Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 9: The Great Kind Man

"Nightmare world?"

"Little brother." The fake security guard said. At this time, he, like the people around him, had changed into a pair of coarse clothes, and his brows were much softer. "Come and take a look."

I came to the window and looked outside. There were pedestrians in ancient costumes on the quaint streets, both men and women. The style of the buildings and businesses on both sides of the street had also changed, becoming antique. Looking around, it looked like a An ancient town that only appears in movies and TV series.

"We...have traveled through time?" His breathing became rapid, and the scene in front of him had a big visual impact on Yang Xiao, who had just woken up.

The middle-aged man who had disguised himself as a security guard nodded and cast his gaze towards the mist-shrouded peaks further away. "It can be understood that although the town has changed a lot, if you look at the surrounding mountains, where we are now is Fengmen. The town is just Fengmen Town hundreds of years ago.”

"Like you, we all received the ghost script, and it was that thing that brought us here. The forerunners also called this the nightmare world."

"Of course, the scene in each nightmare world is different. It may be the ancient town we see today, or it may be a high-rise building, a school, a village, or even a forest, beach, snowfield, or wilderness."

"Everything that happens in our real world can happen in the nightmare world."

"What do we need to do?" Yang Xiao asked the key question.

"Based on the scenes that appear, cooperate with other players to find clues to complete the task, and try your best to survive in the process." The middle-aged man said concisely and comprehensively.

"I...I don't want any nightmare world! I want to go home. My wife and children are still at home. I...who can save me?" The man in the corner cried and curled up into a ball. If not, Without a mobile phone, he would have called the police.

After arriving here, not only were their mobile phones and other belongings missing, but the clothes they were wearing were also changed. Now each of them wears patched coarse cloth clothes. The cloth is not bad, but still a little dirty.

"Fuck you, it's not over, isn't it?" The young man wearing earrings suddenly stood up, raised his legs and kicked the man hard, knocking the man to the ground. "Keep shouting and lure those damn things over. I’ll kill you!”

The man who was kicked immediately did not dare to say anything. After getting up, his nose twitched and there were vague tears in the corners of his eyes, which looked pitiful.

The man was about 30 years old, with a fair face and well-kempt hair. He looked like an employee of a large company.

"Okay, don't make things difficult for him, he is a newcomer after all." Someone advised him.

Yang Xiao is not interested in these. No matter what kind of game, newcomers always fall into the unpopular category. They don't understand the rules and will always get into trouble. So he tries to speak less and listen more, and only asks some key questions, " You can return to the real world after the mission is over, right?"

"That's right." The middle-aged man nodded.

After the scene stabilized, the middle-aged man took the lead and asked everyone to introduce themselves. After all, according to what he said, everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, and they are all fallen people in the world.

"My name is Kuang Hongyi, and I am a security guard for a real estate company." The middle-aged man looked at the others with interest, "What do you do? It is fate that we are all here."

"Xu Su, university lecturer." The woman who helped Yang Xiao put a cold towel on his head spoke first.

"Which subject?"

"Science and engineering, fluid mechanics." Xu Su still had the same indifferent attitude.

"It's rare to see such a young university teacher." The young man wearing earrings smiled meaningfully, "My name is Ke Long. I don't have a serious job. I work in a factory run by my own family, oh, a parts processing factory. , motorcycle.”

"Shi Dali, a seaman, works for an ocean shipping company." The man said angrily. He was a dark-skinned man. He was not tall, but very strong. He looked at everyone one by one with his small eyes. He was also the oldest among them all. He was about to touch In his early 50s.

"Su Tingting, I...I'm a college student, do you know Rongcheng Art College? I go to school there..." The short-haired girl with light makeup said in a low voice, like a mosquito humming, obviously She was also frightened. Her face was pale and her voice was trembling. She must be a newcomer as well.

" name is Shi Guanming, and I am a designer." The man in the corner whispered.

"Designer? Design or something?" Kuang Hongyi seemed to be interested.


Kuang Hongyi shook his head, obviously disappointed, and then looked at Yang Xiao, who was the last one, "It's your turn."

"Chu Xi, my job is unstable, and I am currently working in a milk tea shop." The situation is unclear now, and the enemy and friend are still uncertain, so naturally the true identity cannot be revealed.

Among the seven people, only Yang Xiao, Su Tingting from the Art Academy, and lighting designer Shi Guanming are newcomers and are coming to the nightmare world for the first time. The other four are all veteran players.

Before they could chat, there was a rush of footsteps outside the room, and the next second the door was knocked, "Sir? Are you awake?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally Kuang Hongyi went to open the door.

After the door opened, a clerk with a dark rag on his shoulder and a shrewd face appeared in front of everyone. He looked into the room with his sneaky eyes and said, "Hey, all the guests are here."

"Is something wrong?" Kuang Hongyi looked at him.

The waiter smiled flatteringly, with wrinkles all over the corners of his eyes, "Dear guests, Master Feng's mansion sent someone to invite you at noon. We know that you all slept late last night, so we didn't disturb you. But now the sun is about to set, look at this..."

"Master Feng? Which Master Feng?"

"Hey, sir, you are really joking. In this area of ​​100 miles, except for the great man Master Feng, who dares to be the second Master Feng?"

"What does Master Feng want from us?" Xu Su also stepped forward and stood side by side with Kuang Hongyi.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Oh, you are really forgetful guests. You are the guests invited by Master Feng. The Feng family sent someone to our store to deposit money in advance. Did you get drunk at the welcoming banquet last night?"

"Don't mention the banquet. I'm still dizzy now. Who knows if there is something wrong with your wine?"

Shi Dali glared at him, and the waiter was scared at that time. This can be regarded as helping Kuang Hongyi and Xu Su to get back on their words.

"I ask you, where are the people sent by the Feng family?"

The waiter lowered his attitude and smiled: "To answer your questions, they are still waiting outside the door. I have urged them several times."

Kuang Hongyi raised his chin, "Lead the way ahead."


Following the waiter's instructions, we walked out of the door of the inn and saw two carriages parked not far away, and several people standing beside them, dressed like servants of ancient wealthy families.

"Go and have a look. Remember, don't talk nonsense. Everything depends on the situation." Kuang Hongyi reminded in a low voice.

But just as they left the inn, the waiter at the door changed his face, spitted behind them, and cursed fiercely in a pinched tone: "Bah! What a thing, a few town guests who have nothing to do today, you really think you are the boss after a few nice words?"

"You can even sell your life cheaply, I think you are worse than those low-class prostitutes and actors!"

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