Zou Xuan glanced at the silver-white gate behind him and twisted the handle.

System prompt:

[Obviously, the door here is locked.] 【

You can choose to find this key, or you can choose to call the owner of the house to open the door... It seems that there are people inside. "

Can't open it." He said: "The prompt says that you can find the key, or you can ask the person inside to open the door..."

Ring the doorbell! Liu Zhaodi hurriedly said.

Zou Xuan saw a very retro black wrought iron bell hanging on the silver-white door panel.

It should be the doorbell of this house, right?

He reached out and tugged.

No response.

Swayed from side to side.

Still no response.

Neither the bell nor the door made the slightest sound because of his movements.

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells..." The

bell on the reindeer is getting closer.

Seeing the reindeer rushing quickly, and the figure of the Christmas demon on the sleigh became clearer, Zou Xuan hurriedly looked at Liu Zhaodi:

"That's right!" You're a burglar! You should be able to open this kind of lock!

"Use your master key!" Fast! "

He's talking about the 'thief's exclusive equipment, the 'lock picking kit'.

Since the character of the thief has been gradually unlocked by players, everyone has jokingly called his equipment the 'Master Key'.

Liu Zhaodi was stunned when she heard this.

"Ahhh... I...... But..."

Zou Xuan's face was anxious: "But what? Take it out!

Liu Zhaodi said embarrassedly: "I... I didn't bring it..." "Didn't bring

it?!" Zou Xuan and Wang Minghui spoke in unison.

They were shocked!

Unless there's a better alternative, few people won't come without character-specific gear!

Of course...... I really don't want to bring it, of course.

This is different between fugitives and hunters.

Fugitive's character-specific equipment is not mandatory.

Especially for characters like 'Thief', exclusive equipment and skills do not have a linkage effect.

Liu Zhaodi hurriedly explained:

"Because I really think it's useless!" There are three equipment slots, so I must have at least one weapon that can repel the hunters, right? So I have to put on a 'grenade launcher'!

"You have to have an armor, right?" Otherwise, it's too brittle, so I brought this combat suit..."

"I have to get a pair of shoes with moving speed, right?" Otherwise, you won't be able to run..."

"There is no place to put that kind of impractical exclusive equipment!"

"Jingle bells..." Three

reindeer pulling their sleds have already rushed out of the heavy snow!

The reindeer's strange red eyes, when moving rapidly, seem to pull out a red light shadow in the snowy night.

Very evil! Very oppressive!

"Don't say it!"

Zou Xuan hurriedly circled the back: "Hide first!" It's snowing a lot now! If Ling Yichuan didn't use reconnaissance skills, we might be able to dodge!" The

three of them immediately scattered.

The house is surrounded by manicured fir trees in the shape of Christmas trees.

These trees are not thick and it is difficult to completely block a whole person, so they have basically no place to hide here.

You can only hide behind this two-story house.

Zou Xuan and Wang Minghui decisively ran to the back against the root of the wall, while Liu Zhaodi used her unique Thief 2 skill 'stealth stealth'.

Disappear directly in place.

She stood in front of the door, quietly watching the reindeer pull the sleigh past.

When she saw and saw clearly the "Christmas devil" on the sleigh ... Her blood pressure rises rapidly, and her anger level rises!

Liu Zhaodi, whose speaking habits have always been very clean, couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth:

"Gan Liliang!"

"Fake! It's actually fake! "

There's a shard statue of Santa Claus standing on the sleigh, and it's not a Christmas devil at all!

Ling Yichuan is not here at all!

When the two heard what she said, they poked their heads and asked,

"What fake?"

"What do you see?"

The bell went far, but not far.

Because this house is already near the southernmost point of the map.

The reindeer ran to the old oak tree, circled around, then turned back and continued uphill to the north, without stopping.

The bell sounded approaching again, and the two shrunk their heads again to be on the safe side, hiding behind the house.

Liu Zhaodi, who was still invisible, walked over helplessly and said,

"We have been tricked!"

"The reindeer just kept running back and forth, and it wasn't Ling Yichuan who was pulling on the sled... It's a statue of Santa Claus! Fake!

Wang Minghui was stunned and slapped his head sharply: "No wonder!" No wonder he wants the reindeer to wear bells! Just to scare us!

Zou Xuan smiled and said, "We are all stupid, we have been deceived once before, how can we be fooled again..." "

None of us have thought about why he was able to quietly approach us at the police station before?"

"It's because we're careless! We thought he was on a sled! We listened to the sound of the bell and thought he had run away! That's why I didn't care!

