Necromantic Myth

Chapter 349: Smart Brain Joint Project (130 plus more)

  Chapter 349 Smart Brain Joint Project (130 plus more)

   "Well, I'll tell you that. This project is called the ‘Wisdom Brain Joint Project’. It is a genius design of our Goblin Research Group. We originally planned to build a Wisdom Fountain based on the design of the Power Fountain.”

  The goblin should be the designer or participant of this intelligent brain joint project. Anyway, when talking about this plan, he is like introducing the feasibility of this plan to people.

"Then why did it become like this later." Because his younger brother died in the hands of the silt monster, Mike didn't believe in this so-called intelligent brain joint plan at all. When the goblin boasted that the cowhide was about to break, he directly Sent back.

  Ryuzhi was purely watching the show there. Hearing this sentence from Mike, he also looked at the goblin curiously.

However, the goblin did not blush or look embarrassed. Instead, he said louder: "It was just an accident. We have studied it. The Power Fountain is made of corrosive blood full of power. The Wisdom Fountain certainly can’t. In this way, the wisdom fountain uses a brain full of wisdom.

  But they don’t believe my research plan, and they have to follow their route. This is unreasonable. I secretly added my design to this machine so that the machine becomes perfect. "

  Yagiji glanced at the water purifier in his arms by the goblin, where is this thing perfect?

At this time, the goblin seemed to have discovered something. He raised the water purifier and turned it up and down, and finally cried out unwillingly, "What is going on, my brain juicer, why is it missing? Who is it? I took down my design. Hell, it's no wonder that this kind of problem occurs. It must be that they add things to it indiscriminately. After I go back, I will talk about them."

  Don’t ask too much, Liu Zhi already knows the situation here. Maybe the idea of ​​the smart brain joint plan they started at the beginning is good, maybe it is for the goblin to design a kind of wisdom fountain similar to the fountain of power.

  But the strange thing is that every goblin has its own ideas and thinks that their design is the most genius design, and they all want to add their design to this intelligent brain joint plan.

  If you have the ability to design, it is natural to persuade others, but what do they do if they do not have the ability or the design itself is unreasonable.

  Like the goblin in front of you, with the convenience of the position, you secretly add your own design, or simply put the design on the ready-made machine when there is no one.

  The act of adding a stroke to this kind of person directly caused the entire design to deviate from the original trajectory. Finally, when the machine was turned on, the wisdom fountain they wanted was not produced. Instead, such a huge silt monster was released.

  In the beginning, the silt monster was not that big. The goblins at that time also organized a conquest against the silt monster, but after the goblin and some intelligent creatures died in the silt monster, the situation became different.

  No matter how this sludge monster was formed, it still absorbs the brains of intelligent creatures and transforms them into powerful forces.

  So the last sludge monster escaped, and finally formed a hegemon near Burning Blade City, and the goblins also had to issue mercenary missions, hoping that players could find a way to kill the sludge monster.

  Listening to what the goblin said, Liu Zhi pieced it together by himself, and when he brained up nearly a hundred episodes of the goblin infighting drama, he suddenly discovered that the goblin seemed to have given Mark and the others some drawings or the like.

  Liu Zhi couldn't help but asked.

   "What is this?"

One of the idle goblins turned his head and said: "Task rewards, in order to catch this sludge monster back, we released a quest. As long as we can kill the sludge monster and get back the intelligent brain combiner, we can design a for them. The basic system of a biological city.

  That is the most basic design. Of course, if they really want to transform a city, they still need to pay. "

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi was also taken aback. He pointed to the goblin and said, "Is it a mechanical city like the murloc?

"Similarly, the murloc side got our drawings, but they have their own engineers, and they don’t need our engineers. They always think that the success rate of our transformation is relatively low, which is simply slander. The 1% success rate is called Is it low? Look at how powerful my rhino chariot looks."

  However, at this time, Liu Zhi seemed to have thought of something. He said to the goblin: "By the way, is it your engineering stuff, as long as you see the drawing, you can magically change it."

  The goblin heard it, and his eyes lit up, "Do you have drawings? We also have drawings, but the drawings we want are all the drawings that are not available on the market."

   "Yes, I have a... gem hunting machine." Liu Zhi said as he looked around, only when he found that no one had noticed him, did he tell the blueprint he was holding.

   "Gem hunting machine, what is that?"

In fact, the so-called gem hunting machine is the design drawing of the gem hunting machine that Liu Zhi obtained from the last game world. It is just that Liu Zhi has not studied engineering, and has not studied in this area. Don't talk about it when you get the drawing. The magic changed, even if it was assembled, it couldn't be assembled.

  That’s why Liu Zhi never thought of going there. Now that he happened to meet some goblins, Liu Zhi naturally started talking.

  Listening to Yanagi's words, that goblin's face became more and more weird.

"A machine designed to find gems. This is a good idea. But I think your machine has some problems. It's not a big problem. But you must pay attention to this problem. A machine used to find gems, you don't even have the ability to attack, can you justify it?

In case the gem ran away, do you want to release a missile or something, so you show me the design drawing, I will help you change it, I don’t have anything else, I have a good missile here, I will give It’s named T-999, and you know it’s a very powerful missile. If you’re willing to use my missile, I can give you the right to name it. For example, let this missile be called the gem terminator. What do you think? kind. "

  Liu Zhi's face twitched, and the gem ran away with long legs. Your gemstone is so flexible.

I don’t want the goblin to say again at this time: "This is not possible. A gem hunting machine is not enough. I have a network connection system here that can connect several machines together so that I can search for gems on a large scale. I am going to call this system. It's called Skynet. What do you think? As long as you are willing to show me the design, I will give you the Skynet system for free."


  (End of this chapter)

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