Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 301 Senior please take action!

The Tianjian Bureau's operating style is not as simple and crude as Red Gloves, but much more roundabout and covert.

Faced with a village where fox demons existed for hundreds of years, Lou Yue did not just rush in casually. Instead, he sent one of his female disciples to sneak in with a little make-up, trying to get some information first.

But she didn't expect that because it was close to the border and the village was closed all year round, even though there were hundreds of people, everyone was extremely familiar with it and were particularly wary of outsiders. The female disciple who had sneaked in was discovered as soon as she showed up, and then she Got caught.

Although these Shuiyueliu disciples also practiced martial arts, they did not possess extraordinary power. Faced with heavy siege and still had weapons, they still had no choice but to surrender.

Of course, this female disciple did not panic, because she knew that her senior sisters and brothers outside would definitely come in to save her, but she never thought of catching her. After that, the villagers did not lock her up or do anything. It was marched directly into the mountains.


Originally, when the female disciple was caught, Lou Yue had already planned to reveal her identity and go out to rescue people. However, seeing this scene, she immediately suppressed the excited disciples and chose to follow these villagers quietly.

"It's like trying hard to find a place, it takes no effort at all!"

Lou Yue was secretly happy. The abnormal behavior of these villagers must be related to the demons hiding here. As long as they follow the clues, wouldn't it be easy to find them?

In fact, compared to humans, the vast majority of monsters have simple and crude ways of thinking. Most of them are just like wild beasts that cause harm. Those who can know how to disguise and take advantage of ordinary people are already great monsters with many years of experience.

When it comes to wisdom, humans are obviously superior.

And in the sky, Lu En, who was witnessing all this as if he was watching a movie, also burst into laughter. Unexpectedly, they found their target by accident.

In fact, not only had he discovered the hidden evil spirit long ago, but he also knew that judging from the fluctuations in his aura, the other party was already at the peak of the Grand Priest, and was only one step away from the bishop level.

Of course, in the Eastern Empire, it would be called a real-person level.

And the newly promoted Immortal Lou Yue, who inherited the power of his master, has not even touched the threshold let alone the real person level. Lu En is a little curious about how she should deal with him.

Below the bishop level, the gap between them is actually not that big. Cross-level challenges and comebacks happen from time to time, which is not surprising.

This time, the villagers walked with the intruding female disciple for almost two hours. When Lou Yue and others who were following behind them were almost numb from walking, they saw a small valley suddenly open up in front of them. , some fields were cultivated around it, and vegetables and unknown plants were planted. On the fences on the edges, spiked vines were tangled around.

At the end of the valley is a combination of Taoist temples and temples similar to those Lu En had seen in his previous life. It is not too big, but considering that it is a remote mountainous area and inaccessible, the amount of work is not too small.

The temple looks a bit old, with mottled bricks and dim walls, but it remains clean. Even the weeds around it have been pulled out. It is obvious that someone has taken good care of it. In fact, as the villagers approached, the originally closed temple door Suddenly it opened and a woman wearing red and white clothes walked out.

This woman's face looks quite strange, with long and narrow cheeks, raised eyebrows, and her eyes don't move when she looks at people. She looks like she has a fox face.

The villagers crowded together and did not dare to enter outside the fence. They even spoke in a low voice. They watched the woman come out, stared at everyone, and made a sound similar to the scream of a wild animal: "Today is not a day for worship, you guys." Why did you come?"

"Champa, we caught an outsider breaking in!"

Finally, a villager who seemed to have a high status stood up bravely, commanded to pull out the intruding female disciple, pushed her into the fence, and said: "So we enshrine her to Aunt Bai, hoping that she will be able to do so in the coming year." Good weather and peace!”


The fence covered with spiked vines automatically separated a road, and the villagers still pushed the female disciple in. Champa stared at her with straight eyes for a long time, and then said to the villagers: "If you are interested, I will tell Bai Bai Please tell me this!"

"Thank you Champa, thank you Aunt Bai!"

The villagers were immediately overjoyed, as if they had received some promise. After leaving the female disciple behind, they hurried away again.

It was as if they walked these ten miles of mountain roads and came to this remote place just to have a few words with this woman.

After all the villagers left, the woman called Cham turned back to look at the female disciple, with a gentle expression on her face: "Don't be afraid, little sister, this is a temple dedicated to Aunt Bai. I see You are full of spiritual energy and are a rare good seedling. Why don't you stay here and worship Aunt Bai with me?"

This is not nonsense. Although Shuiyue Liu is not a famous sect, there are still real-person existences. The disciples he recruits are at least of average quality. If they are placed in this remote place, they can be said to be the best. What a genius.

"Aunt Bai, who is Aunt Bai?"

The female disciple, who had also experienced strong winds and waves, came out of the Tianjian Bureau headquarters. She just cowered when she heard this, but she was secretly seeking information.

"Haha, Aunt Bai is not who she is. Aunt Bai is the mountain god here. She protects the people and helps them live and work in peace and contentment."

Zhan Pa explained patiently, but a cold snort came from next to Leng Bufan.

"If you set up a private temple to gather incense, has your Baigu Temple registered with the Tianjian Bureau?"


Champo's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes shot out like lightning. Just in time to see the villagers retreating, another group of people came over the road. The leader was Lou Yue, with a sneer on his lips.

"And it was built specifically in this remote place to deceive stupid men and women. I guess it must be gone?"

"Who are you?"

Champa looked at Lou Yue and others, and began to step back unconsciously. Although she looked strange, she was actually just a servant serving Aunt Bai and had no fighting ability at all. And the people in front of her looked similar to those ignorant people. The villagers are different.


However, just as she moved her steps, the female disciple next to her suddenly moved. Her figure was like lightning. Before Champo could react, she fell to the ground, and her whole face was pressed to the ground. She couldn't move. No.

"Sister, I succeeded!"

The female disciple had a smile on her face and happily asked Lou Yue for credit, but she only saw her senior sister's expression change drastically.



The female disciple's eyes widened, and she suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind. Then there was a click on her waist, and she flew straight out like a cloud and mist!

"Junior sister!"

Lou Yue stretched out her hand, and a ribbon flew out of her sleeve. It wrapped around the flying figure and pulled it back. However, there was a bloody smell coming from the front. A big hole appeared on the junior sister's waist. Her face was pale and she was still vomiting. He was bleeding, and it looked like he wouldn't survive.

"Why are you forcing me? I've already hid here, why are you forcing me again?"

In front of Champa, a white fox as big as a calf suddenly appeared, speaking human words, with incomparable resentment and unwillingness in its eyes.

"Senior sister, I."

The dying female disciple smiled miserably at Lou Yue and spat out a mouthful of blood, which made her anxious and angry, and she suddenly knelt down.

"Senior please take action!"

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