Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 162 Good evening, Nim, enjoy the surprise!

"It's you?!"

Delina was shocked.

To be honest, Lu En left a deep impression on him. Mainly when Nim's identity was not revealed, an unidentified transcendent suddenly appeared next to him. It was inevitable that she would conduct some investigations on Lu En.

But then she used Delina's identity to successfully lure Nim out of Lucas, and successfully avoided everything that was about to happen. Everything about Lu En had long been buried deep in her memory.

She even thought that Luen had died long ago in Lucas, that is, Nim, and she would occasionally say a few words about him.

In contrast, Luen left a much deeper impression on Nim. Not only was he the first transcendent he met, but he also suppressed him in all aspects, making Nim the first I felt frustrated for the first time.

"It seems that Miss Delina still remembers me. I'm really honored."

Lu En grinned and waved slightly. Adolf next to him immediately understood and dispersed all the servants around him. He also walked out, closing the door behind him, leaving the indoor space for the three of them.

"You saved us, and you didn't die?"

After being surprised, Delina quickly reacted. The person she expected to be dead appeared in front of her, which immediately aroused strong vigilance in her heart. She took two steps back slightly and quietly winked at Nuo Xia.

The masked girl nodded to her solemnly.

"Why do you think I'm dead?"

Lu En glanced at Nuo Xia and chuckled: "You can get the news and leave in advance, and I can do the same, otherwise who will save you today."

"But having said that, you guys are making quite a fuss this time."

"Which side are you from and what is your purpose?"

Unfortunately, Delina didn't answer Lu En's words at all. Instead, she looked at Lu En more cautiously, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

She found that she couldn't clearly see Lu En's strength.

"You are Nim's friends, and I am Nim's friend. Is this enough reason to save you?"

Lu En spread his hands and spoke calmly. Delina's eyes showed a true look, and she curled her lips: "It's a pity that Nim is not here, otherwise he would be very moved."

"He is just a stupid bad guy, but I am different. Tell me, what is your real purpose, who is behind it, the original sect, the Three Gods, the Salvation Society, the Children of Nightmares, or some other mess, you know a scaled claw An organization that you just want to get involved in?”

She changed the subject and asked coldly.

She didn't believe that Lu En could escape from Lucas on his own, and with such a huge amount of energy in one leap, he could actually rescue them from under the eyes of the Red Gloves and the army. Regardless of energy and strength, she believed that Lu En was behind There must be a huge creature.

As for their target, there is no doubt that it cannot be them, it can only be Nim.

"Unfortunately, I only speak for myself."

Lu En said seriously, but the response he received was a sneer from Delina.

"Believe me or not!"


Her body suddenly jumped to the side, hitting the painted glass window, and Nuo Xia next to her also had a tacit understanding with her. A ball of black energy surged out of her eyes and turned into the shape of a black cat. Lu En bared his teeth and claws in front of him.


The next moment, there was no movement from Lu En. The black cat that had just rushed out suddenly dispersed into a ball of black energy, and the figures of Delina and Nuo Xia stopped abruptly.

Delina had already pressed down on the glass window with one hand, but she didn't dare to make another move, or even move at all, because a strong sense of danger arose in her heart, and her instincts were frantically warning her!

If you move again, you will die! !

Her premonition of danger had saved him many times, but it had never been as straightforward and desperate as this time. Delina's neck was a little stiff and she turned back, looking at Lu En who was looking at her with a calm face, lingering around her and on her fingertips. Glowing slightly with blood.

The masked girl Nosha was even more miserable than she was. The moment the black cats dispersed, she fell to the ground as if struck by lightning, huddled up, holding her head in her hands and shivering.

"Your strength."

Delina struggled to spit out two words from her throat, and when she saw Lu En's blood draining away, the terrifying aura suddenly disappeared as if it had never appeared before, and she still stood there with her hands behind her hands.

"So, let's just wait here quietly for Nim to find him. Speaking of which, I saved him again."

If Delina and others are captured by Red Gloves, according to Nim's character, it is estimated that even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​​​fire ahead, he will not be able to stop him from throwing himself into the trap, then his fate is almost doomed.

With the attention shown by the red gloves to Nim, Lu En could not imagine that he had any possibility of rescuing anyone, and the possibility of involving himself in it was infinite.

But there is no doubt that Luen needs Nim very much now, or his identity as a night watchman.

If he can continue to attract monsters like today, Luen will become stronger at a speed that will stun everyone. If possible, he hopes to get the secrets hidden by the Night Watch.

If he could attract monsters anytime and anywhere, like Nim, he could even go to another world full of monsters.

Lu En smiled at Delina again, but ignored her and turned around to leave.

He originally wanted to try to persuade Delina, but the other party seemed to be too wary and didn't seem to believe anyone, so he could only use a more simple and crude method and directly give a warning.

Of course, Luen would not show his true strength to Dalina, whose strength was still on the edge of the patriarch level. He only showed the power of the patriarch level as great as Nim, which made Dalina extremely shocked and unbelievable.

Not everyone is a night watchman like Nim, and not everyone has a golden finger like Luen.


With the arrival of night, a figure appeared outside the villa cautiously, avoiding the sight of others.

Much faster than Luen thought, Nim and Dalina seemed to have some kind of connection, and soon found the door, lurking in a shadow and quietly observing the brightly lit luxurious villa.

The experience during this period of time has an immediate effect on Nim's tempering. Although he was already anxious, his face remained calm and motionless, like a sculpture, letting time pass slowly.

It was not until late at night, when even the commotion in the distance gradually subsided, that he suddenly moved. Without using other abilities, he quickly shuttled through the shadows, dodging round after round of security guards and servants. His goal was very clear, heading straight for the room where Dai Lina was.

In addition to his physical strength, he did not use any extraordinary power throughout the whole process. When he arrived at the bottom of Dai Lina's room, facing the height of the third floor, he quickly climbed up like a big gecko with his five fingers like hooks.


Gently pushing open the half-closed window, Nim looked around vigilantly. The ambush scene he imagined did not appear. Instead, he saw another man in Dai Lina's room, a man who was impossible to appear in his impression.

"Good evening, Nim, do you feel the surprise?"

Lu En smiled brightly and waved to Nim, who opened his mouth wide, loosened his hand, and fell directly from the windowsill.


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