Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 181 I am a fallen leaf in the wind, look how I sway! (Please recommend and subscribe)


Nim raised a finger, bent down at the mouth of an abandoned pipe, gestured to the two people behind him, and moved forward quietly.

"Aren't these guys afraid of starting a fight on their own?"

Next to her, Delina stretched out her head, looked down and murmured to herself. Lu En crowded aside, pretending to be surprised and shocked: "There are so many people on the verge of losing control, and they want to bring down the entire imperial capital? "

Of course, some of the surprise was not feigned.

As the federal imperial capital, its large population base and huge population flow indicate that there will never be a shortage of invaders. Although this is the headquarters of the Red Gloves, the intricate underground building system gives them an excellent hiding place.

Someone has calculated that the total area of ​​underground facilities in the entire imperial capital may be larger and more complex than those on the ground. Subways, sewer pipes, various gas lines and pipes, etc., combine to form an underground world.

Some of them were sealed and forgotten due to diversion, maintenance, etc. This was the place where Nim brought them.

The dilapidated and cracked cement pipe is seven or eight meters high above the head. Some unknown green plants and roots poke out from it and cling to the top. At the end, the entire ground has been dug down several meters, and a Buildings almost entirely made of bluestone are rising from the ground!

The blue-black stone surface has no decoration, and the overall structure is not complicated, just like a building built by children. However, considering that this is more than ten meters deep underground, the amount of work is enough to be astonishing.

"This is the cathedral!"

Nim pointed at the building and whispered. However, Lu Enzai looked at it carefully several times and did not see any similarity between the building and the church. He preferred the pyramid he had seen in his previous life. It was generally triangular in shape and the top was is a platform.


Some kind of heavy footsteps suddenly sounded, and a voice appeared from one of the nearby intricate pipe exits, and then a stooped humanoid figure walked out of it. Most of his body was covered tightly by a hooded blue raincoat, except for his two feet. Exposed, it looks like the hoof of some kind of monster.

As soon as the human form appeared, it quickly moved towards the cathedral and released its own pressure unscrupulously. Even though it was so far away, Delina's face turned pale and she couldn't help but get closer to Nim.

Obviously, this is at least a corruptor at the level of a great patriarch.

And the reason why the three of them are lying here is that there are far more than one corroders like this.

Outside the cathedral, there are still several figures standing or lying down. Some can still roughly maintain their human form, but some look like complete monsters, with tentacles, fangs, claws, etc. emerging, and only their eyes flash from time to time. The moving aura indicates that they are not completely out of control yet.

These are all corrosives, and they are all corrosives that are on the verge of losing control. Each of them has the strength of the Grand Priest level, and if released, it can cause a bloody existence.

But now these dangerous invaders are staying quietly outside the cathedral, each in silence, as if waiting for something.

"Even if it's not an attack on the Red Gloves' headquarters, it's certainly not a trivial matter!"

Nim squinted his eyes for a long time, then suddenly turned around and said to Lu En: "Let's go in and inquire about the news. You wait for us outside. If anything goes wrong, retreat first and meet at the hunter's cabin!"

"In this case, how are you going to get the news?"

Lu En was confused, and Nim immediately showed a confident smile on his face: "I have been making progress during this period, so don't stare out of your eyes, Lu En."


"bring it on!"

He called out, and Delina beside him immediately responded. She glanced at Lu En, suddenly opened her hands, and hugged Nim.

Forced show of affection?

Lu En raised his eyebrows. The next second, Delina's hot and plump body exploded in front of his eyes, turning into a ball of black energy and covering Nim's body. It quickly outlined strange lines on his body and penetrated into his texture. Nim The whole body has become taller, and the image has changed drastically.

Even his face was covered with small lines, which reminded Lu En of one of the protagonists of a certain comic book. Unfortunately, his eyes remained unchanged.

"You're shocked, it's so cool. I call this form the nightmare mode!"

Nimu chuckled, and the black energy on his face condensed, forming a swirl-shaped mask. Several black chains stretched out from behind his shoulders, waving them wantonly.

"Dive in time!"

Nim jumped down from a high place, and the chain behind him was nailed to the wall, driving him quickly towards the cathedral. Luen could still hear his excited shouts!

"I am a fallen leaf in the wind, look how I sway!"

Is this infiltration? !

Luen felt that Nimu seemed to have some misunderstanding of the word infiltration, but he soon discovered that no matter how obvious Nimu was and how loud his voice was, the corroders below were unaware of it. It seemed that these things were completely irrelevant to their eyes and ears. existing.

Could it be

Lu En squinted his eyes, and the gray fog in his pupils dissipated. When he looked again, his eyes were indeed empty, and the loud shouting suddenly stopped at the same time.

With the characteristics of nightmare creatures, no wonder this guy can always escape!

After recovering his nightmare senses, Lu En stood up straight as he watched Nim land in the cathedral and disappear. He closed his eyes and felt it for a few seconds, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

Sure enough, if you follow this guy Nim, you will never let yourself down.

He turned around and left the place without hesitation, and several ups and downs disappeared into another pipe.

Free hunting time is here!

Click, click, click!

A thin and fast sound appeared in a certain pipeline. An eroder with the upper body of a coquettish beauty and a lower body like an enlarged centipede was moving forward quickly. Countless jointed limbs gave her extraordinary speed, and the end point of this pipeline was exactly the same. It's a cathedral.

Boom, boom, boom!

But while running, the beauty suddenly found a muffled sound coming from her side. It seemed that someone was moving quickly like her, and the sound was above her head?

She couldn't help but look up, and what she saw was no surprise that it was a dirty and worn-out pipe. Even if there were people on it, how could she possibly see it?

"Dare me"

Her face looked a little ferocious. The moment she lowered her head and continued to move forward, she noticed that there seemed to be a dazzling light shining in the dark pipe?


A huge sword emitting soft white light suddenly pierced the wall, and then cut through the cement above the head like tofu.


The falling concrete slab hit the beauty, but with a wave of her hand, it flew away, and a figure fell lightly to the ground.

A layer of blood mist obscured the face of the visitor, and he could only see that the other person was holding a sword in one hand and stuffing something into his mouth with the other hand.

The aroma of food wafts in the air.

"Hello, beauty!"

The figure waved the giant sword that looked like a glow stick towards her, and as expected, she received an unusually warm welcome.

The beauty's small cherry mouth quickly opened to both sides, revealing the sharp purple fangs.

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