Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 160 Fighting and internal strife among gods! (Please subscribe!)

Even Lu En didn't notice the evil worms hiding underground.

Not to mention him, it seemed that even the nightmare monsters surrounding him didn't expect it, and the whole scene fell silent for a while.


The next moment, monsters like goblins hovering in the air screamed one after another, and all rushed towards the deep holes left by the worms. Some of them were even pushed aside by their companions and slammed into them. on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining monsters around them seemed to wake up from a dream, and jumped into the hole. In a short period of time, the surrounding area was completely empty!

This flip is simply

Lu En rubbed the corners of his eyes, not knowing what to say. It seemed that Nim suddenly turned into the Tang Monk meat that everyone coveted. Any force wanted to get involved and get a piece of meat to eat. Who knew where it would be this time? One popped up.


Suddenly, there was a sound of wind in his ears, and a black dot flew over from the horizon at an extremely fast speed, leaving a long white mark behind it.


In the blink of an eye, the black spot appeared above Lu En's head, and he could see clearly that it turned out to be a human figure with silver light, with spiderweb-like arcs densely emerging behind it, crackling in the air.

The humanoid is wearing armor that looks like some kind of silver alloy. The whole body is covered tightly. The head seems to imitate some kind of beast. The two sharp corners are slightly bent backwards. There are sharp blades and spikes on the joints and shoulders, and the whole body is electric. Flashing like a legendary god!

Lu En's pupils narrowed as he saw this figure that looked like a combination of Thor and Iron Man rushing into the cave. Then there was a muffled sound like thunder from the ground, and violent flashes of light accompanied by electric arcs danced around the edge of the cave entrance.

Now I think the Lord of Blood is pretty good too

Lu En took back what he said.

He didn't know what the Night Watch meant, but judging from the reaction caused by Nim's appearance this time, it was probably an extremely huge whirlpool of trouble.


The ground under Lu En's feet suddenly trembled, and then a building not far away collapsed, and a low wailing sound came from the ground.

The bell that had been ringing in Luen's ears suddenly stopped!


The vibrations below were even more intense, as if an earth dragon was violently turning over. Spider-web-like cracks appeared on the ground under his feet, as if he was at the center of an earthquake. Some frightened screams from around him came along with the sound of the wind.

Fortunately, the quality of these buildings was strong enough, and the earthquake did not last. Instead, it gradually faded away. After about a few minutes, Lu En discovered that the faint black air floating throughout Camp City suddenly dissipated quickly.

Some nightmare monsters that were plundering or lurking appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly, leaving only half of the devastated city.

From the edge of the city in the far distance, the entire ground suddenly exploded, and half of the huge worm's body came out with electric light, rolled twice, and became motionless.

Then the silver lightning humanoid flew out, and ignored the worm. Instead, it flew quickly and low-altitude, flying back and forth in the vicinity for several times, as if it was looking for something. Lu En saw that the humanoid even entered through the hole here. It flew out from the other side again, and after doing this several times, it flew away unwillingly.

Which kind of god is this?

Lu En shook his head speechlessly, because one Nim brought out a lot of forces. Unfortunately, Lu En didn't know much. The only thing that was certain was that Nim did not seem to fall into the hands of any party.

But for now, things seem to be finally


Lu En suddenly let out a sound of surprise and turned to look to the west of Camp City, seeming to see what was happening there through many obstacles.

Of course, that's unlikely.

On the west side of Camp City, in a park.

A beautiful woman with a hot figure and beautiful golden waves was lying on the roof, with an imperceptible red light flashing in her eyes, watching the scene below.

The two sides were fighting side by side before, facing the enemy together, but now they are facing each other.

"I promise you, as long as you put down your weapons, we will never hurt you!"

A short-haired man wearing red leather gloves, regardless of wounds all over his body, held a black short gun and pointed it at Delina's head. Another strong man beside him had already strangled Mo Long's neck with his arm and pointed the gun at the same time. Nosha, the masked girl, said nothing.

"You despicable and shameless humans!"

Delina gritted her teeth, and there were several slender limbs condensed by black energy around her. The tips were also aimed at the two of them. The faint black energy floated away, and her face showed a ruthless expression.

"If we can, let's take action together to see who will die!"

On the other hand, the masked girl Nuo Xia, who transformed into a pretty girl, originally raised her hands obediently, but when she heard this, her face turned pale and she shook her head crazily.

Is this an internal fight?

While Lu En started to hunt monsters, as a blood spirit, Suna was also given an important task by him to secretly keep an eye on the following people.

Based on Lu En's understanding of Nim, this guy is full of compassion and sense of responsibility. He will never leave his companions alone. As long as he keeps an eye on these people, even if Nim is lost, he will definitely appear on his own later.

Red Gloves obviously had the same idea as Luen, and his methods were more powerful.

Not long after the nightmare monster suddenly disappeared, the remaining two people suddenly launched an attack and wanted to control Delina and others. However, Delina was also wary of the red gloves and did not succeed, but Mo Long was controlled by them. Living.

"You think you can threaten me by arresting just anyone?"

A coldness suddenly appeared on Delina's face. She glanced at Molong who was still in their hands, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly: "I'm not Nim. You humans want to kill each other, it's up to you!"


The segmented limbs condensed with black energy suddenly fell down and pierced the two of them. At the same time, Delina turned around and ran away, shouting loudly.

"Sister Nuo Xia!"


Nuo Xia, who raised her little hands high, screamed, and four or five masks suddenly appeared from her face. Clothes and limbs sprouted out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, they turned into several tall masked people and rushed towards the two of them.


The short-haired man took a step back to avoid the arthropod attack. When he saw the masked man coming towards him, he shot out without thinking. Who knew that with a pop, the masked man who was shot immediately shriveled up like a deflated rubber ball, leaving only his mask and clothes. Falling down, I suddenly felt bad.


Sure enough, when I looked up, I saw that with this obstruction, Delina and Nuo Xia had already gone into the woods of the park and disappeared.


The short-haired man's expression changed and he was about to catch up, but a calm voice came from behind him.

"Don't worry, they can't escape, the army has surrounded the entire park!"

A strong man with a yellow afro and a silver horn hanging on his chest strode over, snorted coldly, and there seemed to be arcs of electricity in his eyes.

"The Night Watch must be ours, and it will definitely be ours!"

However, things never develop as expected. Just when the man with the afro was full of confidence, and Delina and Nuo Xia looked at the approaching army with despair on their faces, a blond beauty with big waves appeared in front of them and licked Lips.

"You two, do you need help?"

Try two updates first to find a rhythm, and try to update three times a day. Without this chapter and comments, I feel like a lot of fun is missing.

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