Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 317 The three great sages are guarding and stealing!

In the grand and spacious Tianjun Hall, Lu En silently opened his eyes.

To outsiders, it looked like he just closed his eyes for a moment, but in fact, in an unknown place, he had already had a secret confrontation with an unknown enemy.

If we look at the results alone, Lu En should be considered a loser this time.

In his name, Madam Bai managed to organize the demons who helped him collect forbidden weapons. They were almost wiped out this time. Apart from Madam Bai, there were only three real-level demons left. king.

Although the four real-person levels are already a powerful force, compared to the opponent's ability to casually deploy more than a dozen real-person levels to encircle and suppress them, it really is nothing.

What's more important is that behind the other party, there is also a mysterious venerable-level existence.

"The ability to dispatch more than a dozen real-life forces is also rare in the entire Eastern Empire. However, it cannot be ruled out that they are not one force, but the result of the gathering of multiple parties."

Lu En rubbed his chin and thought. In fact, he didn't pay too much attention to Madam Bai's losses. During this period of time, most of the forbidden weapons that were easy to collect and whose whereabouts were known were either collected by Madam Bai or were preempted by the opponent. Take one step away secretly, and the rest will be all hard bones.

Luen obtained about one-third of the forbidden weapons, and the mysterious force should have received about the same amount. However, the remaining forbidden weapons, except for those that were really missing and could not be found, were concentrated in the hands of three forces.

At the same time, when fighting against the great witch, the main forces involved in the war were Yong Dynasty, Tianjian Bureau, and a powerful ancient faction called the Giant Spirit Sect.

Therefore, even if they did not suffer such a heavy blow, the next thing would have nothing to do with Madam Bai and the others. No matter which side of these three forces, these demons could not be their opponents.

Not to mention Yongchao and Tianjian Bureau. These two are well-deserved behemoths with venerable-level people behind them. Even the Giant Spirit Sect, which looks much weaker, still has many masters in its sect, and it is said that within its sect, There is also a hidden power that can compete with the Venerable.

Although no one has confirmed the authenticity of the matter, this does not affect the fact that the Giant Spirit Sect has become the strongest among many schools in the past few decades, and has even been called the number one school in the world.

Although things seem confusing and complicated now, in fact, for Lu En, they are very simple.

Because there are only so many venerable-level beings in the entire Eastern Empire, one carrot after another. The venerable behind the mysterious force cannot pop out of thin air. It can only be one of the existing venerable-level beings.

In this way, combined with the information collected by Lu En, the mysterious venerable should be...

"Venerable Tianjun!"

Suddenly, Lu En felt the voice of Lord Tianqi emerging in his ears, and then part of his thoughts were suddenly moved to a strange place.

The strength of this movement is very weak. Lu En can withdraw at any time if he wants to refuse, but of course he will not do so. Instead, as he moves, he feels his thoughts emerging in a mysterious space.

This does not seem to be a real place. What you see is a misty black, with star-like fluorescent lights floating in it, and a few white lights are quickly emerging in the darkness.

Lu En noticed that he was also a ball of white light, and soon, this ray of consciousness formed the appearance of Lu En, and a faint white light emerged. Opposite him, the most familiar Venerable Tianqi appeared first. Lu En had heard about it, but this was the first time he saw it.

This is another divine beast in the Tianjian Bureau, called Venerable Tianyi, and the other person seems to be quite curious about Lu En. He looked at him up and down with a pair of beautiful eyes, and nodded with a smile.

"It doesn't seem like he's as bad-tempered as the rumors out there say."

Lu En also smiled, and then looked at the third ball of white light. Unexpectedly, this ball of white light squirmed for a long time. Except for two limbs that looked like wings and claws, it had no specific shape. Two small dots appeared in the white light, looking towards Lu En, which were regarded as eyes.

"I also ask for your forgiveness, Venerable Tianjun. Venerable Tianyin has special abilities and cannot fully reveal his body."

The slightly apologetic tone of Venerable Tianqi next to him made Lu En retract his gaze and nodded kindly towards the mysterious Venerable Tianyin: "It's okay, but I don't know if the three Venerables suddenly arrived today. What's the big deal?"

These three are the venerable-level beings who currently control everything in the entire Heavenly Sword Bureau. They are all divine beasts, and it is said that there are more divine beasts hidden within the Heavenly Sword Bureau, but they are all sleeping. Unless you encounter a great crisis, you will not wake up.

Therefore, the entire affairs of the Tianjian Bureau were entrusted to these three venerables. Among them, the venerable Tianqi was the main one, with the other two assisting from the side.

As for the extremely beautiful Venerable Tianyi, who has the body of a snake and the tail of a snake, she is in charge of the discipline organization within the Tianjian Bureau. It is rumored that she is a bad-tempered master. She was the one who personally handled the last real-life rape incident with a slap. Several floating islands were sunk, and the entire Tianjian Bureau immediately fell into silence.

In addition, this Venerable Tianyin was the first time for Lu En to hear and see him.

"I take the liberty of inviting Venerable Tianjun to come. Something has indeed happened."

As the actual controller of the Tianjian Bureau, Venerable Tianqi has always given people the impression of a kind and good old man. At this time, his tone was slightly solemn: "I wonder if the Venerable has heard that during this period, the great witch left Someone secretly snatched and collected the forbidden weapons?"

Um? !

Lu En's heart skipped a beat, but there was nothing unusual about his face, nor did he show any emotion. Instead, he nodded slightly and said, "I heard something."

After all, as a powerful witch who is suspected of being resurrected, he is indifferent and indifferent to his companions from decades ago. This is not in line with common sense, and it is also not in line with Lu En's character at this time.

"So I can speak frankly." Venerable Tianqi seemed to be relieved and said: "There have been many rumors before that these forbidden weapons contain the means for the great witch to resurrect. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, I I still collected some of the forbidden weapons and stored them in the bureau to prevent them from being resurrected. "

Having said this, Venerable Tianqi paused, seemingly observing Lu En's reaction. After all, his identity as the Great Witch of the Resurrection has basically been confirmed.

However, Lu En only looked like he was listening attentively, and Venerable Tianqi continued: "But some time ago, the imperial court borrowed these forbidden weapons from us. At that time, we did not pay attention to them. Until a series of recent events, When the incident happened, news came from Yong Chao that these forbidden weapons, together with the ones they had originally saved, had been stolen! "


Lu En's eyes couldn't help but narrowed: "Isn't there a national master in charge of the Yong Dynasty?"

"So we suspect that they are actually thefts!"

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