to Sun Hao: "Agarwood, I have no need for you here, but you need to promise me, I will help me with one thing in the future. How do you mean it?" ?"

Promise to help him one thing? Sun Hao's brow slightly wrinkled, this is an unknown number.

Guo Nalong said with a smile: "This matter does not violate morality. It does not exceed the scope of Aquilaria's ability. Can you see it?"

Sun Hao nodded slightly and said: "The deal."

One hand took over the real fire bead that Guo Nalong threw, and Sun Hao’s heart rushed into a realization, which is why the dragon is not as simple as it looks. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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