Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Blood dyed hero

In the hands of Sun Hao, the five-colored stone in the hands of the young, in the hands of the old, is like a plaything, throwing away, naturally and casually.

In the end, the old man threw himself away, and the five-color stone flew out. He didn't enter the spiritual list of the spirit room. He slammed into the spirit list and the tower's spiritual list, emitting five colors of light. , slowly turning, illuminating the name of the person on the list below.

However, it is necessary to condense the empty tower, but it is a sudden shock.

The monk in the tower suddenly felt the earth as a shock, and Qi Qi stopped the cultivation or the work in his hands. He searched everywhere and the pagoda had recovered as usual.

However, the monks in the tower have a sense of Qi Qi, as if there was some unknown change in his body.

I don't know where the change came from, what role it has. After a little surprise, the monk in the tower began to disagree and be busy.

The condensed empty tower is the magic weapon of Sun Hao. What changes have been made, and I know myself in the future, it should not be a bad thing.

After the five-color Tianshishi was put away, Sun Hao stayed in the same place, slightly sinking, and then, if nothing had happened, he began to search for other resources within the funeral market.

Sun Hao, who is good at summing up, soon discovered some rules of refining in the vast gravel area of ​​the funeral Tianxu.

Where the blood giants infested a lot, they were once sucked by Xiao Zhang, leaving a lot of gravel. Usually, there will be various ores or refining materials.

Non-stop, Sun Hao follows the route in memory, and probes the past one point at a time. However, there are many gains. Among them, many refining materials are grade 4 or above, which is quite rare.

However, these refining materials did not spur the need to condense the empty tower, and the old man did not speak. Obviously, these refining materials did not help much in the refining of the second layer of the tower.

After searching for 20 consecutive days, Sun Hao began to return along the road.

Halfway through the contact between the mind and the heart, I found the team led by Xiao Zhang, and the two teams returned. Once again, Sun Hao was assigned to a number of ore refining materials from the dark blue of the kitten.

The kitten was dark and pitiful, and reluctant. I took out the baby I found.

Sun Hao did not do anything for himself. This time, he left a full 50% harvest for the deep blue, and he only took 30%, Xiaozhang and the dog. Each has 10%.

The dog is not convinced, but the small chapter only takes 10%. It can only accept the distribution plan.

With a noisy, chasing a few seemingly harmless guys to the way to the gathering place, Sun Hao was surprised to find that the dog dog has been developed into a bad habit of bullying the kitten dark blue, nothing will sneak attack One.

The sneak attack on the dog-side animal husbandry is very sharp. The kitten dark blue is not bitten by the neck or bitten by the tail, and no one can get rid of it.

The kitten dark blue has been afraid of the dog, very obedient. The gains made are even more daring to hide.

After Sun Hao’s side understanding, it was ridiculously discovered that the behind-the-scenes pusher of this scene was actually a cute little chapter.

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu knows that there are two forms of dark blue. I also know that the second form of dark blue is very difficult to provoke. Therefore, I dare not offend the dark blue to death. I am afraid that I will find myself trouble after I wake up.

However, the bad Zhang Keketu of the salted bar intentionally or unintentionally guided, the uninformed earth dog, the dog who was a bit resentful to Sun Hao, became a scapegoat for bullying the kitten.

The kitten dark blue was bullied by the earth dog.

Sun Hao’s heart is already speculating. Once Hu Gaiya wakes up, will he be angry and ruthless, and directly kill this unknown dog.

However, for the time being. The existence of the dog-side animal husbandry is very conducive to Sun Hao hitting the dark blue, letting the dark blue sell for his own treasure resources.

So, Sun Hao also closed his eyes with one eye.

At most, when Gaia was worried, he helped a local dog. Keeping its little life is.

The dog does not know that he has offended a big tiger, bullying the deep blue is not tired.

Although it is an area that has already been explored, it is a area that everyone has cleared. However, there are still many dangers in the funeral market.

At the time of regrouping, there was a Magic Road ranking that Jindan did not return on time.

After waiting for two days, there is still no news. Everyone knows that the magic road Jin Dan is afraid that it has fallen.

Packing up the feelings of the dead foxes of the rabbits, under the unified dispatch of Zeng Xiangwu, according to the direction of Zhao Yumo, everyone began to advance again.

Relatively safely advanced into the 4th and 5th, new changes began to appear in front of the funeral market.

The original gravel zone turned into an endless loess.

