Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1096: Legend of the Gods (3)

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Above the South Sea, sea-going vessels are different in size and grade. ...oh,

The warship skills of seagoing ships have a huge watershed difference.

For the top sea boats like Fengyun and Dragon Boat, the high seas and ships are the common methods of warfare.

The warfare techniques like the tyrannical Shenzhou and the unparalleled spears have already belonged to the exclusive combat skills of many top sea boats, featuring combat skills.

Exhibited, there is often a great power.

Such combat skills are collectively referred to as top-level combat skills.

However, it is not that top-level combat skills are the pinnacle of sea-going combat skills.

There is also a kind of combat technique. When it is launched, it has the ability to destroy the earth and destroy the land. The power is ten times that of the top sea boat.

However, this type of combat technology is more demanding, and it is difficult for Jindan real people to use it flexibly.

Usually, this kind of combat technique is driven by Yuan Yingzhen.

Each drive is enough to load the historical data of the naval battle and sing for the records of future generations.

This type of combat technology has a unified name: "God".

For example, in terms of sailing in the sea, the "voyage" combat skills that the blue country has mastered in the past is the top sea boat combat skills.

On top of this, Sun Hao developed the "ride the wind and waves" but surpassed the voyage.

However, because the wind and the waves are the auxiliary warship skills, the Fengyun is equipped with such combat skills, and the impression is not very deep.

In fact, riding the wind and breaking the waves should be regarded as the "magic skill" category, but because it is auxiliary, it is automatically weakened by half.

Now, the ancestors of the Dragon family have suddenly erupted the dragon boat magical technique "White Clouds Blossoming", which is a real aggression.

The white clouds are rolling. The real yuan is rushing.

The dragon family ancestors mobilized a large number of monks in the dragon boat fleet. Turn into a "spiritual skill." Attacked the Fengyun ship fleet.

If it is only the tyrannical Shenzhou, can you resist the "spirit" that is higher than the level of oneself?

However, Sun Hao is on the Fengyun.

The mouth was clear and drinking well. Sun Hao’s clothes were windless and automatic. They flew backwards, and the foot of the wind was a little gentle. A blue light was centered on Sun’s toe and the entire Fengyun fleet. Pass it out.

moment. The Fengyun fleet seems to have cast a thin layer of cyan brilliance.

And every monk of the Fengyun fleet had a very strange feeling at this time.

It seems that at this moment, he has become a part of a huge hull. The real element of his body is involuntarily pulled, rushing out and injecting into the ship's array.

Then, everyone saw that the Fengyun number was over, the young agarwood gently spread his arms, and a golden chicken was flying high in an independent position.

And at the independent toe. A huge, seemingly bronze-cast wind cloud. It seems that he was pulled out of the void by his single life.

A huge bronze-casting Shenzhou, standing in the air.

This huge Shenzhou completely enveloped the entire Fengyun fleet, like a hood, with a gleaming light.

Moreover, this huge sea boat is still spinning under the foot of Sun Hao.

The speed is instantly added to the maximum, in the air, only a blue phantom has been seen.

The blossoming white clouds wandered and hit the Shenzhou.

A series of shocking bangs broke out in the air, and it was like a thunder.

The dragon's white clouds blossomed, and the bronze sacs of Shanghao.

Evenly matched.

The strike of the Dragon family ancestors did not appear.

The white clouds blossomed and could not defeat the bronze battle boat. The dragon family ancestors understood that the sea boat skills of the young monks on the opposite side are definitely not weak.

How many years has this young boy emerged?

I don't know where I got such a powerful battle boat heritage. It seems that this day I have to fight.

With a slight glimpse of his hands, the dragon's ancestors laughed happily: "The powerful bronze Shenzhou, the agarwood is really worthy of the name, the dragon is not lawful, I have seen the agarwood, admire, admire."

The white clouds blossomed by the bronze boat.

After the impact, the white clouds dissipated, and the Shenzhou also converges to Guanghua, and indents into the body of the Fengyun from the mast. Sun Hao floated above the mast, and both hands were carrying it. He laughed and said: "It is a good way for each other, Long Zhenjun, and Shen Xiang is also admired."

The dragon was not able to show up the "worldly skills" of the sun in the first round of the Sun Sun, and the two sides became a tie.

The monk of the Dragon Family broke out with high cheers: "Illegal, illegal."

