After the 1997 NBA draft!

The Golden State Warriors chose to use the second pick to select a Chinese center, which instantly caused quite a stir!

Although this year's rookies, except for the No. 1 pick Duncan, are generally considered by the outside world to be a year of "low quality"!

However, using an NBA second pick to select a player who has never played a formal game and only participated in the joint tryout organized by the NBA! !

This is undoubtedly crazy!

More importantly, in order to get this second pick, the Golden State Warriors quietly traded the No. 1 pick Joe Smith, who had proven himself to contribute 18+8 data steadily the year before.

This is for Su? ? ?

At this moment, all the Golden State Warriors fans and even the fans of other teams were stunned.

More importantly, with Su Fan's explosion, some of his confrontational videos in the joint tryout were also leaked!

Although it looks "something", this is definitely the play style of "organizing the back forward".

There are even rumors that his team released before the draft: "I will not play the No. 5 position in a team for a long time!!!"

It can be said that the Buff is stacked up!

In the new season, will the Golden State Warriors build a team around such a "soft egg" floating on the outside line! ! !

"It's really crazy, the Warriors' new manager Bryan Colangelo!!"

The traded Joe Smith has already shouted to the media: "Wait for the new season, I must teach this kid a lesson, let the Warriors management regret it!"

Major TV broadcasts, well-known NBA commentators, and experts all expressed their opinions in interview programs:

"If the Golden State Warriors really like Su so much, they can wait until the eighth pick to take him!!"

"I have no idea why the Warriors' "cerebral hemorrhage" operation is for this, and they even paid a future first round for this, this year's No. 8 pick and the already played "The Golden State Warriors can continue to dive for the No. 1 pick next season, and can even play badly for the 76ers next season!" "I even doubt whether this Warriors manager is a spy sent by the 76ers or is he a fan of Allen? He actually sent the 76ers a point guard + a starting power forward + a future first-round pick, who may even become the No. 1 pick next year!" "Warriors fans will save money next season, and they don't have to go to the scene to watch the game!" Although the Golden State Warriors are not as powerful as the Los Angeles Lakers and Celtics, the basketball atmosphere is still very lively! San Francisco——————The fourth largest city in the United States, the financial center of the western United States, is known as the "Wall Street of the West", and has a series of well-known buildings such as the Golden Gate Bridge, and is close to the high-tech industrial zone "Silicon Valley"! It has a superior geographical location and a pleasant climate, and its prosperity can be seen! Therefore, fans have a lot of opinions and voices about the team spending such a big price just to get an inside player from China.

Team manager Bryan Colangelo is under a lot of pressure for this, but more of it is the expectation for Su Fan!

The best way to break doubts is to prove yourself with practical actions!


Charlotte Airport!


As the plane to San Francisco takes off!

After the draft, Su Fan officially started to report to the Golden State Warriors.


Three days later!

Oakland Arena!


Surrounded by ribbons and fireworks in the player channel!

Su Fan, wearing a casual outfit, a proper NBA version of a trendy man, walked out of the player channel.

"Hey, Su, nice to meet you!" Bryan Colangelo excitedly came to the basement to greet Su Fan.

"Hello, manager!!!" Su Fan also greeted.

"I've been worrying about you these days..."


After a deep conversation, the two took the elevator to the general manager's office.

After a brief communication, a rookie contract was handed to Su Fan.

3 years and 10.18 million US dollars (the first two years are rookie guaranteed contracts, and the third year is a team option)! !

According to Su Fan, Duncan's rookie contract is 3 years and 10.2 million US dollars!

In other words, he is 2 dollars less than Duncan! !

Bryan Colangelo stared at the slightly immature oriental face in front of him sincerely and said: "Su, I believe in your ability, and I believe that my choice will not be wrong!!"

At that time, Jordan's contract was 3 years and 30 million US dollars, which was different from the later generations who often saidCompared with the exploding contracts worth hundreds of millions, the current NBA has not yet become internationalized, and the salary cap has not yet been raised to a terrifying level.

The season salary cap for each NBA team is 26.9 million US dollars, less than 30 million!

It can be said that this rookie contract is full of sincerity!

"Sir, I believe your choice will not disappoint you!!!"

After that!

Su Fan signed his name in a chic manner-Su Fan.

Then the two shook hands and took photos, and the contract was officially signed.

Next, on the way to the jersey release conference! !

When passing through the Warriors Arena passage, pictures of Warriors legends were hung on the wall! !

Wilt Chamberlain [No. 13]; Tom Mechery [No. 14]; Alvin Attles [No. 16]; Chris Mullin [No. 17]; Rick Barry [No. 24]; Nate Thurmond [No. 42].

Championship trophy! FMVP trophies were listed one by one in the arena.

Su Fan was watching with great interest. This was the highest honor that all basketball players desired!

"Su, I believe your photo will appear here in the future!!" Brian Colangelo said to Su Fan.

Looking at the manager who trusted him so much, Su Fan was also quite moved for a moment.

Sometimes it feels great to be trusted!

The jersey release conference.

Su Fan finally chose the No. 3 jersey. There was nothing else. This was a number he always liked.

Under the media's guns and cannons!

Su Fan officially appeared holding the No. 3 jersey, full of vigor and energy! !

Facing a series of questions from reporters about Su Fan's position in the team in the new season, General Manager Brian Colangelo said: "Su is the absolute core of this team. We will build the team around Su!!!"

"He has unlimited firing rights~~~~~"


All the reporters in the audience were shocked.

Then Su Fan also said that he would lead the team to revival!

The media were shocked again, "Just because you are the second pick, you can do whatever you want?"

This was the unanimous voice of all the media who came to the scene.

To be honest, everyone was not optimistic that Su Fan could survive in this era full of "muscle confrontation" among the four centers.

Everything will be tested by time.......

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