"So it was... It's actually like this

..." He laughed helplessly at himself: "This is really a dead Zhuge scared away the living Zhongda..."

Wang Minghui probed, looking at the distant reindeer figure, and suddenly had a typical player's thought:

"Words... Can these reindeer be killed directly? "After playing too much with the sequelae of the Green Blood Elite, he always wants to burst the enemy's vehicles.

Zou Xuan glanced at him: "Don't try, if I remember correctly, reindeer can't be killed." "

The reindeer will become irritable when attacked, and you will be very uncomfortable with two blows..."

"If the reindeer is killed, it will be directly demonized and become a 'hellish reindeer'... That thing comes with Hellfire special effects, and it may be the most powerful quest monster in the Oak Street quest!

Wang Minghui was shocked: "Lying groove!" What a disgusting trap mechanism! Players who don't know about it will definitely try to abuse small animals! Isn't that a trick?

Zou Xuan nodded: "That's why Ling Yichuan dared to let the reindeer run back and forth, and didn't care about them at all..." The

more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved, and smiled angrily:

"Hehe... Putting the statue of Santa Claus on the sleigh is really quite an idea, but it perfectly uses the low visibility of this map..."

Liu Zhaodi also had a kind of anger that was played: "Ling Yichuan, this person is too cunning!" Play a cat-and-mouse mode, people have not seen it a few times, it takes a lot of work!

"Well, be more careful with this kind of player."

Wang Minghui nodded: "I'll first use the 'ear listening to all directions' to investigate and see if he is hiding nearby."

Zou Xuan agreed: "There can be." "

Wang Minghui closed his eyes and used the lawyer's 1 skill 'ear to listen'.

In an instant, all the wind, the falling snow, the distant bells, the friction of sleds sliding on the snow...

All the voices entered his ears.

Murmurs are gradually eliminated.

Then he heard a slow and even breathing in the house behind him, and the heartbeat of the man inside.

Other than that, there was no strange movement.

Opening his eyes, Wang Minghui saw the earnest gazes of the two.

Zou Xuan asked, "What do you say?"

Wang Minghui shook his head: "Strange, Ling Yichuan is either not nearby, or hiding somewhere, not moving, not a single sound."

He turned his head and gestured behind him with his thumb:

"But here... There are indeed individuals.

"I guess it's the NPC that the priest wants us to find."

"What now? Looking for keys nearby? Ring the doorbell and she ignored us.

Zou Xuan frowned tightly, and was about to speak, when suddenly the ground shook!

"What's wrong? Did we trigger something? Liu Zhaodi looked around with a slight panic, and at the same time took out the 'grenade launcher' and loaded a grenade.

Zou Xuan shook his head: "No.

Wang Minghui pointed to the sky: "Hey, look! "

An earthquake is just an alarm-like notification.

Inform them that half an hour is up.

The shaking of the map lasted only a few seconds, and soon stopped on its own, and at the same time, a green beam of light rose from the roofs of all the shops and houses on Oak Street!

Pillars of green light rushed out of the roof's chimney, connected to the sky, and then did not change.

The fixed pillar of light became a bridge connecting the sky and the ground.

Because the light column is very bright, even under the cover of wind and snow, it can still be seen quite clearly.

"What is this...?"

Wang Minghui, who had never played the copy of Oak Street, looked confused.

Zou Xuan was about to answer, but the system had already rushed to answer:

[At this time, you feel a strong vibration... These vibrations come from every house on Oak Street, from every special fireplace for Santa. 【The

teleportation array in the fireplace has been activated! 】 【

Start now! 】 Christmas demons can quickly teleport to any building through these formations! 【Remember

! Be careful and stay away from the fireplace! 【

Speed up the search for the 'escape key'! 】 Hurry up and get out of the treacherous land of 'Oak Street'! "

Did you see it all?"

Zou Xuan rubbed his hands, walked against the wall to the gate, and carefully observed the surroundings:

"From now on, the Christmas Demon officially has a high mobility that other hunters do not have."

"As long as he knows where we are, he can teleport in a few seconds!"

"Except for the church, there is a teleportation point in every house, and after he uses it once, the green pillar of light on it will turn red."

Wang Minghui asked: "Turning red... Is this a teleportation array in cooling?

Zou Xuan: "Yes."

Wang Minghui: "How long is the cooldown time?"

Zou Xuan: "5 minutes." "

They came to the main entrance again, knocked on the door again and pulled the bell at the door, and the inside was never moved.

