Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 71 Reason, attack!

"Master, it's not good. Ugh!"

A disciple of the White Bear Sect rushed into the hall in a panic, only to find that it was already overcrowded. Some of the backbone of the White Bear Sect and senior officials were gathered in the hall, and they all turned their attention to this person.

"What's all the fuss about?"

The only person sitting in the hall was Li Qinhu, whose face was as grave as water and his tone was unhurried.

"A very powerful master came to the door. Even Senior Brother Qiu Luo was no match. He is now heading towards those guests."

The disciple swallowed his saliva. Cold sweat broke out on his face as he was stared at by so many people, and he murmured in a low voice.

"Okay, I understand, go down."

Li Qinhu's expression did not change at all, and he waved his hand towards the disciple. The latter glanced at the room and retreated obediently.

"Master, if you do this, the Baimon family will blame you later."

This was just a small episode. After the disciple retreated, a weak voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention again. Li Qinhu's eyes turned and landed on a kneeling figure on the ground.

Wearing a short black skirt, broken soles of high heels and long messy hair, it was clearly Nellie who ran away in a hurry not long ago!

"The White Bear Gate is the White Bear Gate, and the Baimon Family is the Baimon Family. I think you should understand this, Nellie!"

Li Qinhu stood up from the chair and walked down slowly. The disciples around him lowered their heads and made way for him.

"Since I opened the martial arts gym by myself until now, the White Bear Sect has defeated thirty-two martial arts masters who came to challenge me. I have been attacked by swords, guns and even bombs. I have struggled back from the line of life and death several times, killing and injuring hundreds of disciples. With today’s situation, we didn’t get it by being a dog for others!”

"We are the White Bear Gate, not the White Dog Gate!"

Li Qinhu's voice was like a great bell, making the entire hall buzz, and all the disciples around him buried their heads deeper.

Nellie knelt on the ground and gritted her teeth, silent.

"When I brought you back from the orphanage to train you, I knew that you had liked Mo Long since you were a child. You were even willing to help him hide it from me this time and transfer people back to help the Baimen family. To use an Eastern saying, "

Li Qinhu's tone suddenly became lower. Neli seemed to feel something and raised her head suddenly: "Master!"

Li Qinhu didn't look at him. He turned his back to the disciples and said, "I know you always thought I was conservative, and you also know that Mo Long has made a big move. From today on, you are no longer a member of my White Bear Sect." Now, go and help Mo Long.”

"Whoever of you wants to go with him, please go together."

"Master, teacher!"

Nellie looked shocked, with a look of disbelief on her face. She was stunned for a moment before reacting, and suddenly panicked.


Li Qinhu suddenly roared lowly, as if a thunder suddenly sounded from the horizon!


Neli knelt on the ground and took two steps, tears streaming down her face. She was about to say something, but a disciple next to her stopped him: "Senior sister, the master is angry. Let him calm down first."

After about one-third of the disciples followed Nellie out, one disciple plucked up the courage to walk behind Li Qinhu and asked in a low voice: "What about the things outside?"

"Let them handle the things they caused themselves. If someone is about to die, let me know."

Li Qinhu seemed to be a lot more rickety. He walked step by step to the seat and sat down, waving his hand.

"Let's all disperse!"

Ding dong!

The deformed bullet fell on the ground. Lu En glanced around and soon found two snipers in black clothes on the roof. One of them noticed his gaze and even scratched his throat with his thumb with a grin.

You are dead!


Aiming and pulling the trigger, another bullet shot out towards Lu En, but it did not achieve any success. Lu En only took half a step back, and the bullet disappeared into his feet.

However, during the time it took to block the situation, a large number of footsteps came from the front, and then a dozen cold-faced men in black came out, holding guns and aiming at Lu En, and a voice gave orders secretly!

"kill him!"

Bang bang bang!

The sound of gunshots rang out like exploding beans. Lu En's face was stern, and his figure was like a ghost running around without any plan. Bullets bite his steps tightly, causing the gravel on the ground to fly. The angel behind him would appear from time to time. He raised his hand to deflect the bullets that could not be avoided.

If the opponent really concentrates the fire, not even the Battle Angel can protect him, and he will be penetrated in an instant.

The sound came from there!

Lu En glanced at the building next to it. It was a European-style courtyard with all kinds of garden fountains inside.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

There was a sharp look in his eyes, and he suddenly jumped towards the courtyard. At this moment, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the distance, and then a swift evil wind hit his head!

The angel's wings behind him flapped and blocked Lu En's head, but they were easily penetrated by the evil wind, grazing Lu En's cheek and sinking into the ground. A deep hole as big as a bowl opened at his feet, with sparks escaping from it. When he came out, Lu En's left hand felt slightly hot.

Extraordinary bullets?

Lu En touched his cheek, and a small piece of charred skin fell down, revealing the bright red muscles underneath. If he hadn't tilted his head in time, the burnt thing might have been his head.

A person whose heart is broken can be resurrected, but whether he can be resurrected if his head is shot, Lu En doesn't know and doesn't want to try.

"Damn it!"

On the rooftop not far away, a sniper pounded the ground and cursed angrily. A fiery red shell fell beside him. There was also a small silver box next to it, which contained three bullets like a craft, but now one of them has been used.

In order to paralyze Lu En, he first sniped several shots with ordinary bullets, and then suddenly changed the bullets. Unexpectedly, Lu En's reaction speed was extremely fast and he dodged it.

"What kind of monster is this? This kind of strength is far beyond the believer level!"

His status is slightly higher than others, so he knows more inside information. This time, the Baimeng family's target is mainly the believer level. Higher-level evil spirit invaders such as the priest level or even the grand priest level are not within their consideration at all.


While thinking, the man's pupils suddenly shrank. Seeing the angel behind Lu En waving his arms in his direction, he immediately jumped to the side reflexively!


A large piece of rubble hit the roof and shattered into powder. Lu En thought to himself that it was a pity. He had already jumped to the door of the manor and heard heavy breathing and the sound of bullets being loaded from behind the door.

Only fools go through the front door!

Lu En sneered, and the angel behind him stretched out his four arms, easily grabbing the wall, and flexibly moving on the wall like a big gecko. Dozens of individuals full of vitality clearly appeared in his mind. The first floor had the most, the second floor was second, and the third floor had only a few, but they were a whole circle larger than the others.

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded quickly. As if they had noticed his intention, the people on the first and second floors began to move quickly towards the third floor, and at the same time, the individuals on the third floor also began to move away from Lu En.

Not a bad reaction!

Lu En curled his lips, punched out a punch to smash the closed window, and jumped in. A bullet finally arrived, forming an ice flower behind him!

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