Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 192 Please call me Miracle Maker!

"Nim, do you know how to become a qualified hunter in the wilderness?"

The burly man codenamed Hunter, wearing a felt hat, had always been a stoic man in Nim's impression. But now, Nim knew that the hunter would also smile, and the corners of his mouth would be pulled up, and the corners of his eyes would be elongated, as if A sinister old wolf.


A long black arrow with a tip similar to a fingertip grazed Nim's shoulder, bringing out a stream of blood.

"You, you actually!"

His eyes were red, and countless golden scales loomed from his body. However, the moment they were about to emerge, they were suppressed by the black lines that permeated his body and could not break through.

This also resulted in Nim being at a disadvantage, with many wounds already appearing on his body. Of course, the most serious one was the pure black dagger stuck in his chest, which looked like a dagger made from polished leg bones of some kind of animal.

A steady stream of black lines spread from the dagger's handle, suppressing the power contained in Nim's body.

"Why did you kill Uncle Molong!"

Nim bit his gums and his gums bled. He roared angrily and rushed towards the hunter, as if he was crazy.

"If a hunter wants to survive in the wilderness, he needs patience, persistence, disguise, decisiveness, but most importantly, cruelty!"

The hunter grinned, and a fishy wind suddenly came from the shadow beside him. A huge black shadow rushed out and submerged into his body. The hunter's body suddenly expanded, and his muscles were as strong as granite. He punched himself in the chest.


The hunter didn't move.

"Be cruel to yourself, and be cruel to your prey!"

"Fuck you for being so cruel!"

Nim's chest was filled with anger, and he didn't care what the hunter said. One punch had no effect, and another punch hit the hunter's face, and a strong wind filled the air.


But the next moment, Nim felt a sharp pain in his chest, and he flew backwards. The hunter retracted his clenched fist and sneered.

"Aren't you very curious about my abilities? I'll tell you today!"

"This is the power of the bear!"


Nim's body flew high, and he couldn't help vomiting blood from his mouth. A sunken fist mark appeared on his chest, which looked extremely terrifying.


Another shadow appeared from behind the hunter and melted into his body. His legs suddenly became symmetrical and slender, and his speed surged. In a few steps, he caught up with Nim who had not yet landed, and punched him hard again!


Nim was thrown into the air again, his body shaking, and black light suddenly appeared from behind and quickly disappeared.

"This is the agility of a leopard!"


A black shadow with spread wings surged into the hunter's body from under his feet, causing him to vibrate a pair of black wings from behind, leaping over Nim, with cold eyes.

"Also, the flight of the eagle!"


A large crater was made in the hard ground, and the fragments were scattered with blood. Nim was lying on his back in the crater, spitting out blood from his mouth, unable to stop it.

A vortex as deep as a black hole slowly emerged from behind him, and some strange sounds came from it.

"It seems that after so much experience, you still haven't understood one thing. Nim, in this world, you are either a hunter or a prey. There is no so-called companion at all!"

The hunter flapped his wings and stood in the air. He was not surprised by the strange thing behind Nim, and seemed to have been mentally prepared for it.

"I once spent three months hunting a wilderness lion. It was a big guy that was longer than three people combined. I only brought a longbow, no water, no food, and no help. My thing, this is the trial of the Wilderness Family, and only those who succeed can be called hunters."

"The Revenant!"

For some reason, the hunter suddenly started talking to Nim, letting the vortex behind him gradually expand.

"Even if you hunt with a gun, more than half of the hunters die in the mouths of lions in the wilderness every year. And I only have a longbow that can't even penetrate the fur, but in the end, I succeeded."

"The wilderness lion is an extremely vigilant animal. I followed it for a full month without finding a chance. But once, when it was hungry, I cut off my own flesh and threw it away. You might think I'm crazy, yes, even I think so. I smeared its urine and feces all over my body and stood in front of it, waiting for the judgment of fate! "

The hunter grinned, but his eyes were cold.

