Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 684: Killing and revenge for kindness!

At the critical moment, the gap in strength between each other became apparent.

Although Bacon was originally walking at the end, he was still far away from these people. Now holding the scarlet sword, he felt powerful power filling his body. His steps were like flying. He quickly passed everyone and entered the town one step ahead of them!

After all, the boy was the one who killed ten blood-sucking monsters in the last dungeon and almost received a perfect rating. Although the reward was only three Origin Gold and two Origin Stones, in fact, most of the novices who took the dungeon assessment even You can’t even see the face of the Origin Stone!

Probabilistic drops are not inevitable drops. It can be said that if it weren't for Luen's existence, even if Bacon got a perfect evaluation last time, he might only have gotten one Source Stone, let alone two at once!

Origin Gold is the foundation and the carrier of power, while Origin Stone is the bullet, which determines the power and upper limit it possesses!

"Ah, help!"

As soon as they entered the town, there was immediately a scene of chaos. All the townspeople were running around like headless flies, looking so frightened that they couldn't even care about the outsiders who appeared in the town. Trembling in a safe place.

Some townspeople hid in their houses and locked their doors, thinking that they would be able to get out of danger. Who knew that those pale figures were extremely powerful, and the wooden roofs were extremely fragile in their eyes, and they swooped down in the sky. A big hole appeared, and sawdust was flying!


At this moment, a man in a wooden house next to Bacon was suddenly caught in the sky. He screamed and danced in horror. The next second, he felt the wind whistling in his ears, and the scenery flashed quickly in front of his eyes!



The bloody screams stopped as soon as they appeared. Bacon took a few big steps back and saw that on the street not far away from him, this man fell from the sky like a cannonball, and the walls on the ground were covered with blood and Minced meat, the limbs have been twisted into a puddle of flesh, and their appearance is completely indistinguishable.

It's like a bright flower of flesh and blood blooming on the ground!

"Damn it!"

If it had been before, the bacon might have been spit out by now, but now he only felt his throat crawling, and a strong murderous intention burst out in his heart, and he quickly crossed over the flower of flesh and blood.

Judging from the number, there are only three or four vampires plundering the town, but in terms of strength, they are much stronger than the blood-sucking monsters disguised as villagers in the previous dungeon, not to mention the fact that they can fly. , which occupies a huge advantage.

Not to mention being able to catch a person high in the air and then throw him down directly, which means that the strength and speed are not much different.

There are about five to six hundred people in the town, but now they have all turned into headless flies. They only know how to scream and run away. Those vampires do not seem to have any intention of sucking blood. They just carry out killings without mercy, catching each person in the air. Then he threw it down directly, making an unpleasant neighing sound.

As far as Bacon saw with his own eyes, in a short period of time, at least seven or eight townspeople were caught in the sky and thrown down. However, there were only three unlucky ones who died directly. The remaining few were more lucky, or Broken hands or broken legs, or body paralysis, in short, not dead yet.

"There's no reason, why did this happen suddenly?"

Bacon tried hard to get close to those vampires, but unfortunately they were flying around in the sky and were so flexible that the boy couldn't touch them. He was shocked, angry, and full of doubts in his heart.

According to common sense, since Skynet has given the task, it means that the task can be completed. But looking at it now, if it continues, it is simply a matter of time before 20 villagers die. If there is a mayor among them Or the Sheriff, the mission will definitely fail!

But now, except for Bacon, others have just stepped into the town. Is it possible that the mission will fail at the beginning and Skynet is deliberately playing tricks on them?

And even if they enter the town, it will be of no help to the vampires flying around. These monsters with control of the air want to kill 20 townspeople with ease!

Seeing that the mission was about to fail, Bacon was in a panic when suddenly there was a neighing sound from above his head, followed by a shadow cast, followed by a bad wind!

A vampire in the air happened to see the young man standing on the street without evading. He immediately checked his eyes and saw that he was the right person. He flapped his wings and grabbed him directly!

"Just in time!"

The young man was not surprised but overjoyed. At this moment, he was holding back his anger. Feeling the strong wind above his head, he rolled over without thinking. Then a pale figure stabbed the air and grabbed the air, before continuing back to the sky.

"Get off here!"


There seemed to be a thunderous sound in the air, and the giant sword half a man's height was swung by Bacon with one hand, and hit the monster with a bang like a door panel. The latter screamed and flew out with a bang, covering the street. There was a big hole in the wall!

The next moment, the boy rushed into the cave entrance, and saw a monster with pale skin, no hair on the body, and flailing fangs. There was a layer of wing membrane connecting the arm and armpit, but it has been torn off now. Make several big holes.

This monster was tall, with one arm twisted and hanging down, but it was no less ferocious. When he saw Bacon dared to chase him in, he roared and pounced on him, as fast as lightning!

"court death!"

The young man didn't hesitate and stabbed out with his sword. Then he activated his thoughts and the scarlet eyes on the hilt of the sword suddenly turned. The blood-red lines on the sword seemed to have a life of their own. They came out and pierced directly into the monster's skin. Inside, a weird sucking sound immediately sounded.

In just a few seconds, the monster turned into a mummy with a tall skeleton and layers of skin. Its hands and feet were curled up like chicken feet, and its body was stooped.

A stream of abundant vitality began to feed back to Bacon, making him feel lazy all over, so happy!

"Hey, you deserve to die!"

The young man didn't feel any discomfort in his heart. He suddenly heard cheers and the cry of the monster escaping. He grabbed the monster's mummy and walked out of the big hole, just in time to see the other vampires retreating.

"It seems that this level has passed!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked around at the surviving townspeople. They were looking at him with awe. The corners of his mouth suddenly curled up slightly. Before he could speak, he suddenly heard a loud shout:

"He killed a monster!"

A town citizen with bloodstains on his face pointed at the body in Bacon's hands, looking extremely shocked.

"Yes, I killed him!"

The young man looked around, the smile on his face fading away, because it seemed different from what he thought.

Logically speaking, these monsters have killed so many people. When he kills a monster, the townspeople are not only happy and inspired, but at least they are relieved. But now there are more and more people around, and their expressions are invisible. No joy at all.

On the contrary, these townspeople looked at him with strange eyes, with fear, shock, and even gloominess, but no gratitude and joy of being rescued.

"Why aren't you happy that I killed this monster?"

Bacon felt that there was a common hatred among the townspeople, but it was not against the monster, but against himself!

"If you kill this monster, other monsters will definitely come to take revenge. When the time comes, they will come out in force and destroy our town!"

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd, followed by another one after another, and the crowd was excited:

"It's over, we're dead this time!"

"It's all his fault, he killed the monster!"

"Catch him and give him to those monsters to save our town!"

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