Necromantic Myth

Chapter 382: Game team (300 plus more)

  Chapter 382 Game Team (300 plus more)

  In a valley outside Fireblade City, Ryuuji, who had already handed over everything from the Hades to Amanite, carried the death rod, and stood outside a game landing point with Vidnina.

Yesterday, he received a message saying that today is the time to enter the game. At the same time, he also received a notification. Since the game is a small world, his city cannot be moved over, so he can only interact with other players. Same, on the road alone.

  Of course, as a necromancer, it's okay to bring some necromancers. Liu Zhi considered the situation in his Hades. Most heroes have their own tasks.

  It seems that Rusty Bone is patrolling the Kodo cemetery in all directions. Gerton needs to train the archer troops. As for Nasha, he is still dealing with the murlocs. Where can I follow him?

  Furthermore, for these people, Ryuzhi is just going out for a day, not as long as the time it took before Ryuzhi went to Fire Blade City, there is no need to worry at all.

  So in the end, Ryuzhi also brought a guard like Vidnina, but the players waiting over there brought some people more or less.

Seeing that Liu Zhi brought only one corpse soul naga, the players were also a little surprised. They all heard about Liu Zhi. Originally, this game was played by a few of their relatively familiar players. together.

  The sudden joining of Ryuzhi naturally attracted their attention. They were also a little connected in the guild behind Mark, that is, the Matrib guild, but after inquiring about it, they found out the record of Ryuzhi.

  Don’t say anything like killing a sludge monster. Liu Zhi also killed the subordinate of the mechanical murloc gangster Mechanical Shark Crazy Scale, one of the Big Three, Chibe, which made these players impressed.

  So these players have also developed a bit of comparison, wanting to prove that they are not weaker than Liu Zhi.

  For this reason, when Yanagi came over, they all took out their best things one by one, and they wanted to show it well in front of Yanuji.

  It is for this reason that they are a little curious why Liu Zhi only brought such an undead servant.

One of the green-skinned players who looked quite strong came out and walked in front of Ryuuji, "You are Sandru, my name is Dole Carter, and you call me Dole. I am a level 3 fighter. But it’s not a pure shield battle. You can’t become the main tank in the game. I will try my best to stay calm in this game, so we still have to cooperate more."

  Liu Zhi did not react for a long time, he did not know why Dorkat would say such things to himself.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's appearance, a player behind Dorkat also stood up. This player also had a green skin, but it was obvious that after he reached a certain level, he didn't use the fountain of strength to strengthen it.

After walking to Ryuzhi, the player said, “Hello, I’m Capuda, a level 3 heavy crossbowman, the commander of this small team, there may be things you don’t understand, so I’m here with Please explain, we were originally a temporary team, but since we are from a guild, we still deal with the cooperation according to the supplement and three DPS.

  You are a necromancer. According to the normal positioning, you have been arranged to fill the position. Generally speaking, Tan fill is the focus of cooperation, so Dole said that he should cooperate with you more. "

  Yiu Zhi came to understand. He pointed to his nose and said, "So I am a nanny?"

   "Nanny?" Capuda was stunned for a moment, and then understood the meaning of Liu Zhi's words, "Very vivid, your positioning is really a nanny, hahaha!"


Several other players also laughed. Liu Zhi only noticed these players at this time. Although all of them are greenskins, it is clear that they are not going the route of warriors. One of them is holding two daggers. Shrinking his body, it is obvious that he is a thief.

The other was holding a staff in his hand, and his body was enveloped in a breath like ice. This breath rose and fell with the green-skinned mage’s breathing. It can be seen that this one is walking the ice. A series of mage.

  When Ryuzhi looked over, they also introduced themselves. The thief was called Kalixi, and the ice mage was called Daklai.

  Although Liu Zhi is not a face-blind person, he also took some thought to write down these names.

  After the introductions were clear, Capuda called everyone aside and began to explain the world he was about to face.

  This time the world is a small world. This has already been said at the beginning, but although this world is small, it is not that simple. This world is a dreamland called Inararex.

  It can be said that the entire small world was dreamed of by this Inara Rex. This kind of dream has appeared several times before, and every time there was a problem in the dream, they received the news and went to deal with it.

  It takes about three to forty days to process each time, which is half a day when converted to real-world time.

   But half a day can give players enough benefits. Not to mention that some monsters that affect the dream of this big brother can get experience, but the reward given by the last big brother is amazing.

  I heard that there was a big deal in the dreamland, and finally the boss gave a legendary crystal. I heard that the crystal is still on the square in the main city of the Matreb Guild Space.

   "Can dreams also become games?"

  Ryu Zhi, who had heard of this situation for the first time, couldn't help asking.

"Of course it can. In fact, it's not just dreams, semi-planes, historical fragments, planes, and some seven or eighty-eight things may become games. The water in this game is very deep, and you can't even see it until you reach level 15. Clear the details of the game."

"Yes, in fact, I am not afraid to tell you that this small dream world in front of me is the dream of a game boss. We are not sure what the boss wants to do, but his dream appears once every six months. It’s not the same, and it’s good every time. From this point, you can see that when you become a big boss in the future, you can do the same thing."

With that said, Liu Zhi has a deeper understanding of the entire game. He also understands that the so-called big brothers should have reached level 15 or above. For the dreams of the gods, it is also very reasonable to be a small world alone. .

  At this moment, Capuda suddenly said: “The time is almost there, let’s go.”

  Yagiji looked along where Capda was looking, and found that an oasis in the wilderness appeared in front of him. Then his eyes went dark and he entered the game like this.

  (End of this chapter)

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