Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 766 An inspiring demigod!

You’re here and you still want to run?

Lu En narrowed his eyes. Just when the demigod was shrinking his head and preparing to retreat, dense arms stretched out, grabbed the opponent's smooth head with force, and pulled it outwards!


Under the terrifying power, a large group of creatures that looked like their internal organs were pulled out directly from the summoning door. The body made of colorful flesh was like a small mountain. However, if such a mountain appeared outside, I'm afraid anyone who sees it will go crazy in an instant.

Although these beings born from the escaping power of the Scarlet Lord have authority and powerful strength, they are full of a barbaric style both in appearance and inwardness. In terms of status, they are equivalent to some innate demon gods.

For these gods, they don't know how to restrain their power at all, and even those who can fully mobilize the power in their own body are considered to be the best among them. Wherever they appear, they are accompanied by horrific disasters.

"hold head high!"

However, the demigod who took the bait seemed much smarter. After being pulled out of the summoning door by Lu En, his first reaction was not to struggle desperately. Instead, his huge body squirmed and split directly from the middle, splitting into two. Half!


Mucus that exudes various colors and may be called blood gushes out from the wounds on both sides of the body, mixed with some weird organs, and falls into the rotten blood swamp below, and it starts to bubble.

After giving up the body held by Lu En, the demigod Tisu quickly headed back towards the summoning door from which he came. His movements were refined and even seemed to be leisurely.


The half of the body held by Lu En in his hand began to appear with cracks at the same time, and strong corrosive body fluids gushed out from it. After contacting Lu En's skin, part of the flesh and blood in his palm was corroded away in an instant. All that's left is the bones.

Although he has the power of authority, Lu En's body is not as good as those gods that have undergone many transformations, so he immediately looks quite miserable. However, the next moment, surging scarlet power flows out of Lu En's body, and the injured part Then it returned to its original state.


Lu En looked at the fast-running demigod Tisu and raised his eyebrows slightly. Even though the opponent was about to escape, he did not have any impatience, but slowly grabbed his hand in front of him.

At this moment, the invisible space turned into a raging turbulence, creating a circle of ripples, and the demigod inside was twisted like a scene in a mirror, and actually flew towards Lu En!

Of course, this is just a visual illusion. In fact, Lu En only slightly manipulated the space, and the demigod was caught in his hand without any hindrance. His much smaller body shivered in his palm, exuding out of fear.

"Surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

Lu En felt that this demigod didn't have much desire to fight at all. After being caught again, he simply gave up resistance and began to beg for mercy.

Lu En ignored him, but grabbed him and used his strong willpower to take over his body. However, a moment later, a thumb-sized fragment of authority emerged from his body. Judging from the proportion, it was even a thousandth of the size. Not even one!

After losing this fragment of authority, although this demigod's aura was sluggish, he still maintained the strength of a demigod. It was not like the rotten blood god who immediately fell from the altar once he lost his authority.

Is there such a thing?

Lu En was quite curious, so he withdrew his power of will, and then tried to communicate with the other party, and finally figured out the reason.

It turns out that this demigod is actually a rare self-reliant person in the scarlet world!

After the Scarlet Lord's authority and power escaped, the Blood Gods were born from it. However, there are differences in strength between the Blood Gods. Those who obtain more fragments of authority are born with extremely powerful powers. Those who are gods and have few fragments of authority can only reluctantly become demigods and be attached to those powerful gods.

Among them, the demigod named Tisu may have the fewest fragments of authority in the entire scarlet world. Even these fragments of authority are not enough for him to break through and become a demigod. It can be said that he is located in the pyramid of strength. Lowest level.

Therefore, in the desire to survive and increase his strength, Tisu began to desperately study the power of the authority fragments in his body, and successfully derived a second-level corrosive power from the scarlet authority, which is equivalent to transforming from an ancient to a descendant of the ancient. Only then did he break through the barrier and become a demigod.

But such an accomplished demigod is still at the bottom among the blood gods. Therefore, his rich escape experience has allowed him to develop proficient escape skills. However, if he walks too much at night, he will eventually encounter ghosts. Finally, Fell into Lu En's hands.

Lu En listened to the pitiful narration of this demigod, and actually heard some inspiration in it.

Of course, this was not enough for Lu En to let him go. However, he was able to successfully break through the demigods at the beginning of hell. Tisu's active thinking was the best in the scarlet world, and he quickly found a reason to survive. .

In his words, before and after he broke through to become a demigod, he could basically make countless enemies in the scarlet world, with enemies all over the world. Among them were enemies who robbed resources or opportunities before and after the breakthrough, as well as a large number of people who looked at him. Unpleasant blood gods.

Needless to say, the former, and the reason why the latter hates him, is because the power of scarlet is orthodox in the world, and those who use sub-level power to break through like him are regarded as a shame or even a heresy.

The arrogant Blood Gods did not think that Tisu could be compared with them and share the title of "god".

So Tisu, who guessed Lu En's purpose, volunteered to take on the responsibility of the monster attractor, and promised that he would be absolutely efficient as he had many enemies!

So soon he was like a puddle of mud attached to the summoning door, releasing his aura unscrupulously, and then injecting power through Luen, he began to fish in the entire scarlet world.


Perhaps the effect of the bait is indeed remarkable. Basically, the moment Lu En's power poured in, he felt the power of response, and then several different powerful auras poured out from the summoning door.

"A different world!"

Lu En felt the most powerful aura among them, which exuded the spiritual fluctuations of ancient chaos and contained terrifying malice. Tisu, who was lying on the summoning door, suddenly screamed at Lu En.

"It's the God of Fear, stop summoning!"

"It's too late."

Lu En shook his head, watching tentacles full of suction cups pouring out crazily from the summoning door.

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