Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 76 The more the better! (please recommend for collection)

"What warrant?"

Malos looked confused, but under Lu En's piercing gaze, he gradually stiffened, then his eyes wandered, and he hesitated for a few seconds before silently speaking: "It's true."

"So I'm actually on the federal blacklist, right?"

Lu En took out the crumpled arrest warrant from his pocket and stared at the seal of the mayor's office. Behind the mayor's seal, there was a small, bright red sign that looked like an open palm.


Malos was frightened, stood up from the chair, and responded softly.

He didn't dare to deceive Lu En, because in his mind, the evil spirit invaders were all crazy people with weird abilities and moody moods. Who knew if Lu En had any way of knowing that he was lying? He didn't dare to gamble with his own life. Bet on it.

"In other words, even if you don't take action, Red Gloves will take action against me?"

Lu En held the arrest warrant, with a look of indifference on his face that made Malos feel awe-inspiring. He crumpled the arrest warrant into a ball, threw it into the trash can in the room, and scattered it into crumbs with a bang.


Malos took a deep breath, spit out a word from his throat, and looked up at Lu En: "The Baimon family has some dealings with the Red Gloves. Sometimes, before they clean up, they will let us pick up some scraps, but only for teaching. Below the senior level, we are not equipped to deal with the stronger ones.”

Who knew that I would meet a freak like Lu En this time? It stands to reason that believer-level corroders have just awakened the power of evil spirits. They just have more strength and speed, or other weird abilities, as long as they are within the range of the extraordinary suppressor. Within, they are not much different from ordinary people.

"If I want to leave Lucas right away, can you arrange it?"

Lu En had an ominous premonition in his heart and suddenly asked.


Malos was silent for a moment, secretly glanced at Lu En's face several times, moved his steps back slightly, and then whispered: "Every existence suspected of being an evil spirit invader will be monitored closely by Red Gloves. If anyone leaves, Or if there is any sign of an outbreak, they will take action immediately!”

"And now Lucas has gathered two red-gloved teams and a judge."

Maros's voice became smaller and smaller, but Luen already understood what he meant, which was that it was okay to move around in Lucas, but it was not impossible to leave, as long as he could break through the red gloves' interception.

"How strong are they?" Lu En asked next.

Malos smiled bitterly: "How could I know this kind of information? The Red Gloves are divided into many teams, and their strengths are very different. I only know that the judge was about to enter level 9, which is the bishop level, many years ago. It is very likely that he is a bishop-level expert now!"

A deathly silence fell in the room.

Lu En was gritting his teeth and thinking about how far behind he was compared to a bishop-level master, and whether he could escape. Malos was even more distressed in his heart. If he wanted to, he didn't want to tell Lu En these things. Who knows what he would do in desperation? Do something.

But under Lu En's gaze, he found that he had unconsciously revealed everything without hiding anything. It was as if his brain was flooded with water.

Naturally, he didn't know that Lu En had unknowingly activated the evil spirits' whispers, guiding him to reveal the information. With the fear in his heart, the effect was outstanding.

"You're all waiting for a strong man of Archbishop level to come, right?"

While Malos was stunned, Lu En spoke coldly, and it was like a thunder exploded in his heart. His face was shocked, and he blurted out: "How do you know?"

Then he reacted immediately, but it was too late to hide his words. His expression instantly turned gray, and the bitterness in his heart was simply indescribable.

As for the secret that was promised, there were no more than five people who agreed to know about it. How come I could meet one at random? They are all liars! ! !

I'm dead this time, father, brother, you must avenge me!

Malos didn't know what a person could do when he knew he was going to die, but he knew the consequences of an evil corroder going crazy. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he would inevitably die. .

If Lu En goes crazy, he will definitely be the first to suffer!

"I can't escape, does that mean I can only wait to die?"

Under Malos' frightened gaze, Lu En chuckled lightly, moved his finger bones, and said with piercing eyes: "I would like to try to see how strong a bishop-level master is!"

Rather than waiting for an archbishop to arrive, he would rather face a bishop-level expert. This is a decision that normal people would make. As long as the incident happened suddenly and fast enough, Lu En did not believe that the other party could stop him.

Is it possible that a bishop-level expert keeps an eye on him 24 hours a day without sleeping?

"Theoretically, this is true, but I have a way!"

For the sake of his own life, Malos simply unleashed his unlimited potential and actually came up with a possible way for him to escape: "Your true strength, Red Glove, is not known now, and a believer-level evil spirit corroder , the energy of Yiling Religion can be preserved!”

"I came here this time to collect materials for the sect. If the task can be completed smoothly or even exceptionally, the sect may definitely agree to my request, and I will mobilize all the power of the family!"

Malos vowed: "My father only has two sons, and he will do whatever it takes to save me!"

Similarly, if Luen really killed Malos, the Baimon family's revenge must be hysterical.

Lu En naturally understood Malos's intentional or unintentional hint, but his eyes slightly turned and landed on his face: "Then how can we complete the mission?"

"The sect's research requires corrosives and even evil spirits as materials, so we have been cooperating with Red Gloves. We provide resources, and Red Gloves allows us to drink some soup when it is convenient. Just like the current situation, Three Gods The cult has driven many invaders to Lucas, we only need a few disciples!"

"I have the information I got from Red Gloves. If I take action against them, Red Gloves won't stop them!"

Under the dual temptation of Lu En's charismatic charm and the evil spirits' whispers, Malos unconsciously shook everything he knew and looked at Lu En eagerly: "As long as four, three, three, I am sure that the cult will be defeated." Come forward!"

In fact, there were only two tasks given to him by the Spiritual Religion this time. However, as a young man, who didn’t have the idea of ​​making a big splash? For this task, he not only took the initiative to recruit people from home, but also paid a lot of money to obtain extraordinary suppressors. Using connections at home, he obtained shares for up to eight people from Red Gloves!

Corrodors are not cabbages. Without a suppressor, even using firearms is extremely risky, unless weapons of mass destruction such as bombs or rocket launchers are used. However, in this case, the Federation may have already come to the door first.

It's just that Malos didn't expect that his first confident action would end in failure, and even fall into Lu En's hands. Originally he just wanted him to survive, but now he suddenly had an idea and thought of a wonderful win-win method. !

"You help me complete the mission, and I'll help you survive!"

His tone couldn't help but become a little fiery.

Lu En glanced at him and raised the corners of his mouth in a slight arc: "Okay, I can help you, but three people won't be enough!"

He moved his left hand, spread it out and looked at the lines on his palm: "I think the more, the better!"

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