Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 145 Once upon a time, I was also a powerful warrior...

Chapter 145 Once upon a time, I was also a powerful warrior


The hooded man who had lost his head did not fall down, but turned his head in surprise. Black air surged out of his neck, slowly forming a vortex, and he made a surprised sound.


The next moment, a big hand poked out from the billowing smoke, spread out its fingers, and slapped the hooded man hard, beating half of his body into black air, leaving only two feet shaking. Suddenly it exploded with a loud bang.


A set of hooded clothes fell softly to the ground.

Lu En withdrew his gaze, and layers of dark red wings appeared behind him. They moved slightly to sweep the smoke away, and looked into the distance. Countless black airflows roared together and formed an equally tall human figure.

It was exactly the same as the black figure Lu En had encountered before. There was only a slowly rotating vortex on his face, and black gas was escaping from his body. He stood out of thin air and looked at Lu En.


Seeing Lu En's image changed drastically, with four arms standing sideways and wearing a blood-red robe, the human form made a voice, still with strong confidence in his tone, and small cracks suddenly appeared on the ground beneath him.

"But it's useless!"

His figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and suddenly appeared in front of Lu En the next second. The vortex on his face expanded rapidly, and its diameter instantly increased to two or three meters. It looked like he was about to swallow Lu En in one gulp.

A strong suction force came from the vortex, and with Lu En's control, he actually felt that his life force was about to move.

But it's just about getting ready to move.

His face was calm, and he took half a step back to leave some space. Then the green light reflected on his cheeks, and two swords of judgment burning with ghost fire appeared from behind him and slashed towards the whirlpool. .

This black energy has no entity, and pure physical methods are useless against it. Even the high temperature of the flame is not very effective. However, the sword of judgment strengthened by the ghost fire has extra lethality against spiritual bodies such as evil spirits. Just restrained the black energy.


Undoubtedly, with two soft sounds, the rapidly expanding vortex was cut open by Lu En's two swords, and it continued to pull down towards the humanoid body. The ghost fire and black energy offset each other, making a tight and dense sneer. ring.


The black humanoid let out a muffled groan, and suddenly his entire body dispersed again, turning into black energy that regrouped in the distance. Looking at the Sword of Judgment held in Lu En's hand, his tone became a little solemn.

"A follower of the Lord of Lava?"

Lu En also frowned. The opponent's ability to gather and disperse without being visible, and to disperse immediately if he couldn't be beaten was really disgusting. But fortunately, the Sword of Judgment still had an effect on him.

Ignoring what the humanoid wanted to say, Luen's four arms pulled out a sword of judgment from the void. His leg muscles expanded rapidly, leaving two large craters on the spot, and he jumped in front of the humanoid.

up down left right!

The benefits of four arms were once again revealed. Luen instantly surrounded the humanoid's hiding space from all directions. If it were another person, he would have no choice but to stand and wait for death except for resisting. However, the humanoid is not a human being. Once again, he has to pay his part. After the body and the ghostly fire canceled each other out, he re-condensed his body not far from Lu En.


However, Lu En had quick eyesight and quick hands. When he was condensing, the two giant swords had already been released, and the nightmare that had just condensed into a roughly human shape exploded into a ball of black gas again.


Lu En was unreasonable and sneered, returning the words spoken by the humanoid. He pulled out two flaming giant swords in his hands and rushed towards the black air. Four swords of judgment were pulled out in the darkness. Brilliant green bands of light.

He has discovered that this form of nightmare seems to have gone to a certain extreme, completely giving up the entity, and replacing it with the characteristics of being invisible and immune to most attacks. In addition, he seems to have some kind of attack that can absorb life force. , if he couldn't find a way to deal with it, it wouldn't be a surprise for someone stronger than him to die in his hands.

To put it simply, this ability means that I can hit you, but you can't hurt me. How can I hit you?

In addition, this black energy has no vital points to speak of. When facing him, most people would probably be fighting wits with the air, and die in an extremely aggrieved manner.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. There is no absolute invincibility in this world. Therefore, the resistance of this black energy to the ability that can harm him is simply pitiful. Moreover, except for some kind of teleportation-like close-to-the-face, he moves at a very slow speed. Not as good as Lu En.

This is an ability whose strengths and weaknesses are equally evident.

Swish, swish, swish!

After realizing this, the sword of judgment waved in Lu En's four arms almost shook out sword flowers, and he quickly and continuously attacked Nightmare. For a moment, he was suppressed, and the conjoined body was suppressed. I can’t even condense it!

According to this rhythm, even if he cuts the flesh with a dull knife, Lu En is sure to kill the humanoid alive. However, it is obvious that the other party also understands this truth. After being broken up several times, he finally woke up and found himself far away from Lu En. A figure appeared in the place, and black energy surged.

"You succeeded in irritating me, which will only make your death more painful!"

Lu En slashed him with at least dozens of swords. The nightmare didn't seem to have suffered much damage, but the humiliation and anger could not be concealed in his tone. The black energy surged violently as if it had been boiled, rising into the sky. Lu En paused cautiously. pace.

Soon, the boiling black air gradually dispersed, revealing the outline of one of the figures. The expression on Lu En's face changed, and there was an unspeakable strange feeling.

I saw the black air dissipate, and the figure revealed was tall and strong, wearing a pure black robe, with four arms surrounding it, each holding a black giant sword. Apart from being completely black and having no wings on his back, he looked exactly like Lu. Yes, exactly the same!

Even the face is very similar to him, as if printed from the same mold.

"Once upon a time, I was also a powerful warrior!"

Nightmare's four arms held the giant sword without any mess, and even lifted a few sword flowers with ease. He looked much more skilled than Lu En. He grinned ferociously, revealing his pure black teeth, and his muscles suddenly swelled!


The ground beneath his feet burst open, and he rushed towards him at a speed not inferior to Lu En. Four giant swords pulled out a shrill sound in the air, and struck down on Lu En's head!

"How dare you be so arrogant as a pirate?"

Lu En also laughed angrily, and waved the Sword of Judgment to face him. Sparks flew everywhere, and the four green giant swords and the four pure black giant swords collided fiercely. They were separated at the first touch, and then collided hard again. Together, the low and dense impact sounds became one.


But soon, with the sound of tearing flesh and blood, a huge sword penetrated the heart of a figure, and the whole figure staggered backwards, making an incredible sound.

"How can it be?!"

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