On the Fengyun, it also responded: "Agarwood, Agarwood."

In the sky, the bronze statue of Shenzhou has not completely dissipated. At this moment when the white clouds are scattered, Sun Hao is on the mast with a single foot. He said: "If you come, you will not be indecent, you will not be a friend. Please also Pick me up."

Under the foot, a blue light did not enter the fleet of Fengyun.

Then, the entire ship’s monk suddenly felt that his body was moving again, and he was dragged into the sea boat.

The master of the sea-going ship, at this time, was involuntarily, and was dragged by Sun Hao’s knowledge, and launched the inherent warfare technique of the ship itself: “Rotary”.

Rotating is the essential skill of large and small sea-going vessels. Its main function is to guard against attacks from the sea. It is also one of the most mature basic strategic skills above the sea.

But now, under the traction of Sun Hao, this warfare has changed and a miraculous change has taken place.

Sun Hao showed his arms and sighed in his mouth: "Flying."

The huge Fengyun No., on the Fengyun No. in the state of the Shenzhou Shenzhou, raised a huge glaucom mast and hung a huge sail.

The mast rotates and the sails fly.

At the same time, the Fengyun number belongs to the size of the sea boat, the same, a stick out of the mast, the sail side, along with the huge Hehai Shenzhou state Fengyun, together in the air.

With the command of Sun Hao's "Flying", the monks of the monks rushed into their respective ships.

Then, all the enemies of both the enemy and the enemy were horrified to discover.

The boy, the young boy, the Fengyun No., occupied the huge sea surface of the Fengyun No., all of them vacated, like a huge battleship, vacated in the air.

Collective flying!

Leaving the sea three feet high.

Below it, it is a "spinning" that rotates continuously, and the blade is like a knife-like syrup. Without the blocking of sea water, the rotation speed is getting faster and faster.

Spin the sky!

The dragon and the illegal class looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Such "spiritual skills" are unheard of.

Among the Nanyang, it is rare to see it in thousands of years, and there is no relevant record in history.

The attack has not yet come, and the dragon has already felt tremendous pressure.

Sun Hao’s body climbed above the Fengyun.

The single foot is always shaken in the sky above the mast that Fengyun has chosen to turn, and the four attributes of the real source are continuously injected into it, providing the Fengyun number with inexhaustible kinetic energy.

The huge fleet is vacant.

This requires unparalleled control of the gods, the need for an unparalleled battlefield, and the need for strong support.

The entire fleet was raised to more than four feet, and Sun Hao leaned back slightly, then leaned forward and sighed: "Flying in the sky, the lawless brothers took the move."

Under the leadership of Sun Hao, the huge fleet of bombards slammed into the air, smashed the space, rotated, and attacked the dragon boat.

Among the eyes of the dragon, there is a shock that is difficult to conceal.

This kind of tactics is simply beyond the scope of "the gods" and is unstoppable.

However, at this moment, I can't care so much. I can block how much it counts. The dragon can't help the arms, and the mouth screams: "You friends help me, Yunjin Tianzhang, give me defense."

The dragon family warship fluttered and floated, and the five colored clouds floated out. The clouds formed a satin-satin silk brocade in the air. The brocade was densely patterned, which seemed to produce a magnificent text.

The text lived in the clouds, and it kept moving like a donkey.

The hustle and bustle of the tour led Yunjin, and it was entangled in the huge, flying squad, trying to use the soft gram, stopping the whirlwind and flying.

Although the Yunjin is soft, it can't stop the rotation.

The film Baiyun one text, the spin of the high-speed rotation is torn, and the air is scattered.

The Flying Boats still attacked it with great enthusiasm.

The dragon is not wrinkled with a brow, and it is violent: "You are a stunned dragon, you are friends, you are going back."

Between his hands, a golden light emerged and was shot into the ship's array.

Under the ship's array, the ships that were covered by the wind and the sky were suddenly shocked by the hull, as if they were instantly flexible.

The quick-responding monk immediately understood and drove the sea boat and fled quickly.

The Longjiahai ship crashed away and hurriedly avoided.

The dragon is not in the same fight as Sun Hao’s second move to the sea, but it is completely down.

Sun Hao smiled on his face and drove the huge fleet under his feet.

The Dragon Boat fleet had to evade its edge and fled. (To be continued.)

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