Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 267 Revenge of the Serns!

In a house built purely from rough rocks, the dim light was only as big as a bean and burned quietly. Through the faint light, a thin figure could be seen kneeling in the center of the room.

An unknown statue of a god whose face was shrouded in darkness and occupied most of the room stood in front of this figure, with teeth and claws showing and a ferocious appearance. It was definitely not some kind of universal benevolent god.

This room seemed to have been deliberately created to be a dark environment. Even though it was bright outside, there was still only a small flickering light. Suddenly, there were slight footsteps from outside the room, and then there was a knocking on the door.

"Elder, everything is ready!"

Someone spoke in a low voice outside the door, and his voice felt like he had swallowed a red-hot coal, with an indescribable hoarseness and sharpness.

"Are all those foreigners telling the truth?"

The figure kneeling on the ground made an old voice.

"it is true."

replied outside the door.

"Can you inflict endless pain and suffering on the world?"

The figure trembled slightly.

"Swear to the Mother of Darkness, they will definitely get more than they imagined, and it will be even more cruel!"

The voice coming from outside the door seemed to be filled with countless resentments and hatred.

No sound came from the door, but the man standing at the door just waited respectfully. Not long after, there was a sudden creak, the door opened, and an old man wearing a black robe walked out.

"Then what are you waiting for? Now it's their turn to taste the suffering that the Serre people have suffered!"

The old man in black robe raised his head, revealing a face full of scars and ulcers. One eye was black and only the other was brown, which seemed to be emitting a frightening power all the time.

If we were to choose the most lasting emotion in the world, to the surprise of many people, it would not be love, family affection, gratitude, or even loyalty and honor.

But hatred!

It will even be passed down through the bloodline from generation to generation. As time goes by, not only will it not dim, but it will become more and more fragrant and rich like a fine wine buried deep in the ground.

"Haha, that's mine!"

"Stop him, don't let him escape!"

"Come after me, you can't catch me!"


Towards evening, in an ordinary village in Moros, children wearing ill-fitting dirty clothes and messy hair were playing happily, snatching some broken toys, and running around wildly.

This is a village belonging to the Tata people, with about a few hundred people. They are a wandering people from a small country next to the Glory Federation. They have been migrating here for centuries due to wars. However, due to its **** system, for There is a natural resistance to the assimilation of other civilizations.

During the period when the Sers ruled Moros, the Tatars refused to give up their beliefs and independence, and were strongly suppressed by the Sers. However, things turned around, and after the Sers were overthrown and lost power, their revenge was also extraordinary. Fierce and cruel.

Today, the number of Moros Serres is not even one-tenth of what it was at its peak. In addition to the war, these Tata people have contributed a lot. Therefore, in the hearts of the Serres, the first target to be operated on is them.

Swish, swish, swish!

Outside the fence of the village, there was suddenly the sound of dense footsteps, and then the rustling of grass blades. Some figures in black robes gradually approached, and their faces could not be seen clearly under the one-piece hoods. with expressions.

But the children who were still fighting for the toys all became alert and screamed. Some lay outside the fence and looked at the men in black robes, while others ran quickly towards the village.

In the war-torn environment, even innocent children were forced to hone their extraordinary alertness, especially after some children took advantage of their small size and saw the faces hidden in the hoods from bottom to top. They even swarmed towards the village.

"It's a Ser!"

"The Sers are coming to attack!"

The iconic brown eyes, slightly curly hair, and angular faces compared to other ethnic groups all allow these children to immediately identify their old enemy.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The big bell in the village rang immediately, and then there was a sudden burst of noise. Countless men were holding their own weapons, followed by women and old people. Almost all of them were dispatched and rushed towards the place where the Serres invaded. Many people also carried firearms and weapons in their hands. Although they were old and worn, their power should not be underestimated.

Just as the Sers hate the Tatas, the Tatas also hate the Sers. This hatred does not end with their wanton humiliation and massacre. On the contrary, in order to avoid the rise of the Sers again, the Tatas almost He will target every Serbian he sees.

Hatred is something that no one will let go of unless one party is completely destroyed physically and mentally.

As for the Ser people gathered outside the village, they did not do anything other than silently surrounding them. They just watched the large troops of the Tata people arrive and had nothing to say. There was a blood feud between the two ethnic groups. The tower people rushed out almost instantly and launched an attack on them.

In comparison, the Serres, who numbered less than a hundred, seemed much thinner, like wood, quietly waiting for the Tatas to approach.

Some of the Tatas had already felt something strange, and something was wrong in their hearts, but they still rushed forward with all their strength. It was not until the first one came less than a hundred meters away from the Serrets that the Serrets moved.

They exposed their hands from their black robes, holding the transparent glass bottles they had prepared. They all raised their heads and swallowed the dark red liquid and mist in one gulp.


Then the next moment, the Ser who was standing at the front was struck on the head with an iron rod by the Tatas who were the first to charge. He made a muffled sound and fell to the ground with blood and even brains from his eyes and nose. outflow.

"He's actually an old guy?"

When the hood fell, the Tata man could see the old face and sparse gray hair below, but his companions beside him were already like wolves and tigers, leaping past him towards the other Sers.

There was no begging for mercy, no screams, these Serres were like wooden stakes, allowed to kill, so that in the end, the Tatas, who were full of murderous intent and anger, felt that their hearts were hairy, and their enthusiasm quickly cooled down.

"It's a woman!"

"Same here!"

"They are all old people and women, and some are disabled!"

Screams of exclamation continued to be heard. The Tatar people who were standing among the corpses and inspecting them found that the Ser people in black robes in front of them were all old men and women, and they suddenly looked at each other.

"These Serres are crazy and are here to die?"

Someone in the crowd murmured softly, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw a corpse not far away, with its hands and feet twitching unnaturally.

"Okay, here's another guy pretending to be dead!"

Holding a steel fork, he took two steps forward without hesitation and stabbed the opponent in the chest. Only then did someone around him react and complained: "You should save his life first and ask what's going on!"

"It's not about killing in the end."

The man took out the steel fork nonchalantly and was suddenly startled. He found that his weapon was shiny and shiny. It was obvious that he had maintained it very well. But that was not the point. The point was why there was no blood on the steel fork?

He suddenly remembered that in a scene like this, the pungent smell of blood would keep him from eating for several days, but today, he didn't smell anything!

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