Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: God of War (5)

God has a good life, a Yuan Ying mid-term Zhenjun cultivation is not easy, Sun Hao did not hurt the dead hand, the plan to destroy the solid class.

Holding a stick, Sun Hao is preparing a stick to sweep it.

Above the ice peak, the voice of Tianzhuo came out: "Shenxiang Daoyou, this solid class is a **** peerless demon, it is a great evil in Nanyang, but it is not allowed to let go. ......"

Ying Xuanhu also said with a voice: "Agarwood, the old demon in order to cultivate magical powers, once destroyed ten islands, monks and mortals are not a million, no one released..."

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly trembled.

On the body, the fighting spirit that has just been removed is fiercely another.

On the sea, the black light, with the blood of Luo charm and the wrist of the small chapter entangled in the fixed class, but also shouted: "The kid aloes, let go of the grandfather, or else, grandfather jade burned, self-destruction Yuan Ying The discipline of this hundred miles has become a dead zone."

The momentum of Sun Hao’s impact was a little bit.

Yuan Ying mid-term power once blew! It is definitely not a trivial matter.

The solid class sighed a little and shouted: "The **** shemale, let go of Lao Tzu."

Luo charm giggle came out from the blood: "Giggle, giggling, you burst, you burst, I can't wait for you to explode, you can't hurt me, I can't damage my hair..."

The current form of Luo Mei is like running water. The solid class thinks that it is very likely that even if he really blew himself up, I am afraid that it is just that the blood of Luo’s charm is more open, and the time of gathering is a little longer. may not.

Suddenly, the regular class was mad and shouted: "You are not afraid, are they not afraid? Go away, dead demon..."

While shouting, the black gas on his body splits the blood and tries to escape from the sea.

However, the blood is like a tide and there is no hole in it. Like a paste. Wrapped up from the sea, but it is not allowed to easily get rid of him.

Part of the blood of Luo is infiltrated into his body along his meridians. From time to time, he harassed his real yuan operation so that he could not completely break the strength.

The small chapter is pulled with the transparent wrist of one color of sea water. Let him not easily detach.

From time to time, Xiao Zhang also slammed a blow. Let him tumbling for a while.

Sun Hao did not attack immediately, his heart was slightly safe, but. In the early days of the two odious Yuan Ying, he let him fall to the sun and escape.

Sun Hao’s body seems to be in place.

But I heard the words of Luo charm in my ears. However, it was a slight movement, and Sun Hao remembered the scene when he was in the ruins of the Tianzheng.

At that time. Sun Hao suffered a strong raid on Luo Mei, and he could not see the enemy. A few confidantes in order to rescue Sun Hao, suddenly started a self-destruction, but in the end. Their self-destruction was led by Sun Hao and Luo Mei.

Nowadays, Luo Mei is entangled in the squad, and in the words, it is intentionally or unintentionally reminding Sun Hao. In fact, self-destruction can also lead.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

The fighting spirit seems to be slightly convergent, and the fighting stick is still in the hands. The tone of the voice is softer. Sun Hao said softly: "It is not easy for the solid road friends to practice, but we don't have to live and die, charm, don't wrap He, let him go..."

Among the sea water, the voice of Luo charm charm came out: "Giggle, good, master, charm listen to you, solid old ghost, I will let you go..."

The solid class immediately felt that the power of the pull of the charm seemed to be much lighter, and the wrists of Xiao Zhang did not seem to entangle themselves.

The heart is slightly loose, the solid class is preparing to take off from the strong, but hear the ear, the voice of the charm of the charm once again sounded: "Guge brother, the slave is not a shemale, the slave is a beautiful girl, do not believe you see... ..."

Then, the solid class only felt a white flower in front of him, and two white **** appeared in front of themselves.

For many years, the heart of the old well did not wave, actually flicked, the abdomen was a little feverish, and my heart was a little bit tempted.

At this moment, the solid class feels that Luo Mei has completely solved the entanglement of himself, but shows his body in front of himself to prove that she is really a big beauty.

The dark passage, the red powder is not awkward, but the beauty is not the skin, the solid class is preparing to stand up.

Suddenly, the eyes are unbelievable.

