Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 27 You will die without a burial place

"You two don't have to think about escaping anymore. I know your abilities clearly. All kinds of unexpected situations have been taken into account. There is no way you can escape!"

The long-haired woman Defina opened her eyes, with a wise smile on her face. She looked at Mox and Night Walker as if she was looking at the two fish in her bowl.

"It seems you have convinced me?"

Mox's face was extremely ugly, and he gradually took a few steps back to distance himself: "Someone must have betrayed me, otherwise you would never be able to find my whereabouts!"

As a top assassination master, most people would not even think about following him, not to mention that he has the ability to change his appearance at will. Now he is thinking crazily in his mind about who might betray him, and his target is Turing's men. Everyone knows it, but the order is decided by himself. Anyone who can guess his actions in advance undoubtedly has a deep understanding of his character.

Is it Zana or Lorde?

Impossible, there is no reason for them to betray me. It would be no good for them if I died, and the map master would not allow it!

"With just a few of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep me. Psychic, since you are seeking death, I will kill you first!"

While he was thinking, suddenly the Night Walker on one side let out a ferocious laugh, and threw himself into the air, turning into countless gray threads and rushing towards Defina. At the same time, several pale rotten human hands stretched out from the ground, trying to pull Defina away. Pull it underground.

good chance!

Mox was overjoyed and suddenly flew towards the wall on the other side, hoping to take advantage of the Night Walker's attack on Defina to escape. However, Shaka and Liz standing on one side had already been watching his every move. , stopped in front of him the moment he started.

"Don't try to escape!"

Half of the body of the boy parasitized by the evil god's seeds was covered in carapace-like armor. He looked extremely weird, like a monster crawling out of hell. He waved the long knife in his hand and struck at Mox!

At the same time, Liz said nothing, the short knife in her hand was aimed at Mox's vital part, the blade flashed with a black light, and she jumped in front of him in the blink of an eye.

However, in the face of this situation, Mox showed a mocking look on his face, calmly, his wrist shook slightly, a white light shot out from it, turned into a sharp dagger, and appeared in front of Shaka like a teleport, and then The attacker was immediately shocked and turned the long knife in his hand to block the dagger.

Another backhand punch made Liz's eyes blurred. Before she could react, she felt severe pain in her abdomen and her body was thrown away like a doll.

As Mox said, the gap between the extremely powerful and ordinary people is as big as the gap between apes and humans. This is an essential evolution. In ancient times, these people would have been legendary invincibles. The warrior, the king of knights, is the limit that the human body can reach!

Some characters are even called demigods!

As a member of the Red Gloves of the Federation, Liz has also undergone rigorous training. It is not a problem to deal with three or five fighting masters with bare hands. However, in the eyes of Mox, all this is too childish. If Casa was not here, even if he had been Shaka, parasitized by the evil god, was just a little more effort for him.

However, when Judge Kasa appeared, Mox was paralyzed. It is true that he is the ultimate strong man. His body has reached the limit of human beings and he is almost transforming into another species. However, faced with the power of the mysterious side, the two Not on the same scale at all.

"Damn it, based on real strength alone, even the ten kasa combined are no match for me. Everything is caused by these evil spirits!"

Mox felt extremely humiliated, and waved his hand to neutralize the two attacks and was about to leave. However, suddenly his brain felt a stab of pain, and an invisible ripple flowed through his body, causing his powerful body to lose control in an instant. , fell to the ground!


Lu En, who was lying on the roof without daring to move, also had a buzz in his head, as if someone was knocking his head with a sledgehammer. He groaned, and two winding red snakes swam out of his nose. .

What method is this that directly affects the spirit?

Lu En shook his head. This feeling came to him quickly but also went away quickly. However, the desire to retreat also began to grow in his heart. From the current point of view, there is no room for him to take advantage of it.

How can it be?

Falling down on the ground rarely happens to ordinary people, let alone a master of body control like Mox. He looked back in shock and saw Kasa standing there with a solemn expression, and a tall man appeared from behind. The phantom, illusory flames wrapped around it, burning fiercely. The specific face could not be seen clearly, but it could be seen that it had long curved horns on its head and bat wings on its back, just like the arrival of a demon.


Countless gray threads that rushed toward Defina were torn apart by some force in the middle, and the arms stretched out on the ground disappeared instantly. Then a scream came from the ground, and near the corner, the Night Walker suddenly emerged from the ground. When he came out, his body made of gray mist was blurry.

"You two are really more cunning than the other. If you really work together, I may not be your opponent." Kasa looked at Dark Night Walker and sneered. Mox thought that Dark Night Walker created a chance for him to escape, but Dark Night Walker Even more cunning, he only created a fake body, but his real body was hiding underground and preparing to escape.

Regardless of whether Kasa is attracted by its fake body or by Mox, it can create opportunities for it to escape. Unexpectedly, Kasa is very simple and directly summons the evil spirits on his body. All the plans of one person and one spirit are in vain. .


Seeing the Night Walker, the shadow behind Kasa's eyes lit up, and he suddenly stretched out his big hand to grab him. The latter screamed immediately, and countless tentacles sprang out from the gray mist to resist. At the same time, he turned around and ran away. However, these tentacles The moment they came into contact with the big hand, they all spontaneously ignited without causing any hindrance at all. The Night Walker was caught in the opponent's hand.

"team leader?"

However, seeing this scene, Defina, who was beside Kasa, was not happy at all. Instead, her face changed. She closed her eyes and was about to take action, but Kasa held her shoulders down. Her face was indifferent and she gently Shaking his head: "It's okay. Releasing the evil spirit sealed in my body will consume my vitality. However, if the flame soul devours the opponent, it will not consume my own vitality."

"But as the flame soul becomes stronger, it is very likely that it will break through the seal. This is too dangerous!"

Defina did not listen to Kasa's advice. Instead, she gritted her teeth. Some blue rays of light emerged from the void, trying to wrap around the retracted hand. The flame shadow behind Kasa seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly opened its mouth. The mouth let out a silent roar, and ripples spread out in the void, smashing the light into pieces.


Defina screamed, took two steps back suddenly and opened her eyes, bleeding from her nose, and looked at Kasa in shock: "Captain, you...!"

"Before I came here, the flame soul in my body was already out of control, otherwise I wouldn't have been asked to look for the bishop of the original sect." Kasa smiled bitterly: "The above means, in fact, if I die sooner or later, I will die. It's better to make the best use of everything by talking to the bishop of the original sect."

"Impossible, I don't believe it!" Defina shook her head wildly, her eyes revealing all kinds of shock and disbelief. As the person involved, Casa was very indifferent and even calm: "From the moment we set foot on this road, this has been our destiny. , In fact, I have already prepared for it.”

"How could they be so cruel!"

Defina was very emotional, but she couldn't stop Yanhun's actions at all. She grabbed Dark Night Walker with her big flame hand and stuffed it into her mouth. Suddenly the flames rose, and Yanhun's appearance became much clearer, and she could even see that it was made of flames. scales and tail.

"Hahaha, it turns out you are about to die too!"

At this moment, Mox, who was mentally traumatized and staggered to his feet, suddenly laughed wildly and looked at Casa: "The evil spirit sealed in your body has begun to escape your control. Every time you borrow its power, it will If you take one step towards the abyss, even your soul will be burned away!"

"You will die without a burial place!"

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