Liu Zhaodi was worried about provoking Ling Yichuan, who didn't know where to hide, so she could only try her best to suppress her voice and said into the crack of the door:

"Hello, Melina... We are Harley... Oh no! It was introduced by Father Gray..." "

We're going to deal with the Christmas devil... Need your help, hey..." "

Can you open the door for us?"

Wang Minghui and Zou Xuan studied it, and they estimated that an important clue was probably missing now.

Melina inside is very vigilant and will not open the door at will.

Based on previous game experience, they should probably find Melina's clues elsewhere, and then say some key words, and Melina will open the door.

Otherwise, find the key to her house nearby.

This also requires clues.

Both were depressed.

Originally, both the thief's exclusive equipment 'Lock Picking Kit' and the magician's 3 skill 'Obstacle Removal' could open this important door without the help of foreign objects.

As a result, one became a missing person, and the other did not even bring the thief to eat....

"Alas, they can't all be blamed."

Wang Minghui began to reflect: "We should have split up earlier to find clues, what is this play... We are just too afraid of Ling Yichuan, so we always get together and have no time to find other clues and resources.

Zou Xuan sighed: "Yes, after we find a way to get in, let's try to act separately, otherwise even if we win, this one really won't be able to catch anything."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the puppet doppelganger above again.

I don't know if Ryoko found something....

In the field of vision of the puppet Ryoko, he saw the complete set of ordinary fire suits in the cupboard....


Zou Xuan almost couldn't come up in one breath!

Is this silly doll still dangling in the fire station?!

It seems to have been there ten minutes ago!

For this mentally retarded doppelganger who was spinning in place like a sweeping robot, Zou Xuan was extremely disappointed!

It is clear that his own puppet doppelganger should be a grade higher than Ling Yichuan's paper doppelganger.

But she couldn't find any resources....

He was so sad!

Watching Ling Yichuan's game video before, Zou Xuan was most impressed by the other party's paper man.

Good luck thief for that thing!

It's like having a hidden talent! The lucky value specifies SSS!

Help Ling Yichuan find a very good equipment or prop at every turn, and he can inexplicably kill enemy NPCs, which is simply envious of him!

Alas, time is tight and cannot be delayed any longer!

Zou Xuan came back to his senses and suggested, "In this way, let's look for the key nearby, and if there is no clue, we will go to other houses to search for resources first."

"You can't waste time on one task all the time."

"Maybe searching and searching, we took the resources and found the escape key, and at the same time found the clue to open this door?" Right? Being

blocked by a door, Wang Minghui was a little uncomfortable, but it was obvious that this place could not be forcibly broken through by violence.

He glanced at the window next to him.

The light of the miner's lamp shone up, and only the reflection of the steel plate inside the window could be seen.

Every window here is sealed with steel plates.

This NPC is very vigilant.

And the silver-white gate in front of him looks very unusual.

I have to admit that Zou Xuan said the most rational and reasonable game strategy.

It is estimated that other players do this task like this.

"Okay." He can only compromise.

The three were about to leave, when Wang Minghui suddenly had a flash of light!

"Wait a minute! I have a genius idea! The

other two looked at him with different looks.

Liu Zhaodi raised her eyebrows and said, "What are you going to do?" Wouldn't want to break a goal, would you? Many of the NPCs in this game seem to have a favorable rating... Wang

Minghui was shivering with cold, he ran a few steps, first found a leeward wall to block it, and then said:

"You don't know anything about the ability of lawyers!"

He grinned with a big white tooth and grinned,

"What is a lawyer?" The archmage who manipulates the law is called a lawyer! "

Wang Minghui chose to use the 2 skills of 'lawyer' - 'follow the word. Regular Item Summoning'!

[Name: Words come out of the way. Regular Item Summoning

] [Type: Skill (Character Exclusive)

] [Level: D Level

] [Consumption: 25% Energy Value

] [Cooldown: 45 minutes] [

How to use: Name a regular item that you think should exist here, and if it is judged reasonable, you can summon it to appear. [

Note: When you have the right to interpret something, you can create something out of nothing, darken it, imagine it out of thin air, and fabricate it out of thin air.

He said clearly: "The key to the door of this house is in the mailbox at the door!" "

[Reasonableness determination is in progress...

] [Judgment successful!]

Wang Minghui rubbed his arms, quickly ran to the mailbox, opened the tin mailbox, and immediately saw a double-row cogging key with a black handle lying inside.

He picked it up.

[Name: Melina's door key] [Type: Story props (no copies allowed)] [Function:

Open the door of Melina's

house. 【

Note: Oh! Damn lawyers should just redo it! You can't break the rules like that! This key was not originally in the mailbox!


He waved to everyone: "It's a success!" "

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