Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 286 Space passage and unexpected changes!

Lu En has always felt that the purpose of the core area is to select the final winner, and the so-called bloodline of lords is only a means to assist in the creation of winners, but now it seems that maybe he has simply thought wrong.

The lord's bloodline is the real experimental result of this experimental site, and the final winner is just a carrier of the lord's bloodline!

This can also explain why after he became the archbishop, the whirlpool continued to expand and seemed to want to wipe them all out, because neither he nor Nim had the so-called lord bloodline in them!

The only one who still has the lord's bloodline may be the panicked Black Sea Giant Turtle. However, its strength is at the bottom among the bishops, and its bloodline concentration is so low that it is almost non-existent. Therefore, it is very likely that it will be directly judged. For the failed experiments!

So whether it is Lu En or Nim and others, they are all now targets of the purge.

"This wouldn't be good!"

Lu En's huge body was forced back by the whirlpool. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about ways to escape. Nimu, who was approaching not far away, was obviously trying to fight against the whirlpool, but any attack would be incomparable in front of the whirlpool. Weakness.

"What do we do now?"

Now Lu En is the strongest among them, and he has just broken through to the Archbishop, so everyone looks at him with eager eyes.


However, Lu En turned his attention to Nim. Just as he was thinking about whether the nightmare world would react if Nim was thrown into the whirlpool, suddenly the space in front of him rippled, and a black spot appeared and expanded rapidly, forming a A big black hole!

Lu En instantly felt a sense of familiarity, wisps of blood energy, accompanied by the overlapping voices of countless people, echoing in his mind.

"Come, great destroyer of worlds!"

"Come, Mother of Darkness!"

"We are here, praying for your arrival!"


Lu En was a little stunned. Along with countless prayers, he felt some strange energy seeming to be pouring into his body. Before he could react, his eyes suddenly widened!

Next to this black whirlpool, suddenly, two larger whirlpools emerged and were lined up, and what came out from them was no longer an inexplicable sound of prayer, but two overwhelming and powerful momentums!

"Finally, I do it again."

From the whirlpool on the left, a huge bird head poked out, its eyes full of humanized vicissitudes and sense of time. The black feathers stood upright like halberds, lingering in the winding black air, emitting generous mental fluctuations.

But in the whirlpool on the right, there are four or five slender and twisted arms, grabbing the edge of the whirlpool suddenly, making a crunching sound as if it were substantial, as if they are fighting against an unknown powerful force, forcibly pulling a group of shadows away. When it came out, densely packed scarlet dots looked around like eyes!


Then the next moment, whether it was Lu En, the protruding head of the big bird, or the monster hiding in the shadows, they were all stunned when they saw each other.

Boom! ! !

But after being surprised, the three figures rushed towards the whirlpool in the middle in unison. The bright aura and explosive power turned the nearby sea area and even space into strange shapes.

"What the heck!"

Before Nim and the others in the distance could react, they were thrown away by the violent explosion of force towards the area outside the Great Cleansing. The powerful defense layer of the Black Sea Giant Turtle did not hold up for a second before it shattered.

Even in the aftermath, the fight between several archbishops can easily trample them to death like ants.

"what's going on?!!"

Nim roared angrily and turned into a giant sea king in mid-air. With a roar, he used his shoulders to resist the flying black sea turtle. Then he looked in the direction of Lu En. The dazzling light burst out and twisted, and the surrounding space seemed to be drawn into a shape. It's an abstract painting, it's impossible to see what's going on.

The erupting power fluctuation is more like a landslide and a tsunami sweeping over!

"This time we are really dead!"

In mid-air, Nami, who was flapping her wings, was holding Delina with one hand and holding the sealed Kadodam with the other hand. Dr. Willy was hanging on his thigh like a koala, screaming. .

They were even worse than Nim. Even though Nami flapped her wings as hard as she could, she still crashed into the area outside the Great Cleansing. Nim was so stunned that he threw the Black Sea Giant Turtle out with a loud bang!



At this moment, a low bell suddenly rang in Nim's ears. He suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked up and saw a group of red light suddenly appeared in the direction of the Black Sea giant turtle flying out, and then the surrounding space seemed like a quagmire. , distorted fluctuations begin to occur.


Some ferocious-looking monsters suddenly jumped out of the twisted space, opened their mouths and roared fiercely, and then stepped into the air and fell into the sea.

The giant black sea turtle retracted its limbs and head in an instant, and its body, as huge as an island, crashed into the red light, causing a loud noise and countless screams.


Nimu grabbed Nami and the others in the palm of his hand, protected them against his chest, then turned sharply, rushed towards the red light, and flew in!


The distorted red light suddenly stopped, leaving only the lower half of Big Sea King's body in the air, which looked like it was made of ice crystals. It still rushed forward according to the inertia, and was finally annihilated into ashes by the sudden burst of spiritual light.

Real world, Rota city.

Jointly organized investigative team.

"John, come and look, something's happened!"

Near an RV, a middle-aged bearded man wearing a joint investigation organization uniform was observing carefully with a telescope. Suddenly his expression changed, he slapped the car next to him and shouted loudly.

"Why are you so serious? It's just a formality anyway."

A sleepy voice came from the RV: "Johnny, we are just here to make extra money, just write whatever you want, no one will care anyway, yawn!"

"I don't think so"

The bearded man named Johnny had a horrified expression on his face and muttered to himself. The hand holding the telescope was trembling. In his sight, the blood-colored mist that had been spreading was now squirming like a living creature. Then, it began to shrink towards the city of Rota, but this was not the point.

Although this scene has impacted Johnny's three views, in the very center of Rota City, a huge vortex like a black hole suddenly emerged, with magnificent lights bursting out from time to time, or huge shadows crossing, it was really It exceeded the limits of his imagination.

"This matter must be informed to the joint organization as soon as possible!"

Johnny threw down the telescope, opened the door of the RV and tried to get in. Suddenly, his expression froze and he saw a shadow rapidly expanding under his feet.


In the sky, countless tiny insects flapped their wings and flew towards Rota City like a tide. In the center of the insect swarm, a communicator was also wrapped in a communicator and moved quickly, and a hurried female voice came out.

"They are from the Three Gods Cult, I need support!"

"Support. Coming soon!"

Countless wings vibrated and gave a low response.

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