Necromantic Myth

Chapter 386: Snowstorm (2/96)

  Chapter 386 Blizzard (296)

The power of the reverse storm is not the most powerful, but it is the best to use right now, because Ryuzhi found not only the suffocated Hennaga rushing here, but also the underage Hennaga over there. Also rushed over.

  This time, Ryuzhi's reverse storm happened to blow over there. Not to mention, the yellow sand still fascinated all the eyes of Heinaga.

When Liu Zhi moved like this, Kapoda and the others naturally understood that it was Liu Zhi who was looking for opportunities for themselves. They immediately surrounded the poisoned hainaga. In the case of four hits one by one, almost everyone only used it. With one move, he killed the Hennaga.

  The whole situation has changed at this time. Among the Hennaga, only the adult Hannaga has a good combat power, and the underage Hennaga is just enough.

  At the beginning, there were five adult Hennaga, and they were fighting against the five players here. If the players were to fight separately and the five Hennaga were one-on-one, then the situation would not be what it is now.

  After all, He Naga is not a murloc, and it is not so easy to die. In addition, underage He Naga will also come to make trouble, and the five of them may even be defeated.

   But now it’s different. With the cooperation of each other, Liu Zhi and the others easily killed the three He Naga. It is now time for them to siege the He Naga.

Capuda naturally saw this too. He immediately said: "Karishi go and kill the frozen one, Dorkat, you attract all the Heinagas together. What happens after Dak comes give it to you."

  After finishing talking, Kapuda shot down the Hennaga who was trapped in the reverse storm. The arrow was still a green poisonous arrow. When the arrow went down, the Hennaga turned green.

  Karishi rushed towards the hainaga that had been frozen in the first place after hearing the command of Capuda.

At this time, thirty seconds have passed, and the Hennaga finally recovered its ability to move, but the speed is still slower than that of ordinary people. As soon as Karishi rushed over, this Hennaga reacted. Quite quickly, she was just a shield-lifting action, which blocked Karishi's attack.

  From this point, it can be seen that Heinaga's own combat power is actually very strong, but they encountered an organized siege at the beginning, otherwise they would really have a fight with Liu Zhi.

  While Kalixi was fighting Heinaga, Ryuuji noticed that Dorkat had rushed into the counter storm he released.

  The shield held in Dorkat's hand screamed again as before, and Ryuzhi even saw a green light gushing out of the shield.

   seems to irritate the Hennaga who are trapped in the reverse storm.

  All the haenejas are underage, and they must be no better than normal hainagas in their psyche. Amid the screams of the shield in Dorkat’s hand, these haenejas all rushed over with their spears.

  Seeing Dorkat being surrounded by Heinaga, Capuda quickly said: "Blood!"

  Liu Zhi immediately used the thaumaturgy of gathering spirits, but this trick was for the undead to replenish blood, and the effect on living people was only two-thirds of the normal effect.

  Liu Zhi held the death staff and swiped upwards, but he could only pull Dorkat's blood line to a safe position.

  On the contrary, the mage Dak came to seize the opportunity of all He Nagar to gather together, holding his staff, and waving at He Nagar.

With this wave of   , Liu Zhi felt a cold wind rushing toward his face, and a layer of snow clouds appeared above Hainaga.

   Then from this snow cloud began to fall some ice cubes like ice cones, those ice cubes seemed to have eyes, and they pierced the Heinaga who surrounded Dorkat.


  Darklai said the name of the trick aloud, and held the staff high, guiding the effect of the blizzard.

  Under the guidance of Daklai, all the haenejas were affected by the blizzard. The ice and snow that pierced them were like steel knives, cutting the flesh and blood on their bodies.

  Those Hai Najia also understood that the situation was wrong at this time. They each thought of a way, some raised their square shields and blocked them above their heads, and some wanted to escape the range of the blizzard.

But Daklai will use the blizzard, where can they escape? Lifting the square shield has no effect at all, because the blizzard looks like a cone of ice falling, but it is actually a magical effect that can block a physical attack. The shield can't stop the power of the blizzard at all.

It is even more unlikely that you want to escape the range of the blizzard. In addition to the strong attack power, the blizzard also has the effect of freezing enemies. As soon as the cold wind blows, all enemies within this range will be frozen, although it is impossible. It's frozen to the level where you can't move, but it's still possible to slow them down.

  So no matter how these underage Hennaga flee, there is no way to escape the fate of being killed soon.

  On the contrary, when the blizzard fell, the adult Heinaga knew the possible ending. She simply gave up the resistance, grabbing Dorkat was a strong attack and almost killed Dorkat.

  If it weren't for Liu Zhi's eagerness to use the spirit-gathering thaumaturgy twice, Dorkat might really have suffered a big loss.

  But Dorkat also knows that as a main tank, he has to face such things. Being beaten is a trivial matter. The most terrifying thing is that others don’t beat you.

So when facing an attack from Hennaga, he raised the shield in his hand while holding a small axe at the nearby Hennaga and slashed there, trying to attract Hannaga’s attention. Go on yourself.

  Under two blizzards, all the haenejas finally fell.

  Liu Zhi hurriedly gave Dorkat another blood, and then he stepped forward to check Dorkat’s situation.

   put down the shield in his hand, Dolkart raised his head thoughtfully, "Doppka, I just say this shield is useful, depending on how stable my hatred is."

Doppka also nodded and glanced at Karishi's side. At this time, Ryuzhi had determined that there was nothing serious about Dolkart. He also turned his attention to Karishi for the thief's companion. Perform blood enrichment.

  Karishi doesn’t need to use Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy. After adding a blood-sucking touch to him, he can easily replenish himself with blood.

  In this way, the battle was almost over. Doppka looked at the corpse on the ground, thinking about how to open the corpse in his heart.

And Liu Zhi also saw the corpse of He Naga on the ground. He calculated that after the corpse was opened, if there was nothing good, he would take all the corpses down to see if they could be transformed into Naga, adding Take a look at your own empty combat power.

  (End of this chapter)

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