Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 237 Poking The Defense, Doing Whatever It Takes To Win

Chapter 237 Poking Eyes to Defend, Do Anything to Win

The Clippers launched the first offense of the fourth quarter.

There is no change in the tactical choice, Zhou Yuan is still playing singles.

Continuous crotch changes to the back, using a rhythm change to pass Green.

Just when he was about to start to score completely, Green suddenly put his arms around Zhou Yuan's face from behind.

The huge palm directly slapped Zhou Yuan's face, and what's worse, his fingers poked into Zhou Yuan's eye socket.

As we all know, the head is the most vulnerable part, not to mention hitting the face directly.

No matter how strong Zhou Yuan's physical fitness is, it is impossible that it will not be affected.

The most important thing is that Zhou Yuan's eyes opened a slit, and the blood dripped down his cheeks directly onto the floor.


The referee blows the whistle, foul!

This scene of "July 47" frightened the fans of Zhou Yuan in front of the screen, and they even breathed out their sweetness at Grin.

"Made! Dirty! Hurt someone if you can't beat him, go to hell!"

"Green, I love you Immortal Banban!"

"Damn it! Go to hell, scum, trash, beast!"

Especially the Huaxia fans, they can't wait to go to the scene and depose Green.

First Zaza Pachulia stepped on Zhou Yuan, and now Green attacked Zhou Yuan's face, which completely angered Zhou Yuan's fans.

What's more shameless is that Green also explained to the referee with an innocent face that it was not his intention.

"Draymond's foul play was so dirty, it was totally directed at Zhou Yuan's face.

"This should be severely punished!"

The four people in the commentary were also angry when they saw this scene. Although Green's behavior was not as insidious as Pachulia's, his actions were also dirty.

The referee didn't even watch the replay, and directly gave it to a second-level criminal.

The NBA has clear regulations, attacking above the neck is a criminal, and if the circumstances are serious, it can be judged as a second-level criminal and directly expelled from the game.

Green's foul couldn't help but hit Zhou Yuan in the face, and even pierced Zhou Yuan's eye, which even opened a crack in the corner of Zhou Yuan's eye.

After the referee made this penalty, Green quit. He was still trying to defend himself, but the referee ignored him and still upheld the original verdict.

In the end, Green had no choice but to turn around and leave, but when he turned around, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and his goal had been achieved.

Not to mention the seriousness of Zhou Yuan's eye injury, but the open wound at the corner of his eye must be dealt with off the court. This is also the NBA's regulation to avoid wound infection.

Zhou Yuan covered his eyes with one hand and clenched his fist with the other. He was also extremely angry at the moment.

This is the most serious injury he has suffered since entering the league.

The team doctor of the Clippers also rushed up to treat his wound.

When Zhou Yuan moved his hand away, it was shocking.

His eyeballs were completely congested, tears were constantly flowing from the corners of his eyes, and obvious swelling could even be seen.

The blood in the corner of his eye was still flowing, and now, ignoring the injury to his eye, the bleeding had to be stopped. Zhou Yuan followed the team doctor towards the backstage locker room.

In the auditorium in the front row, Yang Chaoyue's face turned pale with fright, she was extremely worried about Zhou Yuan's situation, if she wasn't allowed, she would follow Zhou Yuan back to the locker room now.

As the game continued, Green's dismissal certainly had a certain impact on the Warriors, but as long as the Splash Brothers and Durant were there, their overall offensive ability was still there.

The Clippers were different. In this game, their offense almost all relied on Zhou Yuan. Once he was off the court, they would lose one of their strongest scoring points. The consequences can be imagined.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen just after the start of the fourth quarter."

"That's the last thing we want, Dellamond ruining the game."

"If the Warriors win the game in the end, I can guarantee that there will be a lot of criticism from the fans.

Michael Jordan is very upset right now, he doesn't think the Warriors deserve to win this game.

"I agree with Michael, even if the Warriors win this game, they are also the biggest losers in my opinion."

Barkley also echoed.

"I don't know how Zhou Yuan's injuries are. The corners of his eyes are nothing to worry about. Just stop the bleeding, but his eyes are very important."

"In this game, if Zhou Yuan fails to return in time, the Clippers will probably have to answer."

Not only the four commentators on the scene, but now the entire network is criticizing Green, along with Zaza Pachulia. 0

Sure enough, the situation on the field changed very quickly.

The Clippers' offensive efficiency has fallen off a cliff. Paul and Griffin can barely resist, but the point difference is gradually being widened.

In less than five minutes of the fourth quarter, the Warriors had already achieved a double-digit lead.

The Clippers' bench was silent, and they were ready to accept defeat.

Meanwhile, backstage in the home team's locker room.

The expelled Green and the injured Pachulia were watching the game, both of them showing sly smiles.

As long as this game is won, Pachulia's injury and Green's expulsion are worth it.

On the other side, the visiting team's locker room.

The team doctor has stopped the bleeding for Zhou Yuan, and is now stitching up the wound, but his eye is still congested, and it seems that it will be difficult to recover in a short time.

Zhou Yuan was receiving treatment from the team doctors while paying attention to the game situation. When he saw the Clippers trailing to double digits, his fighting spirit soared.

"Please hurry up, they need me."

As soon as this remark came out, the team doctors were dumbfounded: "Your eyes are like this and you still want to play?"

"The league's rules only stipulate that open wounds can't play, it seems that there is no rule that you can't play with eye injuries, right?"

Zhou Yuan's words immediately made several team doctors shut up. 1.6

They all know Zhou Yuan's temper, and no one can change the things he decides.

"You can play, but you have to protect well, and you must not get injured again.


With the last three minutes left in the game, the Warriors have opened up the point difference to 18 points. The game can almost be declared over, and the Clippers only have a theoretical possibility left.

At this moment, a figure walked out from the player tunnel of the visiting team, it was Zhou Yuan!

The camera on the sidelines immediately gave him a close-up. When the fans saw Zhou Yuan, they were completely overwhelmed.

In such a situation, Zhou Yuan actually chose to return to the game.

The fans at the scene were moved by Zhou Yuan's spirit, and they applauded fiercely for Zhou Yuan.

"My God! It's Zhou Yuan! Zhou Yuan is back on the court!".

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