Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 111 Dark Cuisine and Job Change Quest?

Lu En had an ominous premonition.

The reminder came from the corner of his eye, and the heavy weight appeared in his hand.

“You get Thousand Eyes Pizza!”

He held a blue paper box in his hand. It was about the size of a ten-inch cake, but much thinner. There was still some grease seeping out from the surface, emitting a strange aroma.

“Thousand Eyes Pizza.”

Lu En's eyelids twitched wildly and he felt blood rushing from his temples. He raised his hand and put the box on the table.

"I hope it's not what I thought, okay, don't think about it."

While talking to himself, he gently opened the lid of the box, and then he could say no more. What was placed in the box was a large piece of fragrant, golden-colored pizza, with some onions and ham dotted on it, matching the aroma. It's extremely appetizing, provided you ignore the eyes staring at you like they're dead on the surface of the pizza.

Yes, just as Lu En thought, the pizza was neither bacon, fruit, or anything else, but black and white eyes staring back at him!

If Lu En had not trained his mental quality well during this period, he would have thrown it away the moment he opened the lid. Even so, his scalp was numb now, thinking that he had to eat this thing. Suddenly I felt my stomach begin to churn.

This is not like the creamy spider soup from before, or in other words, Spider Luen can barely accept it. This big string of eyeballs is simply challenging his psychological limit!

As long as he wasn't a psychopath, Lu En believed that no one would like such scenes and food.

"Take a deep breath, it's not a big deal, it's just eyeballs. In order to restore the country, Gou Jian even ate rice fields. Besides, this is not real vomit. Damn it, why should I think about that thing!!!"

Lu En felt retching in his throat, and a few words of self-comfort only made things worse. In the end, he could only force a smile and looked at the Thousand Eyes Pizza in front of him: "Fortunately, it's not really a Thousand Eyes. It turns out that the food spirit is also a clickbait."


"I hate you for being cruel!"

Lu En didn't want to say anything else, so he just ate. It was still a big meal, and considering the recipes he had entered into the food spirit, it was not a low level.

Overcoming the strong psychological discomfort, Lu En lowered his head and tore off a large piece of pizza and stuffed it into his mouth with the rolling eyes on it. Two rows of teeth chewed it quickly, passing all kinds of flavors to his taste buds.

As always, the food produced by Shiling must be high-quality. The pizza tasted very good, more delicious than anything Lu En had ever eaten before, but he tried not to think about it and swallowed it after a few bites.

At this time, he missed the creamy spider soup very much. He closed his eyes and had it in a few mouthfuls, unlike pizza where he had to tear it into pieces and stuff it into his mouth.

One day, I feel like I will hold my head and start chewing without changing my attitude.

Lu En thought of some of the dark dishes that he had recorded in Food Soul in a bad way. He originally wanted to scare those players, but now that he thought about it, it was a perfect interpretation of what it means to shoot oneself in the foot.

Although they looked exactly the same, Lu En knew that these were not real eyeballs, and he quickly suppressed the discomfort in his heart, because as the pizza entered his stomach, his body began to feel hot.


The heat radiating from the inside out soon made Lu En feel uncomfortable. He pulled off the clothes on his upper body, and you could see that his body surface began to glow a dark red, and blood vessels were beating, transporting blood to the whole body. .

Boom! Boom, boom, boom!

The low heartbeat sounded in Lu En's ears. Within a short time, his vision quickly became dark red, and a line of small words in the corner kept refreshing:

"You ate Thousand Eyes Pizza!"

"Strength +3"

"Spirit +3"

"Stamina +3"

"Agility +3"

"Your strength is gone"

The following are all reminders that Lu En is familiar with, until the last one.

"Your agility has reached its limit and cannot be increased!"

"You gained 1 skill point"

"You have gained the skill: Eyes of Curtis!"

"Eye of Curtis (unavailable)"

"Effect: Unknown"


This eyeball may be Luen's biggest harvest so far. The reason why it is possible is because Luen is not sure whether the dark red feather that caused the life-draining mutation to become a blood tribute is more valuable than it, but this is not the case at all. It didn't affect Lu En's wonder.

All attributes +3!

What is this concept? This means that if Lu En obtains this eyeball for the first time, then he can reach the limit of attributes and become the ultimate powerhouse with full four dimensions!

Although it was wasted by him, Lu En did not feel it was a pity. If he could not break through the bottleneck in front of him, then everything that followed would be empty talk.

The changes in his body are still continuing. Lu En has already felt a brand new power coming out of his body. His body has not changed much, but some local fine-tuning has been made to make him look smoother and more perfect, just like A god who descended into the world.

Perfectly inhuman!

At the same time, he also clearly felt his limits and bottlenecks, just like he climbed to the top of a mountain and found that there was a higher mountain peak among the clouds and mist in the distance, but there was no way to a higher peak ahead!

It seems that the only way to break through the evil spirits is to use it.

Lu En exhaled and raised his hand to look at the delicate lines on his palm. Who would have thought that when he reached the limit of humanity, he would have to abandon his human identity?

However, at this moment, a reminder appeared in the corner of his eyes again:

"You have reached the level limit. Do you want to start the job transfer mission?"

What? ! !

Lu En suspected that he had seen it wrong, so he closed his eyes hard and then opened them again. The small words in the corner of his eyes were still flashing for him to make a choice.

"Do you want to start the job transfer mission?"

A huge surprise instantly gripped Lu En's heart, making him almost unable to help but jump. What kind of breakthrough method for all spirits, what kind of evil spirit breakthrough method, and bullshit twisted shadows, just get out of here. As expected, the soul-eating father is the only one. The one who is best to me!

Job transfer, the original TM can still change jobs! ! !

Lu En grinned in an exaggerated arc, clenched his fists and waved twice.

"No need to ask, start the job transfer mission!"

"Professional transfer has been started, and the release of job transfer tasks has begun."

The fonts in the corner of his eyes jumped quickly, and then stopped. After a few seconds, Lu En's smile became a little stiff, and he blinked at the food spirit that seemed to be stuck.

"Job transfer not detected!"

"Job transfer system not detected!"

"No missing data detected!"

"The data is missing. The job transfer mission cannot be started!"

"The system will automatically update soon. Estimated time"

"3, 2, 1"

After four or five messages were sent out in succession, the small words in the corner of Lu En's eyes suddenly disappeared without a trace.

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