Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 219 Backdrop Anthony Davis And Demarcus Cousins

18 points, 7 rebounds, 5 blocks.

Looking at Zhou Yuan's report card in the first quarter, Zhang Lili did not hide his joy.

"Not to mention, Zhou Yuan switched to the fifth position after his comeback. The effect is really good. His dominance in the penalty area is really like a super center!"

"On this single section of data, it is not inferior to the ancient beast Wilt Chamberlain, and even better."

During the intermission, the Pelicans were on the bench.

Cousins ​​sat on the bench with a depressed face and said nothing. He claims to be the number one center in the league today.

But in the first quarter against Zhou Yuan, he was suppressed throughout.

Not to mention scoring in the penalty area, even getting a rebound has become a luxury.

Throughout the first quarter, Cousins ​​only scored 2 points and 1 rebound.

If you just look at this data, you would think it was made from leftovers from the team.

"Don't blame yourself too much, that guy is indeed difficult to deal with."

"But fortunately we are only seven points behind, and we still have a chance to play well."

Brother Nongmei on the side comforted Kaoshen, but in fact he was also very anxious in his heart.

He and Cousins ​​are now considered by the fans to be the strongest inside combination in the league. If the two of them lose to Zhou Yuan under the condition of teaming up, it will really be embarrassing.

Although they have experienced two consecutive losses before, they are still stronger than their opponents in the interior.

So even if they lose, they won't be blamed too much.

This game is different, Zhou Yuan is overwhelmed inside, like no one is in the land, if they lose the game, it will be their problem.

"Next, we have to increase our defensive intensity, especially against Zhou Yuan."

"Anthony, you double-team Zhou Yuan with DeMarcus in the second quarter.

"As for Boo Rake Griffin, let Terrence limit it."

While talking, Gentry kept making gestures on the tactical board.

He decided to let go of the old Paul Pierce, even if he was allowed to vote, if he didn't make the shot, he would make money, and if he made the shot, he would admit defeat.

Soon the intermission is over and the second quarter begins.

Holiday hit the iron with a three-pointer from the outside, Zhou Yuan protected the backcourt rebound, and continued to hand it over to Paul to organize.

Outside the three-point line, Zhou Yuan and Paul came up with a pick-and-roll cooperation.

After the pick-and-roll, Zhou Yuan slid down the center line.

Paul habitually throws the ball towards the basket. If nothing else, this lob will be scored steadily.

But unexpectedly, the accident really happened.

Brother Nongmei and Kaoshen stepped forward to pinch Zhou Yuan, causing Zhou Yuan to miss the opportunity to take off, and the basketball fell directly out of the baseline.

"The ball was missed."

"Nongmei's flanking attack this time was very successful, if only Kaoshen was the only one, the ball would definitely be dunked.

"It seems that during the intermission, Gentry also made some tactical adjustments."

On the sidelines, Clippers coach Rivers frowned slightly, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Gentry.

At this time, the corners of Gentry's mouth were slightly raised.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with the defense just now.

On the next possession, Zhou Yuan received the ball in the low post, intending to continue to single Cousins ​​as he did in the first quarter.

But as soon as he got the ball, thick eyebrows double-teamed him.

The two men, one on the left and the other on the right, tightly surrounded Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan glanced at Griffin subconsciously out of the corner of his eye, but someone was defending Griffin.

Then there is no doubt that Pierce was the one who was emptied.

"Zhou Yuan is now double-teamed by the Pelicans, let's see how he will choose?"

As soon as the on-site commentator finished speaking, Zhou Yuan sent the ball to Pierce on the outside with a precise pass without looking at people.

Don't forget, he used to play the No. 1 position and was the best passer in the league!

Outside the three-point line, there is no one in front of Paul Pierce.

He glanced at the basket, made some adjustments and shot decisively.


There was a crisp sound of striking iron, and the basketball bounced out of the frame.

"Pierce is really old, and he didn't seize such a good open three-pointer."

Seeing Pierce blacksmithing, Zhang Lili was a little unhappy.

The basketball bounced high, and the four inside players under the basket huddled together and refused to give in to each other, all wanting to grab the rebound.

However, the ball seemed to be playing a joke on them. It landed on the edge of the basket, bounced to the outside line, and just fell into Holiday's hands.

Holiday hurriedly played a fast break and made a one-stop layup!

"Prevent it!"

"The Pelicans actually blocked the Clippers' offense for two consecutive rounds!"

The tone of the on-site commentator immediately became excited.

You must know that the current Clippers team is full of offensive firepower, and it is really very difficult to prevent them.

"See? This is the dominance of our box."

After defending the ball, Cousins ​​finally had the confidence to counterattack, and he began to challenge Zhou Yuan.

"It turns out that the dominance of the No. 1 center is based on double teams."

"Wow! You are really amazing!"

This wave of irony from Zhou Yuan made Cousins ​​shut up immediately.

The ball returned to the fast-out team, and Zhou Yuan was still asking for the ball in the low post.

Brother Nongmei double-teamed the past immediately.

But this time, Zhou Yuan was ready.

Facing double teams again, he did not choose to pass.

I saw Zhou Yuan turned around sharply, first threw away Brother Nongmei, and then made a dreamy step. After picking up Cousins, he jumped up and completed dunks with both hands!


"Zhou Yuan actually completed a dunk under the double-teaming of two all-star insiders. This is definitely the most exciting shot of the game!"

"Anthony Davis and DeMarcus Cousins ​​are the backdrop at the same time!"

The on-site commentator was hooked.

This powerful dunk made the entire Staples Center fans erupt in an instant!



They started shouting the slogan of MVP, Yang Chaoyue glanced around and shouted too.

"Too strong! (Good Zhao)"

"Zhou Yuan is really too strong, facing both thick eyebrows and kaoshen at the same time, he can still play so calmly.

"This scene of a dragon fighting two tigers is really wonderful!"

Yang Yi and Zhang Lili were completely stunned by Zhou Yuan's operation, and there were exclamations of exclamation in Teng X Sports' live broadcast room.

On the sidelines, Pelicans head coach Gentry was still proud just now, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so soon.

However, he thinks this is purely an accident. As long as Davis and Cousins ​​defend carefully, it should be no problem to restrict Zhou Yuan.

However, in the next round, Zhou Yuan used fantasy footsteps to continue to cause damage inside.

Although there was no direct score this time, it caused a foul by Cousins.


The baseline umpire's whistle blew, Cousins ​​fouled, and Zhou Yuan got two free throws.

Zhou Yuan walked to the free throw line and made two free throws.

Letting him make free throws is equivalent to giving free throws!.

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