"It ate my flesh, then came forward and opened its huge mouth to me, but in the end a miracle happened. It didn't eat me, but kept sniffing me, and finally chose to walk away."

"From then on, I began to follow it openly, hunt with it, help it guard and look out for water sources, eat its leftovers, and roll in its feces and urine. Finally, after another two months, I obtained His trust can sleep beside it.”

"So the next day, I took its head and returned to my family, becoming a real hunter!"

The hunter was in mid-air, bragging about his deeds.

Nim stared at him and struggled to get up from the ground. However, after his extraordinary power was suppressed, the injury was too serious for him.

"That was my first prey and my first partner, but Nim, I decided to leave this position to you. The spirit of a night watchman can allow me to create a new, extremely glorious family!"

The hunter unbuttoned his clothes and exposed his upper body. On his skin, you could see tattoos of a violent black bear, a nimble leopard, and a fluttering goshawk. They seemed to be surrounding something, but the middle part was tattooed on it. It's blank.


The vortex behind Nim expanded even more, the dagger on his chest trembled slightly, and the black lines gradually began to shrink, but where the lines disappeared, the looming scales on Nim's body also disappeared at the same time.

"This is specially prepared for you, Nim, accept your fate, no more miracles will happen!"

The hunter's confident voice was still floating in the air. The next second, a figure suddenly jumped out of the ground. They stared at each other, and they were both stunned for a moment.

Luen naturally saw the whirlpool behind Nim and heard the bell, but the hunter was so horrified that it was simply difficult to describe in words!


The next moment, he took decisive action, flapped his wings and swooped down towards Nim below, aiming directly at the black dagger on his chest. However, just when his fingertips were about to touch the dagger's handle, his figure suddenly There was a sudden lag.

Layers of dark red wings loomed, spreading behind him. Lu En appeared, pinched his neck with one hand, and grinned at Nim, who was also surprised.

"What's this called? It's better to come sooner than later!"


The hunter turned around and punched fiercely, his arm muscles expanded rapidly, reaching an appalling degree in an instant, and he hit Lu En hard on the head!


However, Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blood-colored ribbons surrounding him immediately wrapped around the hunter. The two blood-spurting arms were immediately broken at the shoulder level and flew out. The scattered blood beads were still in the air, and turned into The blood mist submerged into the streamer.

"Tell me, how do I remove this thing?"

Lu En looked at the dagger on Nim's chest. Pulling it out directly seemed to be impossible. The hunter had just wanted to do this, but leaving it on it seemed even more impossible. Nim looked like he was about to die, and his eyes had begun to roll. .

The hunter's face was distorted due to the pain of losing his arms, but his endurance was really amazing. He could not even scream, and he was even less able to speak when he heard the words, clenching his teeth.

Do you think there's nothing I can do about it?

Lu En raised his eyebrows, thinking simply and directly. Since it can't be pulled out or kept, then just destroy it.


Several bloody streamers gathered around the black dagger and made a soft sound. The hunter's expression suddenly changed. There was a clicking sound in his ears. The black dagger suddenly broke from the middle. The densely spread black lines on it began to dissipate at an extremely fast speed. .


He opened his mouth and roared, and saw that Nim's pupils instantly turned into erect golden yellow, concentric scales emerged, and deep unwillingness and hatred emerged on his face.


Nim gritted his teeth and squirmed on the ground. He reached out and pulled out the remaining dagger from his chest. He looked up at Lu En with complicated eyes, including gratitude and joy, but also vigilance and preparedness. He wriggled his lips with difficulty.



As soon as he finished speaking, the vortex behind him suddenly expanded several times, like a huge mouth biting the ground. Within ten meters in diameter, the air and all matter suddenly disappeared, leaving only a circle on the ground that could see the lower layer. Big hole!

Nim, including Luen, Willy and others, all disappeared without a trace.

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