A yellow mound, bulging in the yellow land, like a small grave.

Carefully, stepping into the loess area, the mounds will change immediately.

The mounds are automatically split, and in the mounds, the huge zombies are not under the blood giants, and the blood-red zombies come out.

The **** zombies have tall, burly bodies, arms, and strong muscles, big feet, strong legs, bald heads, and blood eyes.

Unlike the mainland zombies, the **** zombies are like ordinary people, walking on the ground, but at a slower pace.

It seems to smell the breath of life, found the monk team, the loess hills split, the blood zombies took a big step, flapping their own, roaring, launched an attack on the monk team.

Compared to the overwhelming number of blood giants, there are not many blood zombies in the loess hills.

In every mound, there is only one **** zombie.

However, the strength of a single blood zombie is far beyond the stone giant.

Zeng Xiangwu's strong bow can crack the landslide, but it is shot on the blood giant, but like ordinary arrows shot in the gold and iron, was bounced back.

After igniting the first blood zombies, everyone took the blood zombie to the gravel area and launched a siege. Thousands of attacks were poured on the blood zombies. The blood zombies were beaten and beaten. Can not attack the monks.

Sustained attack for half a day, the blood zombies suffered heavy damage, the head was broken half, the legs were discounted, the arms were broken, and the chest and abdomen were also broken several holes. However, the big guy is still dying, swearing, snarling and attacking his body. Monks within the scope.

Zeng Xiangwu let people take a shield to try the attack power of blood zombies.

The blood zombie punched down and the shield, which was more solid than most Jindan's body, was blown apart and split.

The ranks of the Golden Danes are all in the same mood.

A lot of power, if you squat on it, there are not a few that can stop it.

After grinding for two days, the blood zombies were completely unloaded. Finally, the only one of the skulls was cut off from the neck.

There was a blue smoke on the empty neck.

Among the blue smoke, there seems to be a Tsing Yi monk.

The Tsing Yi monk was expressionless and said: "Are you coming? Is the funeral sky open again?"

In the voice, the yellow mound seems to have a power of attraction. The blue smoke was sucked away, and his voice was shaken in the air: "Retain the meat... body..."

Then, the blue smoke was sucked into the mound.

Zeng Xiangwu quickly reacted and screamed: "Attention, don't go back with zombie meat..."

In the voice of the voice, the blood zombie pieces that had been scattered all over the place began to squirm, as if they were going to move.

Jin Dan is a well-thought-out generation. He immediately understands it and approaches it. He resists the nausea and puts the creeping meat in his storage bag.

The little priest of the Tiangong Palace did not start, but stood in the same place and looked at the mound where the smoke disappeared. It seemed to be trying to think back.

After half a ring, suddenly, the jade finger pointed to the mound, and said in a voice: "Ye Bai, he is the predecessor of the smelting white, I remember, he is the singer of the white sage..."

Zhao’s tall body slammed into the mound, then squatted deeply, and said in a low voice: “Tiangong’s descendants, Zhao Yumo, thanked the seniors...”

The other monks in the Tiangong, all of them are solemn and solemn, like Zhao Yumo, said in a low voice: "Thank you for being a senior."

The on-site monks were silent.

In the heart of Sun Hao, I immediately understood that the status of Ye Bai in the Tiangong should not be low, and it is likely to be the predecessor of the Tiangong.

Gong Xiao's low voice verified Sun Hao's conjecture: "The last time I buried the Tianzheng, the smelting predecessor was one of the Jindans that led me to the Heavenly Palace. I didn't expect him to fall here, but also to..."

Speaking of this, the words of Gong Xiaozu stopped abruptly, and a pair of eyes looked at the yellow land of the burial sky.

The yellow mound on the yellow land uplifted.

Will you bury a distinguished person of the predecessors?

And they are also turned into blood-colored zombies, blocking everyone's way.

If it is, then, so a large piece of yellow mound, and how many generations of outstanding heroes can be formed?

The atmosphere is suddenly heavy.

The monks are silent.

On the yellow earth, there was a whistling sound, as if someone was sighing leisurely, and it seemed that a monk was singing a sad song.

Above the sky, the high-hanging, original golden light of the hero, under the yellow land.

Surprisingly, there are traces of blood, twelve golden letters, on the yellow earth, as if the words are fluffy, floating a layer of blood.

Like the blood and tears in the human eye, there is a boundless feeling of compassion. (To be continued.)

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