Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 783 Communication and information!

"what are you?"

"Tick tock!"

"Where did it come from?"

"Tick tock!"

"Can you say anything else besides tick-tock?"

"Tick tock!"


Returning to his own spiritual world, Lu En had returned to his human appearance. He rubbed his forehead and looked at the little gear man rolling around on the wooden table, feeling quite helpless.

After the giant pocket watch that suddenly attacked him fell apart, even the little pointer man fled away and disappeared without a trace, so the last thing that remained was the palm-sized little gear man in front of him.

Facing the powerful Lu En, the little gear man behaved quite submissively. He turned into a human figure holding his head, squatting on the table and shivering, the gears rattling. However, Lu En's questioning of him was met with huge challenges. problem.

To be honest, Lu En has not encountered the problem of language barrier for a long time, because any creature that uses mental fluctuations to transmit information can be regarded as a universal language. However, in this gear villain, the mental fluctuations have failed.

From the appearance, this gear villain does not have any life characteristics. It is simply composed of more than a dozen black gears. Lu En did not feel any breath of life in it, but on the other hand, it can run He can jump and respond to Luen's questions, so he obviously has a lot of intelligence.

It's just that Lu En really couldn't get any useful information from the ticking sounds that were exactly the same regardless of the interval or tone.

The sudden appearance of the pocket watch giant, and even weapons that could hurt Lu En's consciousness, naturally aroused Lu En's fear and vigilance. In the spiritual world, he is still in the new stage, so he needs to find out who is targeting him and what the purpose is. Why is so important to him.

Lu En didn't want to face a large number of enemies in the real world, but also faced another unknown enemy in the spiritual world. Such an internal and external attack would make even an ancient person feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Moreover, the danger level of the spiritual world is higher in Lu En's opinion than that of the real world. If it is not necessary, he is not willing to provoke the enemies in it. Of course, if it is really unavoidable, he will not be afraid. .

"Tick tock!"

Lu En looked at the gear man in trance, weighing and thinking in his mind. However, for the gear man, he was extremely frightened. Suddenly there was a crash and a pile of gears were scattered on the table.


Lu En's eyes were attracted, and he immediately saw these scattered gears starting to roll on the table. First, about half of the gears rolled around quickly in a single form, like individuals with different lives. Then the remaining gears were combined to form a long-legged cross that swung its head across the table.

The scattered gears were originally rolling vigorously, but when the cross passed by, they fell sideways on the table, motionless, and then were caught by the cross and embedded in their bodies, growing other limbs. .

Lu En looked slightly startled and suddenly woke up.

"You want to say that I killed other lives in the sea of ​​​​mind and swallowed their power?"

"Tick tock!"

The gear man responded immediately, and then the gears spread out again, forming a triangle, and a black gear popped out from the middle, making a ticking sound, and then the triangle turned into a cross, confronting the gear.


Suddenly, the gears jumped up, smashing the cross into pieces and re-scattering into gears. These gears continued to roll around on the table, full of energy, and the black gear that kept ticking floated in mid-air. , like the protector of these gears below.

"In other words, it was because of the killings I inadvertently caused in the sea of ​​​​mind during the previous pursuit that led to your appearance, and you, or should I say you, are the protectors of countless wandering consciousnesses in the sea of ​​​​mind?"

Lu En's understanding ability was not bad when he looked at pictures, so he immediately understood.

"Tick tock!"

The gears reassembled into little people, nodding their heads.

"But there were also people who destroyed many dissociated consciousnesses before. Why didn't any problems occur?"

Lu En thought of another question. Although he unconsciously destroyed many free wills during the pursuit, the Dark Reapers only killed many more people than him. Just say that in the Forgotten World before, they were probably tens of thousands. Why? Found yourself?

In other words, if killing these wandering consciousnesses will attract guardians, then the Dark Reaper should not be so unscrupulous. You must know that although Lu En can deal with it easily and freely, but if it is replaced by the Dark Reaper, he will not be so unscrupulous. That’s for sure.

"Tick tock!"

The gear man scattered again and turned into a stick figure, kicking away the other gears rolling around instead of being swallowed into his own body like the previous cross.

"It's okay to kill, but not to devour?"

Lu En understood the meaning and continued to ask: "Now that you fail to succeed, what will be the consequences?"

This time the gear man reacted very quickly. First, he used gears to form a closed circle with two gears inside. Outside the circle, there was a triangle that was constantly patrolling. Then a gap appeared in the circle, and a gear Get out.


The triangle surrounding the outside immediately rushed up, knocking the gear out and falling on the table motionless, while on the other side, the remaining gear made a ticking sound and also drilled out and was fused into the triangle, and then the triangle carried the gear away, and the other gear that fell on the table stood up again and drilled into the circle.


Lu En raised his eyebrows and looked up at the sky of the spiritual world: "You mean I will be attacked in the same way when I go out, unless I let you go, is that right?"


The gear man nodded frantically, making a series of rapid ticking sounds, but for some reason, Lu En seemed to hear a bit of guilt in it.


Lu En stroked his chin and looked at the gear man who maintained his posture. He found that his wisdom was really not low. However, Lu En turned over and over, but he could not find the source of its wisdom. It was obviously a dead structure, but it could also produce miracles of life?

As expected, the higher you stand, the more you know, the more you feel your ignorance. The endless void, the cosmic dimension, the secrets hidden in the endless time and space, even the most powerful existence dare not say that they know all.

"But now that you said that, I feel relieved. As long as I don't leave the spiritual world, I will be fine!"

Lu En smiled and looked at the gear man: "Actually, although this dimension is interesting, I really have no interest in exploring it."

For Lu En, there are already enough troubles in the real world, and he really has no interest in opening up a battlefield. Therefore, in the dull eyes of the gear man, his figure suddenly disappeared directly from the spiritual world.

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