Then I looked straight ahead and spit out a word in my mouth: "You..."

In front of him, Sun Hao’s face showed a merciful look, and his mouth gently said: “Guzhen Jun, all the way to go.”

Gently send the wrist forward.

The top of the stick between the solid eyebrows and the eyebrows broke into the head of the class.

The solid class double eyebrows smashed round, and both hands were unwilling to take them on the stick.

And his Dantian part, at this time also blasted a blast, Shen Xiangjian in the air, a string of dying Yuan Ying rushed out.

Once again, the solid class spit out a "you" word, and the first half of the body was softly hung on the stick.

In the distant sky, the dragon broke out with a terrible roar: "Gold brother..."

Then, the body turned into a long rainbow, fleeing.

He didn't go far, and tried to wait for the squad to escape. But at that moment, he didn't understand what happened. It should be the **** Sun Hao and the **** Gorefiend. They showed a secret that could affect the true spirit. Surgery, so that the solid class is instantly lost.

Then, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang suddenly moved to the side of the class, and took the day stick to the forehead of the fixed class, took Shen Xiangjian to break the solid class of Dantian, a blow will kill.

The fighting sticks are chained to the half-length body of the solid class, and Sun Hao is shouting.

On the ice island, on the sea, the onlookers did not fully understand what it was, but it did not prevent them from erupting.

Agarwood, agarwood!

The cheers are endless, echoing in the sea of ​​ice and fire for a long time.

The young boy, wearing a golden light, holding a golden stick, and holding up the young man of Yuan Yingzheng’s body, was also deeply imprinted in the hearts of the monks, and it was unforgettable for a lifetime.

Shen Xiang adults, a stick to kill the Yuan Ying in the middle of the real Jun, bold and heroic, might not cast.

The shipwrecked sea-going vessels, which did not escape completely from the battlefield, were full of fighting spirits. On many seagoing ships, white flags were floated and unconditionally surrendered, only to survive.

They were also shocked by Sun Hao and shocked by Sun Hao’s boundless power.

Even the adults in the class were hanged on the club head by Shen Xiangzhen, and they roared in the sky, how dare they rival.

Sun Hao did not intend to do it in one fell swoop, but it caused a very unexpected effect.

However, all the bandit sea-going vessels intercepted by the Fengyun fleet or the Icefire Island fleet are all fighting, and the flag is surrendered.

On the sea of ​​thousands of miles, on the sea of ​​war, the victorious monk and the ice fire island monks all walked up the deck, raised the sword in their hands and shouted.

The monks of Fengyun, especially the older generation of monks, shouted in tears.

Shen Xiang adults are back.

Their **** of war is back again.

There is no victory in the battle, and the enemy is defeated.

This is the **** of war of them, Shen Xiang adults.

The monks of Icefire Island shouted and celebrated this hard-won victory.

Originally, Icefire Island has been forced to a dead end, and it can only be seen at the end of the battle.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang led the fleet to aid.

Originally, it also reported certain doubts about Sun Hao’s combat power.

However, in the end, they witnessed a leap-level war that was enough to go down in history, and saw the true God of War.

The boy who is in the wind of Yushu fights and makes people boil.

The boy in the fluttering shirt, fighting up, makes people arrogant.

God of War is coming.

Holding the stick, Sun Hao gently shocked, and a loud The last part of the squad was turned into a **** rain and sprinkled on the surface of the sea.

Inadvertently, these blood waters are integrated into the blood of Luo Mei.

Luo charm giggled, and there was a **** red figure in the sea.

The human figure moves forward, and every step of the way, the body is solidified. When she is completely standing on the side of Sun Hao, she has once again recovered to the shape of a peerless beauty.

Another huge group of transparent sea water rose from the sea. The strange thing is that this sea has a pair of huge eyes.

The eyes smashed and the color of the sea gradually turned pink. Then, a boy, an eight-armed, fuzzy boy turned over and stood on the other side of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled slightly, his body flashed white, and the milky white brilliance brushed on the boy's body.

Not a moment, the boy recovered, and said: "Thank you big brother."

Sun Hao smiled at him, his eyes looked at the ice peak, his hands arched, and he said with aloud: "Li brother, brother, don't you come?" (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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